Travel agency review (Kyiv)


Date of purchase: 21 may 2015
Written: 27 june 2015
Travel agency: (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур, экскурсионный тур, отель, авиаперелёт

Hello! I want to inform you that we were treacherously "thrown" by Join Up, namely the guide Larisa in the OAU. On the day of departure from the hotel, the transfer did not come home for us, which was supposed to take us to the airport. We had to withdraw money for a taxi from a Ukrainian card with a crazy commission, and look for the right terminal with two taxis, which naturally paid for two taxis. We barely had time to check in the flight, all this time we had to endure incredible stress .... And the guide Larisa did not even answer phone calls, no one answered the hotline number that was indicated in our fax about departure either .... How is it possible if we didn’t decide to take a taxi ourselves, no one would have come for us, we didn’t get on the flight we paid for, we would have to buy tickets again, and who would pay us all this if there is no money, and who will reimburse us withdrawn money for two taxis from a credit card? And the stress and tears experienced???I strongly DO NOT recommend Join Up!!!People, think carefully when you encounter Join Up and guide Larissa when traveling to the UAE!!! Shame on the guide Larissa in the UAE (her phone number is 0528996317) Shame on your Join Up!!!!

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