Rest for four

Written: 19 april 2010
Travel time: 13 — 20 march 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
We went for a week with a friend in March, departure from Kazan. We were leaving - 15, there is +25, which in itself smooths out all the disadvantages of the hotel. To be honest, March is not the best time to visit Egypt. Perhaps we were unlucky. The first 2 days we swam and sunbathed, then the wind began to rise. Approximately on the 4th day in the morning we open the curtains and for some time we stand in a slight shock... a SAND STORM is raging in front of us in all its glory! A strong gusty wind drives the sand, the dust is like a wall, you can't see anything, it's hard to breathe, there are snowdrifts of sand in the room. Sand everywhere toilet, bathroom, closet, clothes, bed…. This is a minus of the rooms, there is no isolation for such cases. Stayed in the room for half a day. After lunch, it began to subside, it was possible to take a walk. The next day they were on fire. Although the water was warm, because of the wind, getting in and out of the water was excruciatingly scary. We didn't torture ourselves. From swimming to the end of the holiday was over. The locals say that the weather will definitely be great from April.
The food at the hotel is normal, no frills, for four: meat, chicken, vegetables, rice, pasta, pureed soups, boiled eggs in the morning, scrambled eggs and omelettes. In the evenings, sometimes they fried fish, liver, quails on coals. There were sweets but not much. Of the fruits, delicious guava, oranges are very juicy and sweet, bananas, dates are herb grass. There was nothing else. Drinks are like everywhere else: beer is normal, the rest is Egyptian liquor, and all sorts of sodas.
The standard rooms are so-so, the furniture is old, the linen and towels are gray. There were more and more decent bungalows there, it's nice to come in after our room, but we are not picky. We always check in on the principle that we will only sleep and wash in the room.

The beach is sand!! ! I was very surprised by this. I thought there was no sand in Egypt! It's there, you just need to know where. Safaga is just the right place! But there is no underwater beauty, or you have to swim far.
A lot of people come to surf. Successful entrance to the sea, smooth and sandy. I also wanted to try. But perhaps another time.
Contingent. The bulk of the guests at the hotel are Germans, many pensioners, 20 percent of Russians, the rest are Europeans who are from where.
When we arrived, there was no animation at all, at the end of the week a group of animators appeared. 2 young girls, from Minsk, it seems, and a couple of local Arabs. Their presence was not felt at all. Maybe they loosen up over time.
The staff at first pleased with their unobtrusiveness, but in the end there were a couple of cases when there was a desire to crack them well for their rudeness! In the canteen, one of the waiters, at the request to clear the table, in clear English sent our friend to hell !! ! In Russia, for such things, they would definitely give in the eye right away) They approached the manager of the restaurant, they promised to fire the impudent one. Later, he came up, asked for forgiveness, and that was it.
The disco sucks, the room is huge, tables with red tablecloths and green chairs, the equipment is antediluvian, it crackles, puffs, but it makes some sounds) Whoever wants to and there will come off.

The flight home was scheduled for 23.00 local time. During the day they posted an announcement departure at 19.00, a bus from the hotel at 12.45. It takes 1 hour to get to the airport. Could not understand what to do there for 5 hours, but nowhere to go. We came to the reception at 12.00 in order to change clothes, drink tea and go. We didn’t have time to put on our pants in the toilet, the guide bursts in there and asks us to hurry up. You left with a question on your face, another 30 minutes? No, we're leaving, and if you don't get on the bus now, we'll leave without you. I had to fight! We sat down, turned the corner, they stopped the bus and went to the store!! ! We left exactly at 12:45. Well, then we suffered, half the road with a guide barked (Tez tour). At the airport it turned out that the departure was at 17.00. Boarding is not announced. For 15 min. before boarding is completed, latecomers are told to urgently go to the exit.
And in general, the mood was excellent, sunbathed, dispelled, had a good rest!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original