Travel agency review Тез Тур Турагентство (Odesa)

Holidays in the Emirates

Date of purchase: 11 october 2013
Written: 23 october 2013
Travel agency: Тез Тур Турагентство (Odesa)
Service type: пакетный тур

does not report. As a result, not even a spoon was poured into a barrel of honey, but a 3 liter jar of tar was poured. The next day, the tour took place, BUT the bus and guide were not Tez Tour (and how does this compare with security guarantees about which tourists are categorically warned in a memo or when you can’t, but you really want to, you can?), although to be honest, there wasn’t much difference with the first excursion (when there’s nothing to tell you spin anything). Now it’s more interesting. hotel (not to be confused with sellers of fur coats, furs, etc.). This is the official guide on the staff of the hotel, he sits at the reception on the left at the entrance, a young guy from Uzbekistan naturally speaks Russian well and, most interestingly, the same excursions that Tez offers Tour from the hotel are much cheaper. for two, an overpayment of $ 120 and when exchanging impressions with tourists from Russia who traveled from the hotel and we make no difference, the question is why pay more, especially since the quality (and, accordingly, safety) is not guaranteed to you even for a higher price? I would like to hope that our most unpleasant case will be taken into account by the management of the Tez Tour company and appropriate conclusions will be drawn on the organization of the work of guides, and in the field of pricing policy, look around the guys around, there are many young and courageous, and taking into account your quality, the clientele can be lost. no complaints, but this is our Soviet mentality (but believe me, these times are gone)

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