Travel agency review DAV Club (Kyiv)

DAV Club upset

Date of purchase: 19 april 2013
Written: 10 june 2013
Travel agency: DAV Club (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Tour: "Krakow and Prague: two in one"

Travel time: May 25 - June 1

Transport: bus

Route: Kyiv - Lviv - Velichka - Krakow - Prague (+ optional trips to Krumlov, Dresden, Karlovy Vary) and back :)

The trip was our second bus sightseeing tour. Last year we went with "Accord" - the conditions are approximately the same, but the DAV Club upset with one unpleasant nuance, but first things first.

No comments:

1) the head of the group - Vadim - smoothed out all the troubles, had time everywhere, competently solved the difficulties that arose.

2) guides in Krakow and Prague, Irina and Slava, - well done! They love and know cities, they talk about them with interest, they build excursions competently, thanks to which tourists have time to see everything and even a little more :)

3) hotels - classic "triples", did not cause much enthusiasm, but there are no serious comments either.

1) the visa was issued on Friday, when leaving on Saturday. Despite the fact that the documents were submitted for a month and a half.

2) the main disadvantage and a very ugly move of the Dove Club - according to the program on the 7th day, departure from Prague was supposed to be at lunchtime, we had to cross the border at midnight and be in Lviv around 7-8 in the morning, 18.00 in Kyiv. But what we got - visas were open back to back, and we had to cross the border before midnight, so the check out from the hotel was at 7.30 in the morning! We were in Lviv at 2 am (very sorry for the tourists who had to spend the night at the station waiting for trains until 10-11 am). In Kyiv - at 11 am (similarly - tourists had evening tickets from Kyiv). Thanks to the guide, who made it possible in Lviv to change tickets for tourists who left Kyiv by train.

So, the travel company just stole our half-day in Prague! Which is just not right. I think everyone would have survived if they had been warned in advance about the change in the program. But on the other hand, it was these additional half-days that became decisive for us when choosing this particular tour ... Ay-yai-yai! Ugly :(

3) The bus is a disease of our "bus workers" - well, there is very little space ... Passengers with "slightly above average" parameters cannot fit at all.

TOTAL: the beautiful cities of Krakow and Prague smoothed out the unpleasant impressions, but in the future I will not cooperate with the DAV Club.

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