Travel agency review I Travel (Dnipro)


Date of purchase: 01 july 2017
Written: 02 october 2017
Travel agency: I Travel (Dnipro)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Dear travelers, I also decided to write a review, I write them very rarely, and as practice shows, if we were satisfied with the trip, then no one writes a review, everything seems to be clear, but if we are not satisfied, or rather, we didn’t get what expected, then our reviews will be all over the Internet. This is a simple emotional human factor. I went to see if there was a review of the hotel I was interested in in Egypt, and somehow threw me at the I-Travel company. I traveled with this company 4 times (this is not one time !!). It was a transformer bus twice, but I will return to this later. it became interesting what and how, because this summer I was also on the Balkan Mega Tour with this company.

So, when we plan our vacation, we turn all available information inside out, and only then make a purchase. Therefore, dear Traveler-2017, I can’t believe that you just took and bought a tour. And it was not only the fact that you were not in these countries that bribed you, and it’s so easy to go to the same Macedonia is not so cheap, but an attractive price for such a number of days and for such a number of countries! You are very lucky that the travel agency bought train tickets for you if the route has changed, because. you will know that the tour operator has the right to change and cancel flights, in my practice it was such that instead of landing in Kyiv, it was transferred to Lviv! And we had to take the tickets ourselves, not to mention the fact that the date was postponed more than once, and the train tickets I bought had to be returned and new ones bought !! And then they did everything and you are outraged. Weird.

And the fact that there were tickets for your group at different ends of the train, then you could solve this problem in at least two ways (1. exchange with passengers, 2. buy tickets yourself). The fact that the escort did not answer you is certainly not the most pleasant moment. I can't argue here. And the fact that you waited for the bus, then situations happen in the opposite direction .. In my memory, it was that the train was delayed and the whole group was waiting for 4 tourists for 4 hours. If you have traveled around Europe more than once, then you know that there are stops every 4 hours, I traveled with the Accord many times, so I will tell you, it was such that we drove for 5-6 hours without stopping, no one was indignant. As for this tour, we were immediately warned that the sanitary stops would not be quite European, we were ready, we took both dry and wet wipes with us. Stops for food are always provided only AFTER NIGHT MOVING!

Another oddity of yours, the feeling that you have traveled by bus for the first time))) Let's return to the transforming bus. When buying seats on the bus, avid travelers DO NOT focus on the seats that are indicated in the info sheet, they usually ask which side and which row, because. each bus may have a different layout and there may not be an indication of numbers at all .. Once again, I am inclined to believe that this is your first time on a trip. You are lucky that the bus was laid out, because It is FORBIDDEN to ride in Europe lying down! This is not Ukraine, not Belarus and not Russia. And if there were empty seats, then this is an indicator that the bus was not full, and therefore it is not clear how you could not find a place for yourself ?? We had a full bus, and there were enough seats for everyone, yes, for the first time it took a long time to pack, change, laugh so much that then they couldn’t sleep, and for some reason you have a huge problem with free seats.

So, I was on exactly the same tour as you, some moments are similar, only you found negativity in everything, you went for comfort, which DOES NOT happen on a bus tour, you need to fly by plane, only the price !!! little attractive. If I didn’t like breakfasts, I simply didn’t go to them, if I didn’t get a group for an excursion, I had a great time myself .. Usually they go for impressions, see other countries, enjoy nature and beauty. Having read your review to the end, I did not find any useful information, only that for you personally there was no OL INCLUSIVE. Dear Travelers, before buying a bus tour, you should be prepared for the fact that usually no one offers TEA-COFFEE on the bus, but on the contrary they write that it is not available! That stops on demand are on the street and even without a hole.

The concern of the escort is for the guide to be on the planned excursion, and not to show where the beach is and how much the sunbed costs. For this tour, we left at 14-30, as we were getting ready for a long time and were warned that there were passes ahead and we would climb high into the mountains, that it is better to go when it is light outside, since the road is narrow in places and this is for our own safety. You, Traveler-2017, most likely do not know anything about safety, the main thing is breakfast, toilet, homemade meals at stops, films and seating spread out all over Europe. What, in principle, does not happen in such a volume)) All the drivers in I-Travel are great professionals!!! Thank you so much that all 4 times that I was on a trip with you, I always returned home, that there were no extreme situations, that they always quickly went through customs, that all issues were resolved, even bags were not often checked.

As for cleaning the bus, if the travelers didn't litter, it would be clean. Rarely does anyone take garbage bags with them, for some reason everyone believes that they are obliged to give them. And finally, we didn’t have an excursion around Bucharest in our info sheet, it’s strange that you had it. And we did not stop at Skadar Lake, thus we arrived earlier than you in Montenegro, and were satisfied, whoever really wanted, he organized and went there on his own, only from Montenegro. I think that those other tourists turned out to be smarter)) it’s a pity that you didn’t support them. Sometimes it pays to listen. Travelers!! Bus tour is emotions, drive, adventures, new acquaintances. Look at everything easier, do not bother with ordinary consumer needs, because you don’t buy a tour for this and go on a trip, especially if it is more than 10 days.

No one promises that it will be easy, there are many people in one bus, each with their own character and pretensions, as well as a long journey, and often these are just buses, not transformers. Get off at all stops, even if you don't want to use the toilet now, go anyway, it's just advice, because the next stop will be in 4-5 hours or on demand on the track (no hole, in a bare field), and then there won't be such reviews and so much negativity. Do not forget that the main thing is to see all those new places that you have chosen for your trip and return home unharmed!!!

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