Travel agency review (Kharkiv)

Excellent, reliable travel agency with a wonderful team!!!

Date of purchase: 13 march 2015
Written: 12 november 2015
Travel agency: (Kharkiv)
Service type: пакетный тур, оформление визы, оформление загранпаспорта

Somehow, a couple of years ago, I decided to apply for a passport. On the advice of friends, I turned to TOP TRAVEL. I liked the attitude of the team towards the client so much that when it was time for a vacation, I went to TOP TRAVEL without hesitation. The girls gave me a great vacation! Therefore, I went on all subsequent trips only with their help. A feature of TOP TRAVEL is a friendly, caring team that understands the needs of customers. And that's not to mention the wonderful prices for tours! I will definitely contact TOP TRAVEL more than once, which I wish everyone))

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