Travel agency review Kraina UA (Kyiv)

Terrible organization, or rather lack of it

Date of purchase: 24 august 2019
Written: 25 august 2019
Travel agency: Kraina UA (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

On Independence Day, a tour to the Sorochinskaya Fair was purchased. It is not clear what the organization of the tour was and what the money was paid for. In addition to the transfer (relatively normal, thanks to the driver), there were no more services. At the technical stops that were carried out at gas stations, there was physically no time to stand in line for the toilet, not to mention buying food and water, for the simple reason that several tourist buses made technical stops at the gas station at once (each with about 50 people). That is, a tourist who got up at 5 in the morning, reached the landing site, simply does not have a normal opportunity to satisfy his physiological needs on the road. Arriving at the place you are simply, roughly speaking, planted in a field and then you go along the shopping malls of Troyeshchyna (the fair is generally a separate topic for discussion, in short, the organization of the fair was worse than the organization of the tour). The tour operator could at least take care of organizing a group trip to different parts of the fair at different times, for example, a snack, a master class, etc.

For the same amount of money, another tour operator provides the following program: "Lubny - Mgarsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery 1619-Great Sorochintsy - Spaso-Preobrazhensky Church 1732 - the tomb of the Apostles; the house of doctor Trokhimovsky, where Gogol was born; free time - Sorochinskaya fair - Mirgorod - Assumption Church of the 19th century; Gogol's characters around the Mirgorod puddle; a walk around the territory of the resort "Mirgorod" (you can drink and draw water)

Return to Kyiv: 21.00 at Vyrlitsa metro station, including civilized technical stops. We, in fact, arrived, went out among the field, then after 4 hours they took us back, we did not see any historical monuments, we could not participate in master classes and just a normal snack and go to the toilet.

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