Travel agency review Tango Travel Туроператор (Lviv)

Have pity on yourself - choose another tour operator!

Date of purchase: 30 december 2018
Written: 15 january 2019
Travel agency: Tango Travel Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: пакетный тур, экскурсионный тур, отель

Tour "New Year's weekend in the Czech Republic". But God forbid, once again, go somewhere with this travel agency.

- do not work: toilet, TV, radio (well, or at least some music). At all.

- the microphone made terrible noises, so in most cases our guide was talking to herself or to the first half of the bus.

- Wi-Fi was only in Poland.

- the Euroclass bus (from the times of the USSR) was equipped with 40 seats. When trying to move the chair from a sitting position to a "lying" position, some turned out to be simply not working. Someone's seat fell off, someone's lever did not work, etc.

- in its place during landing, I generally found someone's garbage, that is, before serving it was not even removed or cleaned.

- from the hatch on the ceiling, water dripped onto the passengers throughout the trip, but we were told that this was the "norm", just condensate.

- on the way, a mirror flew off the bus (!), hit its side and flew out onto the highway. We drove further with the feeling that the bus would fall apart before returning to our homeland.

- you can, in principle, not stutter about the distance between the seats, by the number of seats in a single-tier bus you can already guess that those who lie in front lie on the legs of the passengers behind them. There are 2 night crossings on the tour: only owls slept (sleep standing up) and those who got used to not waking up every 10-20 minutes from shaking.

2. Drivers.

- knowledge of roads, tours, parking lots, etc. necessities = 0. For you to understand: we spent 40 minutes spinning around Krakow in search of a parking lot. She was on the map, everything is ok, just the drivers did not know how to get to her. The first time they go, it happens.

- if we start counting the accidents that we somehow miraculously managed to avoid, then about 20 will accumulate. For 4 days! They didn’t let a pedestrian through there, in another place they almost knocked down a cyclist, while we are looking for a way out of the city - we block intersections with our bus, interfering with the normal movement of cars. The most terrible case is to go to the red (!) in front of the tram coming towards us (!). Thanks to the adequate drivers of the countries hosting us - they managed to slow down.

- the drivers said that they have 21 working hours + for some hours the bus should just stop there. The next phrase: "I work only 9 hours, it's not my problem, where do you want to go there." Simple calculation for two drivers: 9+9=18, how to get 21 working hours? How is the tour program calculated and how to get to the places specified by the tour if the driver is already "out of work"?

+ plus to the karma of the driver, who on the way back turned on music from his phone to us and distributed Wi-Fi in Poland. Yes, the Internet, apparently, was not provided at all.

3. Organization of the tour.

- I’ll just say right away that the bus was supposed to be served at 11:00, landing before 11:30 and departure. Boarding began at about 20 minutes, we generally left only after 12. Suspicions were already creeping in.

- to get through to managers - it is simply unrealistic. Callers received very eloquent answers (sarcasm) or stupid silence. Then the agents just dropped our calls.

- We stood at the border for 5 hours. The first thing we heard after passing it was "we are not going to Krakow, we do not have time." According to the tour program, we were supposed to be there all day with excursions, but we were in a hurry to go somewhere else. A riot on the bus helped us knock out an hour and a half walk around Krakow at night. That is, we still managed, which is strange. Also here: 40 minutes to find a parking lot and the news that "transfer to Krakow" - 5 euros. According to the tour program: we are brought to Krakow, and the transfer to its center is 5 euros. Those who refused such a transfer were to be dropped off at Auchan. The driver did not find either Auchan himself, or the entrance to the Auchan parking lot, so the transfer took place for everyone. And there were just too many such nuances.

- half of the excursions offered by the tour simply did not exist (5 were carried out / 10 were announced), although I chose the tour precisely because of the rich excursion program.

4. The leader of the group, he is also a guide.

- sometimes it seemed that we were taking her to another, new country for her. Not a single word during the trip about any sights or features of the countries. No information, only when and where collection.

- to all complaints, requests, etc., the reaction was the same: ignore. I was sitting in the center of the bus, right by the door in the middle. Not only did it freeze me every time during the stops, because the door did not close, it was not weakly blown there even during the movement. To my complaints and requests to somehow help in an attempt not to catch a cold in my neck, back, etc., the guide simply turned around and left.

- maybe the guide should not know the languages ​​of all the countries in which he accompanies us, but at least English - one could learn at a decent level.

- on the last day, in Dresden, the guide said that the bus would leave without those who would be late. She will write an act of non-appearance and all her problems will be solved. And if something happened to a person: to look for him or at least call him - this, like a campaign, will unnecessarily strain her.

- a hotel for three to nine lands, in the village. Getting out of there on your own would be impossible.

- we had to wait at least an hour for check-in, the hotel seemed not to expect us to arrive and the guide and staff were looking for rooms for us on the go.

- almost every room had a hairdryer and a TV, but there were no pleasant little things like slippers, shampoos, etc. The towels were of questionable freshness.

In general, the hotel was really good.

There are a lot of impressions from the trip, but specifically from the travel agency and the tour - negative, because on my return I had to lie for a week with a temperature under 40. I can recommend this company only to masochists with good health and extra nerves.

Z.Y. 2 stars in the review - this gift, and not to the tour operator, but to local guides who really tried and gave positive emotions from the trip. They really thank you very much.

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