Travel agency review Эрос (Kharkiv)

Caution - travel agencies book tours without the knowledge of their customers

Date of purchase: 19 june 2013
Written: 21 june 2013
Travel agency: Эрос (Kharkiv)
Service type: пакетный тур, экскурсионный тур, отель, авиаперелёт, оформление визы, оформление загранпаспорта, другие услуги

There is an advertising thread of the user VVK (travel agency "Tatiana") on our travel forum. Vetka is already 5 years old and judging by it, the agency is simply wonderful. 06/19/13 I went there and everything that happened to me after visiting stated in this thread, but the review miraculously disappeared!

I will repeat my review in a separate thread.

How can you ruin a reputation earned 19 years!!

I was looking for a tour to Egypt and drew attention to the current thread of the forum. I searched on my own, applied to various agencies and today I decided to go to the Tatyana Travel Agency, where VVK works.

Good location (near metro), cozy office. We met okay. They served professionally: they quickly picked up a tour, explained the profitability of the offer.

But when it came to the price: behind VVK there was a poster like - "Ask for a discount, you get into the manager's pocket" (understanding this as a rule of the company, I did not ask a question about the discount).

Immediately I was offered (quite insistently, but I did not pay attention to this) to leave photocopies of passports in case I want to book a tour through them. And then I made a mistake - I gave a copy of the passport.

Having received information for reflection, I left the travel agency without leaving ANY obligations and without giving either verbally or in writing any booking instructions.

I liked the offers, but I decided to ask the price in another travel agency, which had already consulted me a month ago, offering discounts.

This travel agency made me a more interesting offer both in terms of accommodation and money. Having received consent to book the tour, the manager started booking. AND SUDDENLY IT FOUND OUT THAT THERE IS A RESERVATION FOR MY SURNAME.

Bewilderment, looks at me, questions like: “Have you already booked a tour somewhere?” A call to Pegasus and the answer: YES, a tour from the Tatiana Travel Agency has already been booked for YOU (but I DID NOT GIVE instructions !!!).

I called the head of VVK with questions, but how they changed her, a completely different person. Answer “I saw from you that you would not return, so I made a reservation. And if YOU want me to cancel the reservation - come back and pay 200 UAH. or book a tour with us, we will make it cheaper!!!”

And so on and so forth…

Then VVK starts calling me with accusations that I went to another agency, they spent time on me and again offer to resolve the issue for 200 UAH. or registration at them round with discounts!!!

And now questions for VVK:

YOU live in another state and YOU are not covered by the "Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights" in terms of the imposition of goods (services)?

If YOU have a paid consultation (which I have not seen in any travel agency), then post the PRICE LIST at the entrance and do not forget to mention this in your thread.

What right did YOU have to use my passport data without my permission and instructions?

What right, without my knowledge, did YOU record OUR conversation on the recorder?

After talking with these "decent people" I was soldered with Corvalol.

These are bare facts. And conclusions, members of the forum, draw your own.

Maybe I'm wrong. And blackmail is already the norm in the tourism business?

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