From Rome to Dresden

01 September 2011 Travel time: with 18 September 2010 on 01 October 2010
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Tour "Italy - the taste of temptation" - from Accord

Travel time: 18.09. 2010 - 01.10. 2010

From Rome to Dresden

Again early departure at 8-00. Everyone got out on time this time. Transfer to Rome 290 km. At about 12 o'clock we arrived in Rome to the last Rebibbia metro station on the blue line. From this station we then in the evening went by bus to the hotel for the settlement. And now we all sit down on the metro train and go to the Termini interchange station, where we switch to the red metro line and go along it to the Vatican Museums.

The metro in Rome is very simple, with only two lines. It's easy to ride in it. A ticket for one trip costs 1 euro. The trains in it are old, ugly, all painted with graffiti, and there are also new, comfortable, yet clean. The stations themselves have nothing to do with our metro stations, they just look like dim tunnels there. And there are a lot of people.

We arrived at the Cipro station, and from there we walked to the Vatican Museums. We began to explore Rome from the Vatican Museums.

A guide to Rome, Irina, was waiting for us there. The whole group went to museums. Irina handed out headphones to us, we joined the queue that Irina had taken earlier, so we quickly went to the territory of the museum. Judging by the time of my first photo, we entered the museum at 13:00. I will not describe the tour of the museums. We walked along the entire route, visited the Sistine Chapel and left there stunned and a little confused by the grandeur of what we saw. Where it was allowed, I took a photo. From the museums we went to St. Peter's Basilica. The cathedral did not leave anyone indifferent. Greatness and beauty, it is impossible to describe, it just needs to be seen.

We left the cathedral, stood on the square in front of it, recovering from what we saw, drank holy water from the fountain on the square, admired the colonnade. After the museums we have 1 hour of free time.

We go to a souvenir shop and there I buy a book about the Vatican in Russian, with beautiful photographs, I think for 10 euros, as well as magnets. Then I also buy the book "Magnificent Italy" for 14 euros. It contains all the cities of Italy with a history and beautiful color photos. I am now revisiting these books with great pleasure, and they revive my memories of Italy. Then lunch at a nearby cafe, and again disappointment with Italian cuisine. Well, I do not like pasta, under any sauce!

After lunch, we begin a walking tour of Rome. Irina leads the group to the Angel's Castle, cross the Angel's Bridge to the other side of the river, and begin to study the history of Rome: Navona Square with three fountains, Column Square, the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, which is impossible to approach because of the huge number of tourists. But we show patience and perseverance, and now the photo has already been taken, and the coin flies into the water over the shoulder.

Further, our path leads us to the Plaza de Españ a. There, near the boat, our today's trip to Rome ends. The last photo near the boat was taken at 18-17. We say goodbye to Irina until tomorrow.

We have free time until 19-15 and we go up the steps of the Spanish steps, admire the view of the square from above, and then return back to the Trevi Fountain, its beauty does not let us go right away. On the way from the fountain back to the square, we notice a supermarket, we go into it and buy Roman delicacies and wine. Bought 300 gr. dried meat, it costs 18 euros per kg. It was cut so thinly that it turned out to be a whole hill. Then I regretted that I didn’t buy more, it was so tasty. We treated him to neighbors on the bus, they also liked it. After gathering the whole group, we take the metro from the Spanish Square to the parking lot of our bus and go to the settlement at the Alba Hotel Torre Maura 3 *, which is located in a suburban area. The hotel is cozy. There is a hair dryer.

Early breakfast, quite a decent buffet. Check-out from the hotel and departure at 8-00. Today we continue our acquaintance with Rome. In the morning we have an excursion "Rome-City of Emperors". This includes a visit to the Colosseum and the Roman Forums. We go again to the metro station, and then we take the metro to the Coliseo station, where Irina is waiting for us. We put on the headphones again and go to the Colosseum. Today is Saturday and the entrance to the Colosseum turned out to be free, so Marek returned us 5 euros for entrance tickets.

We go up to the Colosseum on very uncomfortable high steps, for the disabled there is an elevator at the end of the passage. We go around the Colosseum in a circle, a beautiful view from above on the Arch of Constantine, on the surrounding hills. The view inside the Colosseum captures with its dimensions and thoughtful location. Slowly, with photo pauses, we go down, once again the views of the arena from the bottom up and go down to the street. The tour takes approximately 30-40 minutes.

Then we go from the Colosseum to the Forums and begin to get acquainted with the history of ancient Rome. I may not have been inspired by this story, but my impressions were not too enthusiastic. One of our tourists said: "The ruins - they are the ruins. " Once was enough for me. I prefer living parks and palaces.

From the observation deck, I once again glance at the forums and climb the Capitoline Hill, the square with the Palace of the Signoria (town hall), the museum, and in the middle of the square there is an equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, here on a pillar there is a monument to the legendary she-wolf, and on the edges of the wide staircase there are equestrian statues two Dioscuri twins. This is where it got interesting!

On this wide staircase we go down from the Capitoline Hill to Piazza Venezia. And here it is in front of us on Venice Square: the snow-white "Altar of the Fatherland" with the tomb of the unknown soldier, the eternal flame and the guard of honor.

And in the center stands an equestrian statue of the first king of united Italy, Victor Emmanuel. How many times have I read about this complex, but in reality it was much more majestic and beautiful than in the photo.

After a short story by Irina, we have free time until 12 noon. We are now climbing the stairs to the upper platform of the complex, and from there we look at the Piazza Venezia and the surrounding area. Beautiful! A photo for memory against the backdrop of the eternal flame with a guard of honor and we go again to the Colosseum, where we again meet with Irina for a trip to Tivoli to the fountains.

For the first visit to Rome, we saw enough to understand that we need to come to Rome again, and for more time. Now we already know what we would watch again, and what we would also visit ourselves.

We take the subway again and go to the parking lot of our bus, it is already waiting for us. The weather is getting hot, it's good that you can take off extra things and leave them on the bus.

It is about 30 km to go to Tivoli, but the road was clogged with cars, and we drive there for 40 minutes. We land in Tivoli near the market, next to the central square. There is no time for shopping yet.

The villa is located very close to the square, after 5 minutes we are already entering it. After the Vatican Museums, the villa seemed very modest. But when we went out onto the terrace of the villa and looked down at the fountains, a wonderful view opened before us. I wanted to quickly go downstairs, closer to them. There was a huge variety of fountains. Near some of them, Irina stopped and told their story. But I didn’t really listen, I like to lag behind the group in such places and take a walk alone, visually I really liked everything. Of all, I especially want to note the alley "100 fountains" and the fountain of the Goddess of Fertility. There are very nice fountains in the grottoes. Cascade of pools with the Neptune fountain at the end in the center of the park, and above it a terrace with the Organ fountain.

As a structure, this fountain looks artistic, but as a fountain it did not delight. The music that sounded in it was not like music, but more like chaotic sounds. As I later learned, these sounds are made in pipes by jets of water under pressure. But we liked the park itself with fountains.

It was a pity to leave there, but we had little time, and we also had to have a bite to eat and go to the market. At the market bought local wine, grapes and peaches. The peaches were delicious, the grapes were not bad, and the wine was already tasted at home. Of all the Italian wines I've tried, Chianti is my favorite. After a little shopping, we are going to the bus and go back to Rome, to our metro station and pick up the rest of the tourists there. Departure from Rome at 4 pm. Now our path lies through the mountains, to the Adriatic coast, for an overnight stay in the suburbs of Rimini in the town of Riccioni. Moving 400 km through a mountain pass.

The pass was shrouded in thick fog. And down on the coast it was warm and light. There we are accommodated in the Tiffany's 4 * hotel. We arrived late, around 23:00, so the departure is scheduled for 10:00 in the morning.

Of all the Italian hotels, this was the best hotel in all respects. Comfort in the room, a chic breakfast buffet, and access to the beach to the sea right from the door of the hotel. This is where tourists should be settled in the summer to relax on the sea! The weather was sunny, the sea is relatively warm, the scoreboard showed +20 degrees. But the air temperature in the morning was lower than the water temperature. This did not stop some of the enthusiasts of sea bathing, and they splashed not far from the shore.

The beach there is sandy, but the sand is not yellow-white, but grayish-ashy. The sea is shallow at first, it reminded me of our Sea of ​ ​ Azov. We didn’t swim, because for me such water is already cold, and my husband didn’t swim either, since he had already begun to feel unwell.

Several people with acute respiratory infections were traveling on the bus from Ukraine, and other tourists began to get infected from them.

We walked along the shore, breathed in the sea air, basked in the bright and warm sun. The day promised to be warm and sunny. At 10 o'clock we leave the hospitable Tiffany's and drive further to Rimini. There we drop off tourists who refused to travel to San Marino, and then we go up the mountain to this mini state. Drive approximately 30 km. We pass the symbolic border, which is reminded by the arch over the carriageway. The road up is very smooth, there are no particularly sharp turns and serpentines.

We are accompanied by a guide Olga. Along the way, a story about the history of San Marino. Bus parking at the top, near food outlets and shops. We are immediately taken to a liquor store, where they offer to taste several drinks, from wine to spirits.

Prices may be higher there than in other stores, but here we are immediately offered the service of delivering drinks to the bus, and almost the entire group together starts shopping here. We also bought locally produced amaretto in bottles. 0.7l for 6 euros, and a very good limoncello 30%, bottle. 0.5l for 6.5 euros. Further we saw limoncello cheaper, but already less strong. So the tasting paid off.

Indeed, after the tour, we found all our purchases in our bus. We ourselves went further to the central square, to the government house, and then immediately went up to the first fortress, and then along the mountain path we went to the second fortress. The weather was sunny and the views from the observation decks were magnificent. We stopped for photos in all the beautiful places with Olga's comments. Further free time, we traditionally buy magnets and a book about San Marino.

The park is an Italian boot with all the famous places on a scale of 1:25 and 1:50, then a bit of Europe, and finally Venice on a scale of 1:5, with its own Grand Canal, along which we rode in a boat. Models of palaces lined up along the Grand Canal reminded us of our previous visits to Venice. And a mini train, which passes from the top of the entire park along a suspended monorail, and makes it possible to look at the park from a height! In a word, I liked it here much more than in Holland. And there are attractions that are included in the price, and you can also visit them. But we got carried away with photographs and did not get on the rides. As a result, this day was a day of rest for us after so many intense sightseeing days.

At dusk we leave Rimini for an overnight stay in Padua. Moving 250 km. We will have two overnight stays in Padua. We check into the hotel "La Bulesca 3 *" at 21 o'clock. The hotel is comfortable, but the breakfast in it was continental.

The hotel is located 7 km from the city center. Regular buses run to the city.

In the morning the group goes to an elective course in Venice, and we have already been there twice, and we had our own plans for this day. We wanted to go to Padua to explore the city on our own. But, unfortunately, my husband had a fever, and we decided to spend that day at the hotel. From the very morning and almost the whole day it was raining heavily, and our bandmates got very wet in Venice, they were covered with a thunderstorm when they sailed on gondolas. This was the only rainy day on our tour. Well, we rested at the hotel, drank hot red wine, ate grapes and apples, in a word, we were treated in our own way. I went to a pharmacy near the hotel and bought cough drops for my husband. The price for 12 lollipops is almost 7 euros. So, be sure to take a supply of medicines for acute respiratory infections with you.

A whole day of active treatment with hot drinks, plus bed rest, gave its results, and the very next day my husband felt much better. From the very beginning of the tour, I took antiviral drugs for prevention, and I think that’s why I didn’t get sick. The group returned from Venice with a variety of impressions: from delight to not perception. In order to understand this, you need to see Venice yourself at least once.

Departure at 8 o'clock. We have already started the countdown, and now we are driving towards Ukraine. The way to Karlovy Vary is long. On the way, after driving 350 km. stop in Wattens and visit the Swarovski Museum. The ticket costs 9.5 euros. We went there and we liked it there. Everything is original and unusual. This can only be seen here. We did not plan to make any purchases there, but then we decided to make small gifts for ourselves and bought a souvenir pen with crystals each.

Then we have free time, and part of the group is going to go to Marianske Lazne with a visit to the Chodovar brewery and the V Skala restaurant. The husband does not feel very well, and we remain in Karlovy Vary. First, we go to a medical cosmetics store, where I buy gel for joints, gel for leg varicose veins, and gel for teeth and gums. For all this I lay out 330 crowns. Translated into our money, this is about 150 hryvnia. If you buy the same gels from foreign manufacturers in our pharmacies, then these prices will be comparable to ours. But how much does Karlovy Vary medical cosmetics cost in Ukraine, I can’t even imagine.

I did not plan to buy pomegranate products, so we went further to the museum - the Becherovka store. There we were offered a tour, but my husband's temperature rose again, and we refused. We buy three types of becherovka that they produce, in addition to the bitter aperitif.

The cheapest is the classic Becherovka - 161 kroons for 0.5l, then the lemon - 209 kroons and the most expensive Cordial, infused with lime blossom, with the aroma of honey, 255 kroons each. We later bought the classic Becherovka at the supermarket for 129 kroons, but the lemon and Cordial can only be bought there, or at the kiosk from the museum on the embankment, near the main gallery, and the price is the same there. On the way back, we go to Billa, where we buy groceries for lunch and dinner, and a pack of Velkopopovitsky Kozel beer to take home. We drank 1 bottle of classic Becherovka on the way home, were treated with it, and beer and other bottles of Becherovka arrived home safely. For granddaughters, we bought several boxes with payments (Karlovy Vary waffles), with different fillings.

After all the shopping, we return to the hotel, have lunch in the room, and the husband stays in the room to recover, and I again go out into the city. I find souvenir stalls, buy a book about Karlovy Vary, magnets.

I go to the mall, I need to buy cough drops again. Sellers in the pharmacy and shops speak Russian, the feeling is that you are already at home. I return to the hotel and in the evening in the room relax in the jacuzzi, and dinner with Becherovka. We really liked Karlovy Vary.

The group returned from an elective and many were very disappointed with the visit to Chodovar and the restaurant.

The day of departure from the resort, breakfast is again excellent, and at 8 o'clock in the morning we again go further to Dresden. Moving 170 km. By 11 o'clock we are in the center of Dresden. There we are met by the guide Willy. With humor and interesting digressions, he leads a tour of the historic part of Dresden. Rebuilt from the ruins, Dresden is a beautiful city. After the tour, Willy leads everyone to an elective course at the Dresden Gallery. I am one of them, and my husband went to the city center with a camera. He is not an art lover.

In the gallery, Willy again, with subtle humor, led an hour-long tour of the most famous canvases. The famous paintings "Sistine Madonna" and "Chocolate Girl" attract visitors the most. We also lingered the longest near these canvases. The magnetism of these paintings is amazing. There were other masterpieces, but these are remembered forever.

After the gallery, we have another 1 hour of free time until 15:00. We walk along the Zwinger, the photo is against the background of the Bathing Nymphs fountain, then we cross the bridge over the Elbe to the golden horseman, the photo is with the horseman. We go to the market to buy groceries for dinner. Again we return along the bridge to the theater square, a photo against the backdrop of the theater, the Catholic Cathedral, on the steps of the Brü hl balcony. In the souvenir shop we find a book about Dresden in Russian, I buy it for 7.5 euros. This is the last book bought on this tour. In total, we bought 8 books this time. More than 100 euros was spent on books, but they are worth it

At 15:00 we leave towards Poland to our last transit hotel. And again, on the way, we were stopped by the German police, and they checked the documents for the bus and the documents of the driver. They were not interested in tourists. You have to drive 540 km to the hotel. The journey is long and tiring. Half way we stop for dinner and stop the bus for 45 minutes in some small town at a gas station. I have dinner there with hot boiled potatoes and beet salad, and hot tea. Paid 8 zlotys. These are already almost our prices and such products familiar to me.

We arrive at the hotel around 22:00. August Hotel. The hotel does not have an elevator, so we leave some of our bags in the trunk of the bus. The room is small but clean and has a hair dryer. But there were only one big towel. I noticed that in transit Polish hotels they give only one towel each. We already had this in the spring at the Dvorek Hotel.

Early breakfast, excellent buffet.

Breakfast compensated for the lack of a second towel. Departure at 8 o'clock. The last photos against the backdrop of the last hotel, and on the road. The border is about 200 km away. The weather has clearly deteriorated, it is raining lightly, but it is no longer terrible for us, we are going home. On the way, we fill out questionnaires with assessments, the questionnaire was filled out objectively, with constructive suggestions. Roads closer to the border have become worse, repairs are underway. We return back the same way: before reaching the border, our Ukrainian bus is waiting for us at the gas station. We warmly say goodbye to our Polish driver Irek. He is great, he mastered such a tour alone. But I lowered the rating for the tour for this. It should not be such that the tour is almost 6 thousand km. served by only one driver, even if it is a Polish bus. It seemed to me at the beginning of the tour that Marek did not expect this either. Well, whatever it was, the trip passed without failures and breakdowns, and this is the merit of Irek.

The transfer took 40 minutes.

During the trip, the number of bags the people had doubled. Then we head towards Shegini. Ahead of us at the customs was a regular bus Przemysl-Lviv. We have already prepared for a long wait, but they let us through very quickly, without any inspection, and the regular bus continues to stand further. As a result, we passed both borders in 1 hour and 35 minutes. There is a sanitary stop on our territory near the gas station. Surprisingly clean, almost European. Then we have to overcome the path of 80 km along our broken roads, and then we got into a toffee in front of Lviv, and in the city itself. As a result, our tourists almost missed the Dnepropetrovsk train. But still managed to arrive 10 minutes before departure.

We have again booked a room at the Irena Hotel. We warmly say goodbye to Marek, to our bus neighbors. We didn't have any conflicts, we treated each other and helped as much as we could.

We leave for our hotel, in the room we know is clean, cozy and warm, and at the bottom of the cafe with an excellent menu and our prices. We quickly put ourselves in order and go downstairs to the cafe for lunch and dinner. Lviv-style borsch with meat pancakes, baked veal with mushrooms, vegetable salad, Lviv beer, and for all this we paid 110 hryvnias. Now we feel completely at home. We have a train only tomorrow afternoon, and we have almost a day of free time. The celebration of life is not over yet!

On this note, I end my review. If it will be useful to future tourists, I will be very happy about it. I wish you all happy travels!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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