Турфирма I Travel

Dnipro Улица Староказацкая, 22/1
(067) 5440048, (050) 4142824
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Travel agency rating:


Great job

traveled  8 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Children of school 97 in Dnepropetrovsk love to travel. The travel company I-Travel helps us a lot in this. The excursion tour to Vinnitsa (end of March 2016) was organized very comfortably, all wishes were taken into account, the hostel was chosen very comfortable, with a convenient location in the city center. Excursions are designed for the age of children, they did not get tired and absorbed all the information with pleasure.

The travel agency is cool) The young team makes good tours

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

We traveled with this travel agency to the Carpathians for the New Year. Vorokhta. We lived in a warm and cozy cottage. From a wooden frame, as in the picture. I liked this tour even before I bought tickets for my family, then we went by train. And this is a big plus. True, the train was not quite warm, but still good. The excursions on the tour were very interesting and not expensive.

Thanks for the good organization of the tour

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

This is not the first time I go to Europe, but when I found out that this company organizes tours to Europe under a Slovak visa, I decided to go, because Slovaks often put multivisas even under a regular tour. I was worried, of course, but everything went well. We were especially pleased with our accompanying Lidia Bliznyak, who, as it turned out, had already been to all European countries and tirelessly told us interesting facts about the countries and cities that we visited.

Excellent travel agency, professional team

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I want to express my gratitude to the tour operator "I-Travel" for a wonderful trip to Georgia. I will definitely recommend to friends and acquaintances to visit Georgia, Tbilisi. This city is amazing. He has a unique soul. Starting with its beauties, history, ending with amazingly kind and hospitable people! Although the road is difficult, you forget about it when you cross the border.

Do not go to Georgia on a regular bus!

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

We purchased the tour "Mega tour Batumi, Tbilisi" and since there were no seats on the transformer bus, we agreed to an additional regular "euro class" bus. What will happen to you if you follow our example: The bus turned out to be small, designed for 30 people, the group consisted of 22. The distance between the seats was less than 20 cm, it was extremely uncomfortable to sit, on the way there the air conditioner did not work in the bus, and for the last few hours there was a terrible smell of burning in the cabin, as we were told this were brake pads.

I'm happy!! Admiration has no chapel!! I advise everyone)) Irina

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

THANKS! Thank you for the wonderful 10 days of my life! It was an unplanned vacation, calm and without any hopes. It turned out that these were wonderful, fun and full of impressions days!! Thank you for such a tour. I have never seen bus tours to Georgia and then they accidentally gave me a leaflet on the street. I decided to go immediately. I was traveling alone, as a result I got a bunch of friends who made this vacation better.

I would not recommend this tour company to anyone.

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

In September, we went with this travel agency to Megatour Batumi. On the plus side, Georgia is beautiful and even i-travel could not spoil this impression. Of the minuses: 1. Disgusting organization: incompetent guides, constant changes in the program (in the direction of reducing the time of rest and the number of attractions), 1 * class hotels instead of paid 3 * 2.

I do not recommend anyone to use the services of I-travel

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

And Georgia itself is a wonderful country with very hospitable people!!!! I really want to visit it again, but not with this travel agency, of course. Have a good rest and impressions!

Mega tour in Batumi. Georgia is great. The company is not very

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I subscribe to every word in the previous comment. Family traveled on the same bus. When making the tour, I was even surprised by the speed and efficiency. Surprises began on the day of departure. To begin with, it was not worthwhile to promise all fifty passengers a transforming bus, but to provide an ordinary scheduled "Kharkov-Odessa". People are counting on something when they buy a tour.


traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Took this tour with my wife! Georgia is amazing!!! But there are many BUTs, and these have nothing to do with Georgia, but relate to the organizers of this tour. Well, let's start from the beginning: 1) A EUROCLASS bus - ha, well, if a bus with a non-working air conditioner and a non-working TV is a EUROCLASS, then you can skip this item. It is also possible that you were promised that there will be a toilet - for future tourists, it is not there either.

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