Travel agency review Happy Columbus (Kyiv)


Date of purchase: 16 august 2012
Written: 16 september 2012
Travel agency: Happy Columbus (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

Hello everyone!!! For the first time in my life I want to write a review about my vacation, I have never had such zeal and I have never had such a vacation either. I'll start with the fact that over the course of probably ten years, from the beginning with my parents, then with friends, and now with my husband and friends, we vacationed in Egypt, Turkey. Once I was in the UAE, but a beach holiday was still given preference to the aforementioned countries. Rested actually in pretty good hotels in Turkey, Orange County, Marco Polo, the Kremlin. Gathered this year in one of these hotels. In March, very successfully at a good price, they flew to the Emirates from the Happy Calumbus travel agency, and now they have given them an application for the selection of a tour to Turkey, but also preferably at a good price. In short, I will not paint our long selection of Turkey for a very long time, the prices did not suit us very much this year. Some of our friends refused to fly to Turkey for such a sum. And here is a call from the manager Yulia - you don’t want to fly to the Dominican Republic for the same money that you planned to spend on vacation in Turkey. I immediately freaked out. For some reason it seemed to me that this was a very expensive trip and I had never even considered that direction. In short, we quickly collected our friends and for 2640 USD. That is, from a couple we go to a distant and unknown Dominican Republic. (by the way, our Orange County for 12 days cost 3200) The flight was of course a deal, but we were ready for it. We chose the most budget hotel, Korabela Beach, and we also knew that this was not a super hotel. We arrived at the hotel very quickly, a Russian-speaking girl met us, explained that in the hotels of the Dominican Republic, tourists are accommodated at 15.00, and the rooms are released at 12.00. We were not very upset, visited the lobby bar and went to explore. The territory is huge, consists of buildings of various heights. Lots of greens. Three different pools. But all this is like everywhere - we hurry to the ocean. I will never forget such emotions! It was something incredible!!! What color HE was, it was something extraordinary, incredibly beautiful and powerful. My girlfriend even shed a tear .... For two hours we could not force ourselves to leave him, we had fun like children, we were simply overwhelmed with emotions. The room, like a room without frills, the travel agency immediately explained to us that if we want a more comfortable hotel, pay extra. But why do we need a room, if we have peacocks gracefully walking around the hotel, eating almost from our hands, and every morning waking up in this paradise, I count the remaining days with horror. The food is great, everything is there. Alcohol in large quantities, whatever you want. We drank wonderful Cuban rum - after all, Cuba is “across the road.” We went with animators to the city disco in the caves. Of the excursions, we visited Manati Park (you can go by yourself, it’s worth it), where we swam in the pool with dolphins, watched natives’ shows, parrot shows, shows with dolphins and fur seals, beautiful dances on horses - the day flew by so quickly. The excursion to Santo Domingo was not very pleasant, although it was very informative in terms of the history of the Dominican Republic. We traveled to Saonu Island on a catamaran, had fun, danced salso with the team. We swam with starfish, you can find huge shells with mollusks - very cool. They flew around the islands by helicopter, a little expensive, but it's so impressive. So to find fault with the hotel, as many do on the site, we simply did not have time. 14 days did not fly by, they swept by in a whirlwind. If after 10-12 days in Turkey I really missed my home, my parents, then here I just didn’t have time to do it. We said goodbye to the ocean on the last evening, my friend-cousin was crying again. We promised him to return, but on the other hand, from the side of Cuba, it is, after all, “across the road. . . . . . . . . . . .

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