Very good rest (Turtles and dugongs are here)

Written: 4 november 2012
Travel time: 1 — 7 october 2012
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 10.0
Cleanliness: 10.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 10.0
Hello everybody. Here is time to tell about our wonderful holiday in the hotel Brayka Bay Marsa Alam 5 *. I'll start with the fact that tour operators in Ukraine don't know anything about Mars Alam hotels! ! ! Standard pictures, standard phrases short full 0. The hotel is very close to Marsa Alam, because we were last year in Makadi Bay (hotel AI nabila) and we really liked the home reef - crazy. Then we were advised to get to Mars Alam, as if a new city, the reef is not killed, a lot of fish, turtles, dugongs, moray eels ....well, the search began. After watching and reading the reviews (it's a pity that the Russian sites), we could not choose between Hilton, Braika and Triton (4 *). The final decision was made when they saw the plan of the Braika Hotel - a large area, a sandy entrance, on the sides of the reef and most importantly for Mars Alam - the hotel has its own bay. And believe me, we made the right choice - the wind was not an obstacle for us to go into the sea at 6 am and watch all the delights of the underwater world without a mule.
So here it is. We were flown by two married couples. We decided on the hotel, started looking at the date. I wanted the flight to be at night. Found on Pegasus departure on September 31 at 3 am and arrival at 6 am. At prices: (watched for 2 weeks) for 7 nights the cost was UAH 1.700 for two. We decided to wait. So for a week (on Friday) the cost fell by $ 100. We started looking for discounts - we were offered only 5%. But we found those who offered us 10%. And on Monday, when I was about to take the money, I went to the Pegasus website and saw that prices had already fallen. It cost us 2 with a discount of 10.7 nights - UAH 10.500. And in the afternoon there were no seats on this flight.

As I have already written, they left Boryspil at 3:15 at night. They were in Egypt at 6:45 in their time. The control passed quickly, the visa - 15 dollars. A Pegasus bus was waiting for us on the street - big, comfortable. We drove to Mars Alam 3.5 hours, bringing the road to other hotels tourists. There were 20 of us in all - no more.
Man 8 came out in the Hilton, we (4 people) and another couple - in Brick. The boys slept all the way, and I looked at the beautiful views of the sea, mountains, deserts, and the horrible views of how people live in Egypt (once again struck by the huge amount of garbage - EVERYWHERE! ).

Arriving at the hotel, we were greeted with cocktails. The staff does not speak Russian well, the young lady took us to the rooms and smoked English all the time. Because of the word, but we understood it.

NUMBER. I reduced the hotel by one point per room. Too many buildings. Very green area. All buildings are located near the sea. We took standard rooms. We were housed in a building to the right of the pool - closer to the Royal Bryak. Given what a standard room we had last year in Makadi Bay, I wanted at least the same from this hotel. But unfortunately. We can say that the rooms are the same in terms of planning, but very different in terms of condition.
In the corridor you could see the shabby walls that someone was trying to paint, an old TV, a loud refrigerator and the first floor. I don't know why, but at first I didn't like the room (our friends were housed through the wall) - the situation is the same. The guys immediately went to the reception to agree - but it was not here. We were told that we had to pay (as far as I remember now) 20 euros a day for a class room above, and we would be relocated. The boys came back and persuaded me to stay in the room - especially since we came here for the sea. Bedbugs, cockroaches, clutter - no room. Water (2 bottles), hair dryer, towels, safe, spare pillows and blankets - all this was. The room opened with a card, and the cards were given on beach towels. We immediately put our things away and went to breakfast.

FOOD. Super. Fair. We ate always and deliciously. The choice is the greatest.

Rice, potatoes (french fries, baked), couscous, pasta (3 types only for dinner), fish (baked, fried and battered), meat, vegetables (steamed), fresh vegetables, salads, lots of sweets, this basic. There are a lot of Italians and Germans in the hotel. Cola, fanta, sprite, wine, beer (Stella) - you approach everything and pour as much as you want.

Sea. No words. For 7 days we definitely saw something new every day. Very luxurious home reef and underwater world. There is a diving center on site - 60 euros dive. They rented it and saved it. vests (6 bucks. day) - well, I'm afraid of depth, so I had to take, although the water is so salty that sometimes I swam without it. I really liked the fact that the entrance to the sea is sandy. You can walk barefoot along the shore. The hotel has its own bay - on the right and left a gorgeous reef. As we were told in the diving center - that in the morning on the right, and in the evening on the left you can meet turtles.
Honestly - we swam at 6 am and 6 pm - but we haven't seen turtles in 7 days.

There are a lot of small stingrays (yellow-green, with blue glasses and dots) - and we saw them both in the depths and in the shallows. One went to the waist in the water, began to swim and saw a stingray hiding in the sand (I will try to share the video). Also many lionfish. But guys, I can't put into words what I felt inside when we swam to the right. The number of fish that float above you, below you, on the sides, small, large, dark blue - as the ions glow, red, etc. (well, you need to see the video again, I will try to explain). Well, if I hadn't seen this underwater world in Egypt, no's something! ! ! It's beautiful, it's very beautiful, it's unrealistically beautiful. This is a must see for anyone who is in love with the underwater world of Egypt.
There we saw (though once) an octopus - it was relocated from one reef to another at the bottom. Somewhere on the second or third day we saw a very good pair of fish in the morning (6-7 am). We called them tadpoles. As we understood it is a boy and a girl and for some reason it seemed to us that they have a mating season))))) Fish are big - see somewhere. 80 at least, their eyes - like humans - with eyelashes and so deep. You look at them and fall in love.

On the last day I saw a huge moray eel - 2 meters long - seeing such beauty, I immediately swam ashore - and the guys filmed it (video presentation).

Excursions. We SUCCEEDED TO SEE TURTLE AND DYUGONY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! uraaaaaaaa. took a tour on a yacht - on a coral island. Nifiga normal, except for the dugong, we did not see there. Dugonchik - beauty in general. He was frightened by the truth and he quickly surfaced, but made many impressions. After that, they did not take me to another bay (I think Mars is Mubarak - sorry).
may be wrong) where we saw the biggest turtles! ! ! ! ! ! ! God, how beautiful. There were 5 of them for sure. Also when everyone was on the yacht and had lunch we asked to swim. At this time, the boys saw and occupied a huge black slope and turtles.

I advise everyone to get to Mars Alam, everyone who loves or dreams of seeing a beautiful underwater world. Believe me, it is better to learn about the hotel not from tour operators, but from those who have been there. I want to appeal to everyone who loves to travel - leave feedback! ! ! ! ! This helps a lot in choosing a hotel.
Thank you for your attention. ))))
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