And it's all about her!

04 November 2014 Travel time: with 19 September 2014 on 19 September 2014
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My romance with her has been going on for five years! And even before meeting her and, especially after, there were others - no less famous and famous, majestic and democratic, urban and provincial, ostentatious and shy, romantic and mystical, harsh and cheerful... Each with its own history and character, culture and a mystery... Some liked it more, some less, but none of them let me go indifferent, each left its mark, echo, aftertaste... I remember them all and each one individually, and I want to return to many, and maybe more than once yet to come back. . . But with her!...

I want to live with her! I used to joke: “I will sell my Motherland for her! ”. But for some time now, this phrase has acquired a too personal and painful meaning, like a bare nerve. At least for me. So I don't joke anymore. But she…

Every meeting with her, even a premonition of a meeting, even a fleeting mention or a detailed description in someone's travel notes cause delight, awe, desire! The desire to get there again, to see Maria Theresa Square and the Hofburg, walk along the Graben and go to Stephansplatz (where you might be lucky and see the Stephansdom in all its glory without scaffolding or restoration curtains), see the performance at the Anchor Clock, and then take a ride to Schö nbrunn (after all, there is still a labyrinth that has not yet been passed there) or look into the Belvedere (even if you are not fans of Klimt, there is something to see there even without him), walk past the Town Hall and visit the people who live right there, in the park bushes, fat ducks confident in the future, gawk at the Parliament, or maybe admire the “Last Supper” (yes, the same one, only in a mosaic) in the Church of the Minorites or visit the Secession (suddenly there they again added to the sculpture of Mark-Antony golden lions! )

But there is also the famous Opera (or, in the disparaging comparison of Franz Joseph - "turtle"), and the cultural and educational Albertina, and the Treasury (which I still have not visited), and the whole Museum Quarter, which is worth spending 2-3 days, unless, of course, you are a lover of museums (I am, yes! ), And the cheerful Prater, and such attractive Heurigers, and cathedrals, of which there are a myriad, and parks, and streets, and houses (and not only the houses of Hundertwasser or Haas), and. . .

And her culinary traditions with the famous schnitzels (I beg you, do not eat them at Rosenberg, they are ordinary fast food there, spare no expense and go to Figlmü ller, where the history of the schnitzel dates back to 1905), magical coffee with cream (although I prefer regular black), Sacher cake (and not necessarily in the cafe of the same name, especially since there is usually a queue), and apple strudel, and...

And its shopping streets, including the democratic Mariahilfer Strasse and the fashionable Kohlmarkt, its markets led by the famous Naschmarkt, its huge shopping malls and tiny shops with an abundance of the famous Mozart sweets (although the real Mozart, they say, is made exclusively in Salzburg ), and delicious souvenirs (which are worth nothing but candied violets - Queen Elizabeth's favorite delicacy or magnets with the inscription "Austria is not the birthplace of kangaroos"), and...

She has many faces and guises, moods and undertones, surprises and surprises. And all of them are beautiful: the Schö nbrunn floating in the summer haze, and the September Stadtpark shining brighter than the Golden Strauss, and the Musical Advent in the City Hall, and the delightful aroma of the spring roses of the Volksgarten. And that's all she is! Vein!

And from the constant in our novel, oddly enough, only the beloved Elephant Sisi near the Museum of Natural History on Maria Theresa Square (on every visit I try to sip him by the ears) and coffee with dessert at Aida (usually opposite the Opera, but it also happens on Stephansplatz). Everything else changes, something repeats, much is still waiting in the wings... But throughout our five-year romance, she never ceases to attract, like a huge magnet. She is my "city-fairy tale, city-dream"!

Try and get closer to her! Maybe you'll like it? ; )

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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На Стефансплатц
Симпатяги :)
Эрцгерцорг Карл на площади Хельденплац в Хофбурге
Греческая церковь
Музей истории искусств - одно из зданий-близнецов на площади Марии-Терезии
Тот самый Милый Августин :)
В Старом городе
Собор Доминиканцев
Вид с башни на Стефансплатц
Пингвины в Стадтпарке. Выглядят, по-моему, слегка странновато - такое впечатление, что самого маленького тошнит ;)
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На улице Кольмаркт
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Грабен с Чумной колонной вдалеке
На площади Марии-Терезии
Фольксгартен (Народный парк)
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Мария-Терезия, за ней - Музейный квартал. Памятник был открыт лично Францом-Иосифом в 1888 г.
Стадтпарк (Городской парк), Курсалон
В Стефансдом
Эксклюзивное фото: памятник Марку-Антонию, к которому добавлены двое золотых львят. Кто добавил и в связи с чем узнать не смогла, но в таком виде памятник мне нравится значительно больше :))
Та самая
Сад кронпринца Рудольфа в Шенбрунне
Тихий уголок в садах Шенбрунна
Дом Хундертвассера
Фонтан Нептун в Шенбрунне
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И снова на Грабен
Фонтан Четырех рек или фонтан Доннера
Все тот же Стефансдом
Домовая Церковь в Верхнем Бельведере
Памятник героям Красной Армии, павшим при освобождении Вены
Фонтан у памятника
В садах Бельведера, на заднем плане Нижний Бельведер
В садах Бельведера
Львы при входе в Верхний Бельведер
Верхний Бельведер
По пути к часам
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Стефансдом и Северная башня Пуммерин
Вена с высоты птичьего полета, а точнее с Южной башни  Стефансдома Штеффль (72 м.)
Стефансдом и его Южная башня
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