Travel agency review ANEX TOUR (Kharkiv)

Feedback about the travel agency ANEX TOUR

Date of purchase: 13 january 2019
Written: 22 february 2019
Travel agency: ANEX TOUR (Kharkiv)
Service type: пакетный тур, отель

I was very dissatisfied with this agency. There were small incidents, and not all information was provided. The visa is paid, and they have a separate counter, where they even sold visas at inflated prices. The guides are not very friendly. Our hotel guide was absolutely not friendly, he was always absent from the place and we always had to look for him and wait. It's good that all flights were on time. The transfer was also good, I was satisfied with it. I was not satisfied with the fact that we flew to the holidays, and a gala dinner is supposed to be there, but they didn’t tell us anything about it, even though I found out. And then they set a very high price. We decided to book excursions ourselves via the Internet, because the excursions that the guide offered us were again at inflated prices.

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