Турфирма DAV Club

Lviv пр-т Чорновола 63, к. 209
(097) 5015854, (050) 3127887
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Kyiv бул. Др.Народов 7, оф. 11 (m. Lybidska)
(044) 4518606, (044) 2388388
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Travel agency rating:


DAV Club is bad!

traveled  11 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Tourists and travel agents Warning! "DAV club" spits on its customers! Maybe it's for the best that our relationship with the DAV club tour operator did not work out from the very beginning. And the beginning of the journey, as you know, begins at the office of the travel agent. In this case, it was the network brand "Come with us!" Should they be blamed for ruining their vacation or not - rather NO.

"Two in one: Krakow + Prague"

traveled  12 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Good day to all! A week ago, my friend and I returned from the tour "Two in One: Krakow + Prague" (operator DavClub). My friend was on such a tour for the first time, and indeed abroad, so she looked at the beauties of the Czech Republic with wide eyes, and did not pay attention to the "everyday" little things. I, as a fairly experienced tourist, decided to write this review not because I want to criticize the operator company, but because, perhaps, thanks to my review, the company will be able to avoid such mistakes in the future and tourists will be able to save their nerves and strength.

Tour 'Magnificent Italy'

traveled  12 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Tour - full G... the fun began even before crossing the border - they handed out A4 sheets to everyone - and write a supposedly receipt that you will adhere to the tour program and spend the night only in a hotel according to the tour program! To the question - and if we want to take a walk at night, or go to a night club - the answer was - we inform the embassy, ​​the police, etc.

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