Travel agency review Ту Би Тревел (Kyiv)

People, run away!!!!

Date of purchase: 16 november 2015
Written: 26 november 2015
Travel agency: Ту Би Тревел (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Planned a vacation with the help of this company. The price for the tour of interest turned out to be 500 UAH higher than that of the Joint Up company, and we, of course, chose the second company. Upon our return, we saw in our messages AND ON THE PAGE IN THE SOCIAL NETWORK an angry message that we are rednecks, that we are the last bastards who do not care about their karma at all and a bunch of pleasant wishes. Instead of self-improvement in the tourism market and competent communication with the client, only nonsense that a plane over Egypt was shot down by a UFO and a bunch of shit!!! People, run away from them!!! If you refuse the services of these... you will still be damned!!! The worst agency in Kyiv!!!

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