Lovely stay in Azur

Written: 12 july 2010
Travel time: 26 june — 10 july 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
I want to share my impressions of the trip.
We flew from Pegas Touristik. I went on vacation with my wife and children aged 7 and 4, so I was looking for a hotel with a fine sandy beach. This is exactly what Azur turned out to be, the entrance to the water from the sandy beach, about 5 meters. Then you can swim, who knows how. and the kids have a place to splash just right. The water is clear, although corals bloomed for a couple of days, and yellow turbidity washed ashore (immediately removed with nets). The weather was excellent, 35 degrees. The wind blows from the sea constantly (not annoying), there is no heat.
PLUSES - green well-groomed territory, garbage literally does not reach the ground - a cleaner with a broom runs up. At night, the pools are cleaned and licked to a shine! In general, the staff is very responsive and attentive, if you behave like a human being. Alas, apparently the stereotype of a Russian tourist - FOREVER HUNGRY DRUNK BOOR AND GOON is still alive. Therefore, they behave a priori wary.

Nothing, on the second day the stereotype was forgotten, a smile and a friendly attitude are always reciprocated.
The food is very tasty, varied and plentiful. There was always something to feed the children, and this is an indicator! A lot of grill (they don’t succeed very well, I advise you to come at the beginning of dinner, until the grates are burnt), fries, vegetables. But a lot of fruits, greens, sweets for children! Ice cream is excellent, from 11 until the evening the children gorged themselves on it. Juices in powder coolers (did not take), except for hibiscus (super! ) - I recommend. Also in the bars there is always a packaged guava juice, it’s the best for children! For 2 weeks I did not hear about a single poisoning, only one German was brought in with an allergic reaction to spices.
There are no insects in the hotel! In vain they dragged a fumigator with tablets. In the evening, the territory is centrally fumigated with some kind of megafumigator from pipes, but somehow carefully behind the hotel !! ! I didn't meet a single mosquito.
The room was cleaned daily, towels changed too. Swans were knitted on the table for a buck, and without a buck too : )
In general, they plow like blacks, in the morning at 6-00 the hotel is already boiling, and so on until 2-3 at night. I asked when do they sleep? answered by shifts from 13 to 16 and at night 4 hours. Terminators. . .
Animation - I don’t understand anything about it, but my daughter had fun.
We went to corals, fish and explored the underwater world with the children - SUPER! Rubber slippers are a must, there are a lot of hedgehogs. At first, my daughter was frightened, then she saved them from the ebb, poor things... : ) The local doctor said that the legend about their poisonousness is greatly inflated.
MINUSES - it is better not to take sausages.
RESUME - I recommend!! !
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