Odessa song about Tallinn

15 May 2014 Travel time: with 06 April 2014 on 13 April 2014
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From the old wall to the newest port

Fifteen minutes of vigorous walking.

Here is the city in shabby but clean boots -

A child of the Scandinavian unshaven horde.

Centuries flicker over an unthinkable spire -

It is worth Olevista, she does not care.

And Thomas on the Town Hall in a knightly style

Shivering from the chilly wind.

I do not argue: there are more capitals,

Where life is richer and the summer is longer.

But it pulls me like a stupid bird

To the North, to a nest of ancient stones.

And the radiance of unearthly chic fades

From Germans and Swedes wandering into a tavern,

When in Estonian calmly, without a cry,

They are led to a table in the twilight of the day.

Here even the merchants are poisoned by the thought,

That money is not the main thing in this region.

They talk in a shop with a tired tourist,

Forgetting your work for a moment.

I saw other churches and towers,

Spent many days traveling.

They are more graceful, they meet older,

But hardly any will be nicer.

Today and tomorrow, yesterday and now

Baltic waves polish the landscape.

The history of the city - per year according to the picture,

We will get a vernissage a kilometer long.

Against the background of huge cruise ferries

Any problem gets smaller.

And if you want to go back to basics -

Ask Birgitta's temple for advice.

From the high platform of the houses panorama

Heals the blues of weary hearts.

And if Odessa is a beautiful mother,

That Tallinn - with things the departed father.

© Copyright: Ladislav Kotichka, 2013

This poem was written by my husband after our next trip to Tallinn. I decided to add it as a "comment" to my Tallinn photos taken in April of this year. I hope you enjoy both the photo and the poem : )

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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