05 October 2010 Travel time: with 01 august 2010 on 01 September 2010
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We have been traveling in Algeria for the past 3 years. We go every year. We are going to ski resort this winter. Almost everyone has already traveled, they have not been only in the Sahara Desert. Algeria today is an open tourist country. Tourists are mainly from Europe, there are few "ours", since "ours" are all in Egypt or Turkey. Algiers combines both mountains and desert, as well as plains. Also, the nature of Algeria combines both deciduous forests and tropical palm trees. The nature and terrain near the Mediterranean Sea is very similar to the Crimea. However, the beaches are huge, stretching across the whole of Algeria. The climate in Algeria in summer is approximately +30 - to +45. In winter, up to 0. Snow is present. In summer, the temperature +35 is very well tolerated, as the humidity is high. There is no heat at all near the sea. But in winter, on the contrary, when the thermometer approaches zero, you feel very, very cold. There are a lot of photos, I can’t put them all in one album, so I’ll make several albums.

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В Алжире тоже есть голыби и тоже голодные :)
Монимо на восходе солнца. Красотища!!!
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