Travel agency review Voyage De Luxe (Kharkiv)

You need to look not only for a good company, but also for a manager!

Date of purchase: 28 april 2014
Written: 27 june 2014
Travel agency: Voyage De Luxe (Kharkiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур, оформление визы

We went this year with "Accord" to Hungary. Made out in "Voyage Deluxe", Tatyana Sidorenko. The trip and preparation for it went flawlessly, for which many thanks to her.

We contacted this company through the Tourist Exchange, i.e. Tatyana found us herself upon request. Together with the main package of documents, we needed to submit additional documents for a visa so that not a one-time, but a double-entry visa was issued. Tatyana warned that it was almost impossible, but agreed to accept the documents and explained everything in detail on our questions. That's why we chose her. The visa, by the way, was given a double entry.

Now we are going to go to NG with the same "Accord". I am writing to Tatyana by mail, continuing the chain of earlier messages:

- Will you be on Mon, I want such and such a tour to NG. Why such expensive visas - 800 UAH?

The answer comes:

- We are working, come. Why is it so expensive - the program and prices will change.

And at the bottom is a signature with a different name (Julia).

I wrote that there was probably a mistake here, I didn’t understand anything (after all, the program cannot influence the price of a visa), but I asked about visas. And will Tatiana be on Mon?

They wrote to me: "No, Tatyana went on maternity leave."

And that's it. Well, I don’t know, maybe such communication is normal for someone, but it’s somehow strange for me ...

Those. a stranger appeared in my correspondence, who began to communicate with me in someone else's dialogue, without even introducing himself. For each client, the situation is always unpleasant when the consultant to whom he is used to leaves. But the new manager didn’t get to know me, didn’t warn me that now she was instead of Tatyana, and didn’t even answer my question about visas ... In general, I doubted the new manager, I don’t think that we would “work together”. Although the agency is not bad, but I already had a feeling of misunderstanding. Now I'm looking for another manager and another agency. Again through the Accord Tourist Exchange. And in Voyage, as a regular customer, they promised me a discount on a new tour. But that was Tatyana :(

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