Travel agency review 4 сезона (Zhitomir)


Date of purchase: 20 july 2009
Written: 19 june 2013
Travel agency: 4 сезона (Zhitomir)
Service type: другие услуги

I read reviews about the Zhytomyr company "4 Seasons" on different sites (even on your own: about the rest itself is good, but about the organization - bad) - mostly BAD - and this is CORRECT!

The well-known expression - “The hunchbacked grave will correct” implies, of course, not the disappearance of the hump on the back, but the fact that they will already be silent about the bad traits of his character and ugly deeds, because we don’t speak badly about the dead ... .. This is so - philosophy…. But after all, "4 seasons", Alas, LIVES AND LIVES ugly, as evidenced by the reviews of tourists.

My sister and I, like many other gullible vacationers, used their services a couple of years ago, BUT, I’m sure that those people, like us, after the vacation “organized” by Okomelk (then there was no name yet), VORDED TO HAVE WITH THEM SOMETHING IN COMMON (and we tell others to this day). So, we went to the Crimean Nikolaevka, the collection was at the "Electrometer" (I still had a beautiful business card - expensive at that time - with gold and a green bus, which read: director Okomelko) for a long time). Instead of leaving in the morning, we, tourists and those seeing us off, were waiting for a bus that was coming from abroad and got into an accident on the way, i.e. I went to be repaired, right up to the evening !!! Then, on this really broken bus (the top was damaged, because the bus did not fit under some kind of bridge, as they said) - all the hatches and the TV were knocked down - we drove off. At night without hatches - cold, many then fell ill !!! We arrived in the morning, got off the bus, we were standing, we saw some kind of trash .... In general, we don’t know how this Okomelko negotiated with the bases, but no one was waiting for us there .... They began to give away our money in a panic: they say, look for housing yourself, and we will arrive in 10 days .... And they were!!! It is clear that we met with the group only upon departure (after all, everyone lived in different parts - how lucky!), the bus, as it was out of order, arrived like that, the way back, except for the next dose of illness, did not bring anything (and in the same place and there were a lot of kids.

Everyone's nerves were on edge, everyone was talking about the court, but, as often happens, work, life ..... You see, after how many years I write about this ... It's just that the map lay down - today there is time and an appropriate mood ...

IT WAS!!! TRY POSPORTE, MR OCOMELKO! Probably even now you shudder in horror from the then human anger - after all, you can’t erase the memory with an eraser, although ... if you have a conscience .... Although, as I see, the years of work have not taught you anything, judging by the reviews of people (the good ones are, of course, your managers are trying ... They don’t get paid in vain ...)

It would be better to fix your “humps”, otherwise you have not yet left the swamp of communication with tourists, and already imperceptibly found yourself in another, no less smelly, which is called “incorrect business conduct” (I read your dirt poured out on competitors - STUPID And AGAIN YOU "MINUS"! And with the mud poured by you, "OST WEST" were in St. Petersburg, "Universal Tour" - for these May holidays in the Carpathians - the rest was organized flawlessly, incomparably with your organization described above).

What kind of fashion we have - Ukrainians: IN MY OWN EYE I DON'T SEE A LOG, BUT IN THE OTHER'S EYE I LOOK AT A MOTE ....

Here is the epic (from the word “it was”!) The end of the HUMP-BED “4 SEASONS”, WHO READ - GOOD FELLOW (MADE CONCLUSIONS)!

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