The mountain-lake region of Bavaria! (one)

27 June 2014 Travel time: with 05 June 2014 on 09 June 2014
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Mountain - lake district of Bavaria!

Sch? nau am K? nigssee - K? nigssee - Ramsau, Wimbachklamm gorge - Rossfeld-Panoramastrasse - Jenner cable car - Kehlstein (Eagle's Nest) - Marktschellenberg, Almbachklamm gorge.

A lot of detailed reviews have already been written about these beautiful places, so my review is as an addition to all the previous ones. And every time, looking at the photographs of the beauty of those places, I wondered: well, when will we get there? And so, having looked at the holidays for June, and it was June 8-9, in our opinion the Trinity and the Day of the Holy Spirit, plus a couple of days from vacation, and we went on a short trip.

I would like to write a little about the road, given the fact that some people drive their own car from Russia, others rent it ...Autobahn A3, many sections are being repaired, as a result, traffic is very slow, then A9, the same. On the way there, there were 5 accidents, as a result, the autobahn is almost blocked, out of three lanes everyone moves into one, you drive a meter, 10 minutes. standing, plus trucks, because we went there on a working day.

The road was very hard, more than 8 hours for some 600 km. When we were driving back, we decided to go through Stuttgart, albeit further, but by other autobahns, in the hope that there might not be traffic jams there. But at the entrance to Munich, we noticed that all the trucks (with a few exceptions) were parked, it was Monday, but a holiday. Not to say that the road was completely empty, but much freer, so the option to Stuttgart disappeared by itself. All this information with autobahn repairs can be viewed in advance on the Internet in order to somehow better plan your road and not waste time on traffic jams, but we were told about this already upon returning home, when I "complained" to friends about endless repairs ...

Well, now about the most beautiful places we have seen.

1. Sch? nau am K? nigssee, our accommodation is Haus Maibaum.

This is a small area in the very south of Bavaria with a population of just over 5.000 inhabitants. It was in this place that I was looking for a place to live.

After reviewing, as usual, hotels on booking. com, I did not find anything cheaper than 70-80 euros for a room in a more or less decent hotel, I decided to look for private housing. On this site I looked at rooms with breakfast and apartments:

http://www. koenigssee. de/

I wrote 11 requests, received 9 responses, 2 requests were not answered at all. By the way, apartments for our dates could be rented from 30.00 euros per day. Haus Maibaum was chosen from the available free options:

http://haus-maibaum. de. tl/Doppelzimmer--g-Gr. ue. nstein-g-. htm

Our room was called Doppelzimmer "Gr? nstein", besides rooms they also rent apartments. There are housing prices on the site, but you can bargain a little, they are inferior, maybe because the summer vacation season in Germany is not yet there, there are not so many vacationers in those places yet.

The house is located about 2 km from the lake, slightly under a small hill, in a very quiet place. Exterior of the house, in pure Bavarian style, free parking on the right side. The first door on the right is the owner's garage, and the second door is the main entrance to the house.

Inside, on the right, there will be a door to a small corridor that leads to our room on the 1st floor.

There is an adjoining small area with flowers, a swing ...we go around the house from right to left. In this garden there are swings for children, sun loungers, a little house of some kind, next to the wall of the house there is another table with chairs. And the house on the left is already a neighbor's house, apartments are also rented there.

Having bypassed this side of the house, we turn to the right, there is another table against the wall, flowers, sunbeds to speak, this is already our possession.

Since our room was on the 1st floor, we did not have a balcony, but there was an exit to the street from the other side of the house, to the inner part of the garden. There is a second exit from our room to the porch with comfortable chairs, in which we sat in the evenings with a glass of tea and admired the mountains, the illuminated Jenner cable car and listened to the silence. It is very quiet and calm here, occasionally the silence is broken only by the noise of departing / arriving cars.

I didn’t take pictures of the room inside, because we arrived late, at ten o’clock in the evening, but the next day personal belongings were already laid out, and I don’t like to show the rooms in this form. In principle, everything in it is like in the photos of the site. The bed is quite comfortable, a table, a closet, not a big refrigerator, it's really not big, about 50 cm in height, and 30-40 in width, for the first time I saw such a small refrigerator. There is a coffee maker, and all utensils towels, napkins and more. TV small and antediluvian, not included. The bathroom has a lot of different towels, a shower with a normal shower, which is especially pleasing, because I don’t like curtains sticking to the body. BUT! There were no toiletries at all: soap, shampoos, shower gel, etc. Either they forgot to put it in, or it was not provided. It was almost all the same to us, because I always have my shampoos with me, but in general, I would consider this a disadvantage.

We walk around the house. There are some more sunbeds on the lawn just opposite our second door, that is, they could sunbathe. And behind them there is a house, the hostess, Ramona, served us breakfast there, or rather in its open part.

To rent a room with breakfast in a private house, we had not practiced this before, it became interesting how it really looks. Here we tried, not bad, but the apartments will still be better and come out cheaper if you look well. The hostess asks when we should serve breakfast, and she will do it exactly at the desired time. Breakfast, of course, is rather poor, poor, especially for those who eat breakfast thoroughly. Everything is very simple: rolls, eggs, butter, cheese, sausage 5-6 thin slices, tea / coffee and juice, more jam. Since we left the house at 8:00 or 8:30 in the morning, we only drank tea, we don’t have breakfast so early, the hostess brought us foil so that we could make sandwiches and take them with us.

If you turn the corner of our room now, you can see a deck of water. Water flows from the mountains and is used for the garden and households. needs, you can’t drink it, according to the hostess of the house, although it seems at first glance very clean. Inside the deck there is a small tube below the water level, through which it flows through special pipes to the neighbors. Later, I saw such decks or similar ones in many gardens. Very conveniently invented, water the plants as much as you want and you do not need to pay for water.

This noise of water can be heard at night, because we always slept with the door open, but it did not bother us at all. On the contrary, it was very pleasant to fall asleep under his murmur.

The owners provide guest cards, which can be used to receive small discounts, for example, in parking lots, and they no longer apply to more significant ones, for example, when buying a boat ticket on the lake or cable car tickets. Well, in general, about housing and everything.

2. K? nigssee

All the necessary information on boats, stops, prices is on this site:

http://www. seenschifffahrt. de/koenigssee/fahrplan/fahrplan-und-fahrbetrieb/

K? nigssee or the Bavarian fjord is a natural lake created by mother nature, with emerald green water, located at the foot of Mount Watzmann. The lake is fed by waterfalls, mountain rivers, and the Saletbach stream, which flows out of the Obersee. Most of the lake belongs to the national park Berchtesgaden, protected by UNESCO and is the property of Bavaria.

Royal Lake, its name has nothing to do with the word king. Initially it was called Kunigsee, from the male name Kuno, then Bartholom? see, but then they began to call K? nigssee, the guide talks about this during the trip.

On one of the rocks, almost at the water's edge, there is a small red cross, which is set in memory of 70 pilgrims who sailed in a boat to the Church of St. Bartholomew in 1688 during a heavy thunderstorm. They suffered misfortune, the raft capsized, and they all drowned.

Now the movement on the lake has become much safer, in addition, there are as many as 3 life buoys on the boat. Two of them, however, are already reserved: one for him, as the guide says, and the other for the captain ...

On the second day after arrival, we first thing in the morning went to the lake. Nearby there is paid parking, after 17:00 it's free. This parking lot is very convenient for those who want to combine a walk on the lake and a cable car ride to Mount Jenner in one day, as it is located next to these two beautiful sights. Parking for the whole day costs 4.00 euros, with a guest card 2.00 euros. If there is no small money, and the parking meter does not accept others, there is a special money changer, or you can also change money in a paid toilet.

On this hot June day, there were a lot of people at the box office, tickets were sold on time, we got it at 10:45. A ticket to the final station of Salet and back costs 16.90 euros / person.

, there are no discounts on the guest card. My husband immediately went somewhere to take pictures of something, but I was sorry to waste time: let's go, I say, to the queue for the pier, they will let us through outside of our time, okay, but if not, then let's go for a walk. But the checker did not even look at the time, he just validated the tickets, and we went on the boat.

Previously, until 1909, people were taken across this lake in boats with oars, and starting from 1909, the first boats with electric motors appeared. Although a boat with oars can be rented to this day, when we returned back, we saw such riders.

Well, there were a lot of people, we were lucky and one place was at the open window, which allowed us to freely photograph all the crazy beauties of this magical place.

The steamboat makes 4 stops: the starting pier, Kessel on demand, quite a few people left our ship there, and not only those who went to the mountains, but also those who simply had a picnic on the shore there, sunbathed and some even swam. From this place there are different hiking trails, you can walk to the Jenner mountain, or in the other direction to the Gotzenalm. Then stop St. Bartholom? , we did not go out there, and the last fourth Salet Saletalm.

The one-way trip lasts about 1 hour, we expected to spend about 3 hours there, but five was not enough for us. During the trip, all sorts of jokes are told so that tourists are not bored, and only on the way there, and everyone goes back in complete silence, many, breathing in the cleanest air, from an excess of oxygen, fall into a sweet slumber. It also tells that Kö nigssee is the third deepest lake in Germany (after the Bodensee and Walchensee) - the depth reaches 192 meters.

It was formed as a result of the melting of glaciers during the last ice age, so the shape is a bit like the Norwegian fjords. In one place, before the church of St. Bartholomew, the steamboat stops, and the captain plays the trumpet, and the mountains echo, as it seemed to me, triple, I liked it, but not enough. At the end of the attraction, one of them with a glass passes among the passengers, as a token of gratitude, everyone throws various trifles there, I have not seen paper money. And the sailor played the trumpet in the same way in the old days.

So we passed the lake in its entire length - a little more than 7 km - and moored in Salet, then went to the Obersee. Near the pier there is a restaurant and kiosks with souvenirs, ice cream, water ...We cross the bridge over the very Saletbach stream that flows out of the Obersee and flows into the K? nigssee.

Obersee is also a natural mountain lake, only 110m long and 60m wide.

Despite the fact that it is not large, nevertheless, the average depth reaches almost 30 meters. Since 1978, it has been forbidden to fish in it, so now there are a lot of different varieties of fish in the lake.

Somewhere it was written that the whole lake can be bypassed in 15 minutes, and you can go from one end to the other only on one side, on the other - impregnable rocks. You can probably walk in 15 minutes if you skip. It must be said that the path along the lake is not paved, natural, earthen, rocky, with protruding tree roots, branches, knots ...Some stones stick out with their points up, even the numerous soles of those walking there could not polish them. Appropriate footwear is required.

It is also not possible to walk and look at the lake at the same time, you need to look at your feet, and there is always an oncoming stream, and you want to take pictures at every step, so we walked slowly, for our own pleasure, admiring and enjoying this unusual beauty.

In the southern part of the lake where we are heading is the Fischunkelalm. Closer to this place, not a big, but very rocky ascent begins, and then a descent. Many reach this ascent and return back. Those who, like us, decided to go further, slowly and carefully climb up, and then down in the same way.

Well, finally we reached the other end of this lake, different hiking trails also start from here, for example, to the waterfall R? thbachfall, the highest waterfall in Germany, with a drop height of about 470 meters.

The whole landscape around is just a joy to the eyes.

How nice it was to sit there, relax, take a look around, breathe in the mountain-lake air, take your time and not think about anything.

But no matter how much we would like to stay there longer, we still return back to the pier. On the way back, we didn’t photograph anything, we only admired this natural beauty.

Next we will have Ramsau, Wimbachklamm gorge.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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K?nigssee.  Вид с главного причала.
K?nigssee.  Вид с главного причала.
Уже плывём обратно по K?nigssee.
 Причал в Салет на K?nigssee.
Это тот самый ручей Saletbach, который вытекает из Obersee и впадает в K?nigssee.
Дорога от Оберзее до Салет.
Obersee. С другой стороны. Возвращаемся назад тем же путём, что и пришли.
Obersee. С другой стороны.
Obersee. С другой стороны.
И отсюда также начинаются разные пешеходные маршруты, например, к водопаду R?thbachfall, самому высокому водопаду Германии, высота падения воды которого около 470 метров.
Obersee. С другой стороны.
Это вот один фрагмент ступеней, по которым нужно будет идти к южной части озера Obersee.
Озёра  просто  необыкновенные.
 Баварские Альпы и озёра - это  просто рай для природного отдыха.
Obersee. Красотой и этого озера были просто покорены.
Obersee. Начинаем обходить озеро с правой его стороны.
Это тот самый ручей Saletbach, который вытекает из Obersee и впадает в K?nigssee.
Озеро K?nigssee.
 Салет Saletalm. Озеро K?nigssee.
 Салет Saletalm.
Схемы разных маршрутов.
Конечная остановка  Салет Saletalm.
Озеро K?nigssee.
Озеро K?nigssee.
Озеро K?nigssee.
Плывём по озеру дальше, до конечной остановки Салет Saletalm.
St. Bartholom?.
Вдали уже виднеется St. Bartholom?.
Вот такие электролодки ходят по озеру.
Озеро K?nigssee.
Озеро K?nigssee.
Озеро K?nigssee.
Озеро K?nigssee.
Озеро K?nigssee.
Плывём вперёд по озеру.
 гора Спящая Ведьма Schlafende Hexe.
Причал в Sch?nau am K?nigssee.
Идём дальше. Если завернуть за угол теперь уже нашей комнаты, можно увидеть вот такую колоду с водой.
А здесь нам хозяйка, Рамона, накрывала завтрак.
Обходим дом дальше. Эти лежаки на газончике как раз напротив нашей второй двери, т.е. на них можно было загорать.
Вторая дверь в нашу комнату.
 На этом крылечке в удобных креслах мы сидели по вечерам за рюмочкой чая и любовались на горы, на освещённую канатную дорогу Jenner и слушали тишину.
Вид с нашего крылечка.
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Обходим дом со всех сторон.  А стоящий слева дом, это уже соседский, там тоже сдаются апартаменты.
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Haus Maibaum.
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