Czech Republic - before Christmas.

18 December 2009 Travel time: with 05 December 2008 on 12 December 2008
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If there is an opportunity to go to the Czech Republic before Christmas, definitely yes! In Prague the atmosphere is just fabulous at this time - the streets are decorated, mulled wine and punch hot river, on the Old Town Square children's concerts in the evening - a touching action, bars and clubs also on the eve of the holiday, everyone is smiling and happy. You, too.

Home. They flew to Kiev-Prague without any problems. I wrote off in advance with the company that organizes transfers in the Czech Republic - they met me and took me to a hotel. The driver is a nice young man, then a couple more times used his services in Prague. Quite democratic prices - more than 2 times cheaper than our tour operators provide us with the same transfers.

We were at the PAV 3 * hotel at 9 am. The room was given immediately, in 10 minutes things were unpacked and - in the shower. At the reception they asked for the WI-FI access password, we call home - we arrived, already at the hotel, we are running to the city!

First of all, beer! My husband and I drank so much that day! ! ! !!

Next to the hotel is a small restaurant "U Matei Korby" - delicious inexpensive cuisine; dark beer, sliced ​ ​ beer, garlic soup, Vltava drownings, and the famous boar knee. . . Around a lot of old books with recipes in Czech- cool- very nice and cozy place with fun staff! We liked it, we had dinner there a few more times.

Then - forward to the Wenceslas Square - we look around, walk, go to the Passage - Wenceslas on an inverted horse, take pictures, go on. Hot sausages and a glass of mulled wine. . . We go down slowly to the Old Town Square. The famous Orla watch, together with the crowd, we are waiting for performances, photos, applause! Then we decide to drink coffee with cakes, I tell my husband, it will be expensive here, and he does not save on vacation. . . Well, 28 euros for double coffee, juice and a couple of cakes, probably not a deadly rate. . . But the Germans next to us looked at the price tag for a long time, but still refused such hospitality.

Upstairs - on the tower, by no means on the elevator! ! ! ! ! only on foot! City of red roofs. . . beauty.

We hung out - we tried roasted chestnuts (abomination) - as it is written - beggar's food (in our country in Ukraine it is translated as - food of the poor), so it is - just a colorful local attraction. Well, ticked, tried. Mulled wine - to warm up, bought a watercolor with views of Prague - prints are cheaper, but still the original is better. Magnets for parents and friends, and many other nice things.

We go further, buy tickets to the concert of organ music - every night there are many of them, the choice is huge. Then in the tourist info center we take a map of Prague, a lot of ads for concerts and events (all for free), again in a small bar we drink beer, I'm just dark! Delicious! And NEVER have a headache, not that after our spill. . .

We are moving towards the Charles Bridge - partial reconstruction, repair work, but it does not interfere at all. Jan Nepomuk - touch and you will be happy! nonsense, of course, but we also do so, have fun! We pass, inspecting the sculptures, the case is approaching evening, beautiful. On the left bank of the Vltava Mala Strana, Prague Castle, St. Witt's Cathedral and many other attractions, but we are not enough for everything today, so leave until tomorrow, and now we will reach the narrowest street in Prague with traffic lights - funny, we come across it sharply and by chance, then we go to the banks of the Vltava to feed the swans. Fat ones are not in trouble, they eat everything in a row. Even sharp spikes almost pinch off with your hands! We have a rest, we smoke - a sunset. It's time to go to the hotel on the sly. We can't feel our feet, but the impressions are just overflowing. Let's go back, shower and sleep. We will continue tomorrow.

Day 2. Breakfast, call home, and on.

On the Legionnaires' bridge we cross to the left bank - we go to Petrzhin hill. We go up on foot, in the park, not on the funicular. Charming, quiet, beautiful places - we take pictures. And here we are - upstairs. Then we slowly descend the paths to the Stroganov Monastery and Library. On the way we meet the same wandering Japanese as we do - please take a picture of us over Prague - the view is stunning! Then we have him too, we leave happy. The library is beautiful, but in my opinion, expensive. Next, we walk from the monastery to Loretta, it's easy to be stunned. The Little Country is mostly built in the Baroque style, and the Loretta Monastery is just a miracle. Then we move on to Prague Castle. Nationals. . . seven guards, the action is almost a spectacle. I take a picture next to a colorful frozen watchman, I smile, and he, poor thing, won't even turn his head, just sighs. Following me are the same people who want to capture themselves.

The first courtyard, the second courtyard, crowds of people, and - St. Vitus Cathedral! ! ! ! ! Slight shock from what I saw. I raise my head up - beauty. The queue to visit is unrealistic. We will lose time, no fun. We decide to come here again early in the morning specially (then I'll write, done correctly, not lost). Christmas tree and watch, I take pictures again, my husband laughs. We buy tickets to visit the big ring of Prague Castle. We inspect the Daliborka tower, my husband is interested in instruments of torture (horror), a ridiculous monument at the exit, cool, Golden Street, a toy, a wall, views from above. Awesome. The toy museum, going down the wall by a long staircase, came out. It's time to have a snack. We have a dense lunch, who cares - the most expensive lunch for two we had 40 euros in the Czech Republic. Beer again, beauty. We do not save on food.

Tired, no longer hungry, we go to the evening new city. Old Town Square, the main Christmas tree of the country. Lights, mulled wine, gingerbread - great!

On the stage a children's choir of Christmas songs and scenes, nativity scenes. Atmosphere is something! We walk late, a concert of organ music, I liked it. Only after drinking my beer, sorry, the bubble almost burst, and to go out in the middle of a wonderful singing is very inconvenient. That's why I didn't get all the impressions from the music. The husband laughs again. Paddle him. . .

Day 3. We walk around other parts of Prague, many streets. There is always something to see. Churches, museums. breweries. I dedicate part of the day to shopping - a little shopping. I love shopping, my weakness, what can I do. We went to the train station and bought train tickets to Vienna. I want to take the opportunity and see at least one eye. Then we buy a trip to Cesky Krumlov - we decided not to go, because the last bus from Krumlov to Prague is not 19 hours in the winter, but at 15 hours. Inconvenient, little time. So we bought a tour.

Leaving the city, the guide-pensioner in Russian for us and another couple, and in English for other tourists along the way constantly tells. It was interesting to talk to him about life over lunch, cool old man. Roe deer and some other animals run along the field along the forest. The roads are good, the trip is not stressful at all.

We drive up to Krumlov via Č eské Budě jovice - nature is changing, there is snow in some places, light frost. The architecture of the buildings is also changing - the proximity of the Austrian border (near Linz) is affecting. From afar we see the castle of Hluboka above the Vltava. Beauty! On the next visit to the Czech Republic (and we will go for sure, with my son for sure) we will see him too.

Here is Krumlov. Snowball, a stream near the stop. We go up to the castle. Slippery, however. We listen to the guide, take pictures. From above, the view of the town is amazing! We go to the center, lunch in a cafe is included in the price, standard, of course, but tasty and filling. Drinks canvas.

We are sitting at the table with a guide (forgot the name), talking about life in the Czech Republic - he is clearly happy, however, like all of them. A student from Brazil, who was with us in the group, says that she is frozen - and I'm her - who is driving in the same jacket in the Czech Republic? This is not sunny Brazil at this time of year! he laughs. So she walked in a blouse, hugging herself.

I buy souvenirs in Krumlov - much cheaper than in Prague. I trade and buy an embroidered tablecloth with Christmas motifs for only 40 euros, and in Prague they wanted to rip off a hundred from me. In the museum of puppets, I buy a sad Pierrot and my mother a Czech doll in a national costume, also cheap. The main thing is to deliver it without breaking it - it's fragile! Then we sit on a bench near the transparent river under the castle walls and feed the local colorful ducks. Cafe-clients, only us, snacks, beer, tea, coffee, complete relaxation. . . Departure. Arrived late, dinner, walks in Prague at night. Sleep - tomorrow is also a busy day.

Day 6. Vienna.

At 4 am we were followed by Sergei, the driver with whom we had agreed. 10 euros - to the railway station, put on the train, he says, all sorts of people roam here at night, then I'll take you to the departure. The station, of course, is still terrible, it is being reconstructed. We sit down, sleep, the conductor composts tickets, we go, we go, we go. Finally, 9 am and we are in Vienna. Bought at the box office for the day (the machine does not accept a card without a chip! ), Asked at the info center, where the subway and gallop!

At the entrance to the subway there is a special man in uniform, who for such unlucky tourists as we draw on our map, how best to pass to see the main sights of Vienna, see more, and in general answer any of your questions, in great detail and with arrangement. In my opinion, he is a polyglot - there were some Chinese in front of us, then he scratched in Chinese and did not wince! Everything, of course, is free.

Italian cafe - democratic prices, clean, friendly waiter, simple and tasty, the bill is 17 euros - fed up, rent from 20 did not take, my husband is very kind.

Street snacks - punch, sausages, mastiffs and other fast food are more expensive than eating in a cafe. Visit to the sweets shop - Mozart liqueur and candies (beaten, but still bought), Sacher cake and all sorts of garbage. It's getting dark, we can't feel our legs, we get to the station, fall on chairs and go to Prague.

Day 7. We wake up very early in the morning, coffee, bacon and cheese, rolls and walk along the morning Prague along the Vltava to Charles Bridge and to Prague Castle and St. Witt's Cathedral. Advice to all who wish to visit these places with pleasure - go EARLY IN THE MORNING! Charles Bridge - single passers-by, local photographers hold a photo shoot with models in beautiful ball gowns, quiet - super simple! At 8 o'clock we were already at the main gate of the Prague Castle - no one, the change of guard in sight.

Only in front of us with floor polishers washed the floor - the reflection of buildings, cleanliness, silence, no people - charm! And here we are in the Cathedral - a couple of people, and we calmly watched everything we wanted, without the hustle and bustle. We were photographed for glory, let's move on - the entrance to the City in the morning is free - no one, cool. We smoke on the wall, go downstairs, have lunch in a cafe, with beer, of course, the Internet is here too, everything is as it should be. There were a couple of shops left, I finally put it aside, a ring with a grenade on my finger and went to the hotel. The room was handed over in a minute, everyone is smiling at us again - come to us again (PAV Hotel), Sergei picked us up on time. Airport, goodbye. Flight without delays, flight without problems. I love to fly. And here we are at home, in Ukraine.

A year has passed, just at this time we were in Prague in 2008. Again I want to walk its streets, drink delicious beer, and breathe in the holiday atmosphere. During the week of rest I have never seen an unfriendly attitude, as many say.

Czechs are cheerful normal people. They want to live normally, work. However, like all of us. Only with us, unfortunately, all through. . .

This was our first trip to the Czech Republic. Will we still go there, because there are many countries where our foot has not yet set foot? Definitely, let's go on vacation with my son. Pulls, tightens like a drug. . .

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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