Travel agency review Coral Travel (Kyiv)

Feedback about the travel agency CORAL TRAVEL TRAVEL AGENCY

Date of purchase: 31 march 2019
Written: 24 may 2019
Travel agency: Coral Travel (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур, отель

They helped us even more quickly, everything was taken care of, and they formalized everything. But we had a rescheduled flight, if we flew from Egypt. The flight was postponed even to the bottom, but we weren’t disappointed at all, but on the other hand, we were even more happy for one day without a hitch. The operator, who accompanied us on the job, was Join Up. The guides gave us cica and excursions on how to call us, and we were honored. Vidpochinok appeared kindly, we were in the grip. We plan to fly again with a cim agency at the next hour, and then to Turkey.

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