Travel agency review ФЕСТ ВОЯЖ (Kyiv)

You are on our Tour - Nobody

Date of purchase: 03 may 2018
Written: 22 june 2018
Travel agency: ФЕСТ ВОЯЖ (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

The offer bribed the price and the tour, in principle, was made sensibly. Basic camping commitments have been met. Now about the unpleasant: the bus was quite old and the transforming seats were only designed for very small Chinese and children - the indignation of the entire group of tourists knew no bounds, especially on the first night - the "sleepers" below suffocated from suffocation and extremely limited space, at the top - they suffered from drafts from above, everyone risked the fact that the structure was flimsy and was about to collapse. but there is nothing to do - we are already going on tour. It turned out that it was necessary to take a pillow and blankets, but this information was not sent to me by e-mail. Instead of an excursion on the road on the bus, we had to listen to the constant showdowns of the guide Natalya Mamanchuk with tourists about the additional payments for the tour, which she collected during all 14 days of the tour (!) from all tourists when she ran out of personal money, apparently motivating this by the fact that you have to pay off campsites and pay for gasoline! in this regard, an atmosphere of discontent, indignation and abuse reigned in the bus. the fact that she took all her family and friends with her and created the best conditions for them was unpleasant, while tourists were served according to the residual principle both on the bus, where all "their own" slept in spacious 2-4 local places at the beginning of the bus, and during accommodation in campsites, check-in which had to wait for 2-4 hours. Morning stops at gas stations for 2 hours (!) did not please either. In Venice, the guide's son, Natalia, was 2.5 hours late for the bus - everyone else was there and waiting for him to deign to return - we all also really wanted to see the sunset in Venice, but we were all in a hurry, and no one would have been waiting for us. . . The extreme personal disorganization of the guide Natalia led to the fact that in Naples we parked not far from the landfill with clochards (!), The whole group walked around the city for a long time to the station, in the heat for 2 hours (!) We ran around the Naples railway station, trying to find where buy tickets for Sorrento, Pompeii and Vesuvius, and it ended up with nothing, and no one went anywhere. then we were looking for the entrance to the metro for a long time and where to buy tickets for the metro, we passed the stop, it turned out that there was a strike of metro workers and we had to get out. Then the tour is no more than an hour - and walk wherever you want. 4 daredevils nevertheless independently took tickets from the port to about. Capri, taking a guide with them, and returned to the bus 2 hours later, because before it was impossible. Everyone had to wait for them and had to settle in the next campsite at one in the morning. We planned all subsequent excursions ourselves. I think my review could be confirmed by the whole group of 45 people.

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