Travel agency review Travel2sea (Mykolaiv)

Feedback about the travel agency Join up! to travel

Date of purchase: 24 september 2018
Written: 05 november 2018
Travel agency: Travel2sea (Mykolaiv)
Service type: пакетный тур, отель

The service from the agency was good. But the Join up tour operator is a different story, I didn’t like this company at all. Our departure time was at 00:10, since we are from Nikolaev, we had to buy in advance

tickets to get from Nikolaev to Kyiv, the whole day is in Kyiv, in order to fly out in the evening. In the end, we are told that we are flying the very next day, and not at 00:10, but at 12:40. Imagine ... they warned me a day in advance .., and I have to "stalk" around Kiev for 2 days? Firstly, we are losing money on tickets, and secondly, we can’t take normal tickets anymore, only the top seats on the train remain, and I’m disabled, I walk with a cane and how can I climb onto the second shelf? It turns out that we hand over these tickets, we go inexplicably, sitting, we arrive, as a result, the flight is delayed for another hour. I believe that this is not serious on the part of the tour operator. I understand that the flight was delayed by 2 hours, as it was when we flew back, but in order to delay the flight by 13.5 (!) Hours, I believe that this is no longer within any framework, just not within any. And yet, I ordered a ticket from this tour operator in advance, we couldn’t fly, and we immediately abandoned this tour, without penalties, for 1.5 months, the agency told me that they would return the money to us within 4 weeks, on July 14, the tour was paid for, and we still don’t see the money, then we bought the second tour, and now I have a question why it was impossible to credit the payment for one tour as payment for the second, if they already had my money, why should i pay again? But, nevertheless, it was so. So that we ever again, at least once, or that I recommend this company Join up to at least someone - never!!! It's already November, but there is no money, and they say "it will be sometime", no one even says when they will be, they say "wait,,,". I was ready to wait 4 weeks, but not 4 months!!! , and how much longer it will last is not clear ... And yet, on the way back, we were supposed to fly away at 03:40, at night, and flew out at 17:00, it turns out that those train tickets that were ordered for the return trip, disappeared .. At least they warned in advance, because it was possible to warn that the departure would be later ?! Then we could at least have been able to buy other tickets .. or book a hotel, and so we had to sit all night at the station, wait for the morning to go home ... Therefore, never! I would never recommend flying with this company.

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