New Year story 3. Aeroflot... Thank you... You're cool!

11 January 2014 Travel time: with 10 January 2012 on 17 February 2012
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In some stories, I sometimes come across very unflattering reviews about air travel. Moreover, often, people write that the airline ruined almost their entire vacation. I sincerely sympathize and understand. But due to the fact that when the flight is uneventful, people do not even mention any good, I decided to write about how an airline can turn even problems into a real delight.

On the day of departure from Vienna, the fog was such that when I looked out of the window of the sixth floor of the hotel, I did not see the ground. It was clear that it was not destiny to fly out on time, but our group was evicted from the hotel anyway, put on a bus, and he, with sin in half, got to the airport. All flights have been canceled or delayed indefinitely. But, nevertheless, we passed passport and aviation control and ended up in the duty free zone, where, besides us, people from canceled flights to Bucharest, Paris, Budapest and something Scandinavian sat sadly. Apparently, too, tourists who were asked from the hotel. As I understand it, local passengers simply did not come to the airport. There were about 100 of us and, oddly enough, no one complained about the delay. Somehow everything turned out well.

Approximately half of the passengers are mostly women of different ages who came to Vienna for a tour. Mothers with daughters, ladies - friends, grandmothers with granddaughters teenagers. They were happy to breathe some more of the misty, but nonetheless magical air of Vienna. From the side of their chairs came the chirping of the divine Strauss, Schubert and Mozart. On the exalted pathos of Hundretwasser's architecture. About broad strokes in the paintings of Kokoschka and von Defregger. The second half of ours is, on the contrary, mostly skiers who, for some reason, flew from Vienna, and not from Alpine airports. They were fine too. In the waiting room, there were tables at three points where big-boobed blondes poured Jä germeister tincture for advertising purposes. In cups of 25 grams, but the number of approaches is unlimited. In general, everyone was in business.

About 4 hours later, we and the French were offered drinks. And if the French received a bottle of Vittel, but we were given coupons. You could spend them however you like. If you want - take water, if you want - tea, or you can take very much beer or wine. After some time we were offered lunch. And if the bourgeoisie and Eastern Europeans got coupons for an eatery where there was nothing but hot dogs and hamburgers, then we were invited to a quite decent cafe. They gave me three tickets per person. It was supposed to be one voucher for the main course, another for tea and coffee, and a third for dessert. But many of the male half of the flight spent them on their own taste. Pivochko - Pivtso - Pivchanskoye. The people did not even notice that it was already getting dark. We have been sitting since 9 am. Everyone was fine. And even blondes with tincture. They obviously overfulfilled the distribution plan, and they probably never saw so much male attention in their lives. Therefore, when a young guy with an Aeroflot badge came and said that now we would go to a hotel, people were even surprised.

The luggage was given back to us. Those who wished could leave unnecessary things (skis) for storage at the airport. And we went to the exit. The first lady who went through passport control had a single-entry, short visa. And the exit from the country is already stamped. And so it was with most. In short, most of the people were not allowed back to Austrian soil. In principle, this guy from Aeroflot could end his concern for us on this. Like - I did everything I could, and then it's not my fault. So no. He went and brought the head of the airport border guard, and we were all stamped in our passports with short transit visas. The village inn where we were taken was quite good. Old cowshed or barracks. The building has been completely rebuilt and renovated. But, nevertheless, it is clear that this long building is 200, or even 300 years old. The owner, stunned with happiness, about the settlement of a hundred people at once, thoroughly prepared for our arrival. The tables were set. An animal was roasting on a spit. (I only saw this in old paintings).

When we sat down at the table, we were immediately poured wine into BEER mugs, and poured it as it went down. The food was simple but tasty and there was plenty of it. And as a bonus, two guys in leather shorts walked along the table and played all sorts of local music on harmonicas. And then it began... If the male skiers reacted coolly to wine (and it was just that alcohol did not climb after 14 hours of Jä germeister), then the tired ladies came off to the fullest. Wine flowed like a river. The accordion players intimately leaned over the ladies, winked at them and yelled their Tyrolean "Hollorio" not harshly, but quite invitingly to themselves. Noise, din, rumble. I remember badly. Fragmentary episodes stuck in my memory. Let's say a strict lady with string lips (I swear in a hat and a veil) reprimanded a hefty skier with a black eye that it was a shame! Visit all the pubs on Mariahilfer Strasse, but not visit any museum. In response, he clasped his head in his hands and mumbled something like - “Yes, sneeze-puff in my mouth, mother! Next time! Yes Yokarny Babai. All museums. I will visit! Mother! Promise". At the opposite end of the table, on the contrary, a skier was telling two women what heli-skiing, mogul and downhill are. And he accompanied his story with an active, characteristic gesture, which was very reminiscent of pilots from black-and-white films about the war.

Towards the end, when everyone was already well nailed, outrages began. Let's say a lady who got up from her chair to reach for a vase of pretzels was slapped on her bottom, grinning approvingly, by a drunken skier. The lady, squealing, reprimanded him that “Sir! This is bad manners!!! ”, but at the same time she looked victoriously at her granddaughter. The granddaughter, stunned by everything that was happening, judging by the expression on her face, dreamed of throwing off her glasses, blouse and chastity and performing some incendiary dance on the table for all these wonderful people. (Virgins at the age of 16 usually really like fsyaky bastards). Then we walked around the village, constantly losing each other in the fog. Then they sang by the fireplace in the dining room. Then we went to sleep. And many are not in their rooms. In short, one hundred new friends, satisfied with their lives, arrived at the airport in the morning. For many it was one of the best days (and nights) of their lives. So a hundred huge thanks to Aeroflot.

P. S. Like a fly in the ointment. In the morning, a silicone-botek grimza rushed to the airport in a taxi, which made a scandal, trying to steal from Aeroflot the cost of a five-star overnight stay in Vienna and a round-trip taxi. The arguments were as follows: I am a super duper, I can’t ride a bus with everyone and I don’t live in a hotel below five stars. Was sent.

I wish you a new year, if you get into trouble, then only in this way.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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