Travel agency review BS Travel (Simferopol)

How bs travel threw us

Date of purchase: 15 august 2013
Written: 06 december 2013
Travel agency: BS Travel (Simferopol)
Service type: пакетный тур

My husband and I have been living together for 7 years in a civil marriage, we decided to sign and go to the city of my dreams - Paris. Back in August (check dated 08/15/2013) - they paid 5290 UAH. for the "French Kiss" tour and planned to sign in the registry office on 12/07/2013, and on 01/05/2014 - our wedding tour from the company bs travel should begin - from 01/05/14 to 01/11/14. Yesterday they wanted to send the whole package of documents, they started calling ... they wanted to go to their website ... and ... oh! HORROR ! there is no website ... there is no connection on their phone ... and the bs travel company itself, apparently, no longer exists ... My husband and I are HYSTERIC ... after all, the tickets have already been bought ... even sign in the registry office got overwhelmed with us ... they postponed their wedding day, because moral trauma and material damage - they don’t let me sleep peacefully ... we feel deceived ... and they stole my dream of Paris from me (I was intensively going on a trip for three months ....) If there is at least some chance to punish the scammers, I will readily join the claims of all those who have suffered from these scammers!!! Donetsk. Victoria Baranova

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