Travel agency review Anex Tour Туроператор (Kyiv)

The lowest prices and the same quality

Date of purchase: 23 june 2018
Written: 24 july 2018
Travel agency: Anex Tour Туроператор (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

Of all the options on the market, they provided the best offer for the tour. But! The quality of the services provided is very low. The hotel was definitely not inspected, otherwise, an adequate tour operator would not use its services. Involved guides, neither fish nor meat, during excursions instead of historical facts, tell where you can buy something and take it to shops where they receive kickbacks. When you see this in Egypt, you close your eyes, but in Cyprus it looks pathetic. Excursions are significantly more expensive than those of local Russian-speaking travel agencies, but no benefits were noticed. No important information was received from agents, except for information about transfer and departure.

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