She flew to the desert, and fell in love with the Red Sea.

Written: 18 november 2009
Travel time: 6 — 13 november 2009
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 8.0
Rested with a friend in November 2009 in this hotel.
I’ll start my story with the fact that I flew to Egypt for the first time, and I was convinced from my own experience that you need to read reviews on the Internet carefully, and even if there were only 4 responses from specific individuals about this hotel at the time of our choice on the Internet: three - everything is fine, one thing - everything... true, then you need to believe the latter. Of course, the all-inclusive system and the special offer work hypnotically within the walls of a travel agency, but the realities will surround you all those days that you paid for. It's great if the picture of the azure sea overshadows all your impressions, but get ready for the fact that you will entertain yourself in this hotel !!!
So, we flew to the private Marsa Allam airport without delay (this is a plus) - the first impression of what I saw was a little annoying for modesty, after Domodedovo, it was just a barn. Passport control, filling out a bunch of forms, visas - spent more than 1.5 hours - tiring. But one thing was amused: the contrast - we were in fur down jackets and shales on our bare feet, they shone with a cyanotic color. loaded into the bus; nice guide Yasha, didn’t shut up all the way), my friend had already rested 6 times in Egypt, so she skeptically noticed that all the jokes and remarks heard by me were the lecture “Tell me about our country” memorized by the guides, and I giggled...

We got to the hotel in half an hour, I was in shock - I, of course, assumed that I was going to the desert, but the fact that this whole desert is a solid dump of garbage did not please the eye. My head ached, I was tired from the night, almost 6 hour flight... and, thank God, we were given the keys almost immediately upon arrival. The room was on the ground floor, directly access to the pool; cozy, clean, visible - after a recent renovation, everything is as in the picture, standard. Safe, hair dryer, bath - it's all a plus. A young Arab brought our things to the room, showed where everything was and how to turn it on, and then began brazenly extorting tips.... In general, I want to note that the staff at the hotel is really very friendly, only men work, they smile everywhere, most speak well and understand in Russian, in the 8 days that we lived there, my friend and I managed to “feed” especially charming people, and they reciprocated us. But there is one elderly bartender, he can be distinguished by short stature and a ridiculous tie, which was from the category of harmful - most often he limited alcohol to us, he ran out of rum on us, in cocktails he always did not report either ice or lime... in short, we they called him "nit". He is almost a landmark of this hotel, since the memory of him will surely hit you and this will be one of the minuses in the column - the attendants.
The sea is an impossible beauty!! ! From the hotel, 50 meters across the road, the Bedouins stand on the lookout, control the "zebra", we are accompanied. Depth in the sea for 200-300 meters knee-deep while stomping - an excellent anti-cellulite massage!! ! Coral reefs are small islands, for the first time we saw an octopus and a sea snake right off the coast, and at a depth, knowledgeable people (Irina - I love you, I adore you !!! ) showed a small blue moray eel, the size of a hand, but also dangerous: fish ball, fish - a rooster, and a lot of all kinds of fish, the name of which I don’t even remember, only all this was full of it before my eyes, and as a child I discovered the underwater world.
The beach is not to run away, but we always had enough sunbeds. Indeed, as described in other reviews, if you walk along the coast (to the left) for 2 kilometers, there are excellent wild beaches where the coral reefs are richer. I took the most beautiful photos there (see photo album). Of the vacationers, 95% are Russians, 60% of them are pensioners. So we renamed the hotel Grand Maser. From the very first minutes of our presence on the beach, the granny introduced us to the course, where is shopping, where are the corals, where is the bar... The flabby Tatar woman was tearing herself towards the Arabs: “Kielmanda!! ! Where is the fucking animator? You see, it’s still dinner, and I’m already getting drunk, and it’s all your fault, you don’t want to work, you don’t entertain me !! ! And it's true - there is no animation in the hotel... Yes, there is a Russian girl and a black Egyptian who wander around the territory, you regularly see them in the canteen, in the bar, but the praised Egyptian party "Miss Hotel", fakirshow, contests, and just for children animation "mini-disco" is not there. If adults could entertain themselves at least with evening walks to Marsa Alam (2 km from the hotel - 30 minutes on foot, you can ride for $ 1 per person), then the children stupidly rinsed in a shallow pool in bleach, without heating.
Bar - a meager choice: rum, whiskey, vodka, gin, beer (in bottles), phantom, tonic, cola. There is no water either in the rooms or in the bar, a cooler was found in the canteen, but water is allowed to be taken in limited quantities. There are no freshly squeezed juices. - these are all minuses !!!

The food is varied, at first, even tasty, but on the fourth day you are already fed up with this abundance. I personally liked croissants with jam for breakfast, meat for lunch, soup for dinner (spinach soup - super puree). Tanya (my friend) did several approaches to the “sweet” table, so she really got better, and on the contrary, I lost a couple of kg.
In principle, the rest turned out to be boring, during the day at the sea - in the evening at the bar - the next day they sold themselves with tea. Maybe my vacation would have ended like this, but my soul was eager to get to know the local color... In the city, I grabbed adrenaline when they started to breed me in a store for money... I’ll start in order: I can’t live without caffeine, every morning I start with that I brew my life-giving drink in a Turkish pot; and there is no coffee in the hotel (Nescafe - does not count!!! ). Coffee drinkers will understand. And so I go into a shop where they sell all sorts of spices and “Oh God”, coffee... How much is it? $9 for 50 grams… We start haggling. We make eyes at each other, they sing a song to me, “what a beautiful blue-eyed girl, only for you a discount... blah, blah, blah... In short, $ 8 for 50 grams + cardamom as a gift and 2 cups of hot coffee now and here... I'm waiting in anticipation 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes… we ran somewhere to order hot coffee to a local vomit shop, the crowd accompanying me starts to get nervous, someone comments that it is not known what you will drink now, then I started to get nervous, my patience ran out… Yes well, his coffee is yours... But then the seller’s face changes - this moment is hard for me to describe, but you can really do it, at that moment I was ready to be left without money and without coffee, just to get away from this look...
All the same, I brought coffee home and found out with regret that Arabic coffee does not “stick” at all.
I really wanted to visit a day trip to Luxor, but it’s very far from Marsa Alam (12 hours in total - this is just the road) and I didn’t find a company, so on the penultimate day my friend and I bought an excursion to Abu Dabab beach; $ 25 for half a day, 20 minutes from the hotel in a comfortable minibus, accompanying Mustafa, spoke excellent Russian, everything was perfectly organized; mask, fins, vest are given out on the spot. We climbed into the sea, sailed 150 meters from the shore, and then an indescribable sight opens up: sea turtles, huge, about a meter in length, peacefully crawl along the bottom - they nibble grass. Unstoppable scuba divers sink to the bottom, film everything on video, the turtle turns away in displeasure and begins to float up to where we hang like floats and stare at all this action. They float up so close that it’s realistic to see not only every pimple on the muzzle of the shell, but also the anus... And so for almost an hour, we chased these turtles (I counted 6 pieces, but they said that there were more of them).

We climbed ashore for half an hour, drank water, did not have time to rest, when Mustafa again drives our group into the sea, we swim further away - deeper (maximum depth 30 meters) and see a wall of corals, it's such a grandiose sight: shoals of fish, stingrays, corals of all flowers, in the midst of which hides a giant moray eel (up to 3 meters long, head larger than a human), crocodile fish, clown fish (Nemo), a flock of needle fish, so many fish that you fall under a hypnotic attraction to swim farther and farther... It's just an indescribable delight! At that moment, I realized why I came to Marsa Alam and what will keep me warm all winter!! ! It was so great that the next day we went there, to the beach of Abu Dabab.
So passed my 8 days of vacation in Egypt. Thanks to everyone who read my essay to the end. A huge hello to everyone who was vacationing with us at this time in the Moon Resort, with whom we became friends and had a great time these days: Anechka, Irina, Vadik and Dasha, Dima from Perm, Anya and Anton from Novosibirsk, Tanya and Olga from Moscow.
And special thanks to my husband for giving me such a gift - 8 days on the Red Sea.
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