Details about revisiting the Citadel

Written: 26 january 2011
Travel time: 12 — 30 july 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For business travel; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 10.0
We rested again in the Citadel. There were no disappointments. The hotel is developing. The attitude of the staff was excellent. Perhaps we will spend our next vacation there again. If you have any questions - write, I will answer with pleasure, honestly and objectively.
And now about the different - in detail.

SEA. There are many entries into the sea in the Citadel. Completely different. Before we were in Sharm, in a hotel with a pontoon 800m long - Tropicana Grand Azure Resort 5 *. The people were indignant: "How terrible it is! So much to go to swim ... " We went, but only a couple of times, and spent the rest of the time in the pools. There is no pontoon in the Citadel, so people are outraged again. You can't please everyone! But in that hotel, in Sharm, it was necessary to walk so far along the pontoon because of the bottom topography. Very long - shallow and corals. And in the Citadel there are only 2-3 meters of corals, which you need to carefully walk through, and that's it! And this is the most "inconvenient" option! Yes, caution is needed.
We ourselves saw those who scratched their arms or legs, but we managed to overcome this "obstacle course" perfectly.
You can also go down the steps to the lagoon near the lighthouse (next to the catamaran rental), swim past the lighthouse, swim along the coast and return along the steps. Although, this is only necessary if you want to admire the fish in a mask with a snorkel. And so, swim in the lagoons as much as you want, the bottom is lined with plates and there are no waves even in the strongest wind!
Well, about the "Royal Lagoon" do not forget. This is a piece of the beach near the 5th building, where there is a sandy smooth entrance to the sea. Moreover, after 5 meters the depth is already 2 meters, and further - more. There are also fish there, but the corals are not as colorful and rich as from the open sea. In the "Royal Lagoon" you generally forget that you are in Egypt! A rare hotel has such a sandy beach and seabed!
There were always enough free sunbeds.
At any time at any pool or beach area.

MEDICINE: If you suddenly scratch something, or something else happens to your health, feel free to contact the “guest relation” (next to the reception). Russian-speaking Natalya is there, she will look at your insurance, help you get through to the branch of the insurance company by Egyptian phone (a call to Cairo on an intercity costs about $ 3). It's great that there is a doctor in the Citadel, with whom they cooperate, at least in Ingosstrakh. Natalia will immediately accompany you to the doctor, if necessary, she will remain as an interpreter (if you have problems with English). Doctor is wonderful. Helped us when we had a cold. He cured quickly (he gave me medicines, by the way, for free). Another useful information: as such, there is no pharmacy on site, but you can buy the medicines you need from the doctor (if you want, without insurance and without consulting a doctor). Feel free to contact Natalie with any questions.
Responsive and friendly girl!

ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS: At first we thought to go to the Premier Le Reve 5 * hotel, but there is literally nothing to do there. And my husband and I wanted to have fun. In the Citadel, after dinner, you can listen to live music in the open air, sitting at tables, enjoying various drinks. At the same time, according to the mood, the people (including us) danced. The singers alternate every day. I counted 5 people. Everyone has their own repertoire and style. Beautiful, romantic, incendiary!
After that, from 12 to 2 am there is a disco in the "Fan Bar" (every night without exception). There are, of course, cases when there are very few people, no one is dancing. But this happened 3 times in our 18 nights. But mostly - Arabs, Poles, Germans, Russians - dance - whoever is in what much! And not that “the girls are on the dance floor, and the boys are watching”, but a fun that I have not seen anywhere else.
Although, for objectivity, I’ll say that I don’t live in a metropolis and don’t visit glamorous discos. In general, the music is diverse, the atmosphere is relaxed and fun, the DJ equipment is good, the lighting is appropriate. And the audience of all ages and nationalities.
In my opinion, once a week you can buy tickets from the animators and go with them to the popular Hurghada disco "Little Buddha". But we didn't go.
Regarding beach discos, I will tell you separately. In July they were held on Sundays. We got on one, and the second was watched from the balcony. Starts at 21h. The sand is pre-levelled, a fire is kindled in the middle, and a stage is set. The sun loungers are moved around the perimeter and tables and chairs are placed. The bar is open all the time of the disco, and the chefs prepare treats on the grill. Who is sitting, who is lying, who is drinking, who is eating… and, of course, all this is combined with dancing. Very comfortable, beautiful and, again, fun!
There was a "fire show" before the disco.

More impressive than similar ones we have seen as evening performances in other hotels! And a week later they showed capoeiro (heard, but not seen). The first couple of hours dancing to live music. Latin American songs, "beach music", oriental dances, etc. True, there are 2 twin brothers in the animation team who organize "dances" with the crowd too often: 2 steps to the right, 2 steps to the left, clapped, stomped. We didn't like it, so we sabotaged it. They just went out in front of this organized crowd and danced in their own way. At 11 o'clock, a DJ took over the "watch". Included various dance music. It felt like we had been dancing for 8 hours in a row! I know from personal experience that in June and at the end of July the nights in Egypt are very warm. Even if you go without clothes, you won’t freeze a bit! So the beach disco was held with a bang.
And we didn’t go to the second such disco, because
I had to leave for the tour at 5 am. We decided to go to bed early. Then they realized that they made 2 mistakes. The first is that the tour was booked for Monday, and not some other day (which does not coincide with the beach disco before and after). The second is that they didn’t go to this disco after all. The music was so loud that it seemed completely impossible for us to sleep (No. 4205 - the fourth building). But she did not annoy us, but energized us. As a result, they sat on the balcony, dancing and singing along. My husband is with a netbook, and I am with a video camera. I had to go!
Well, during the day they had fun with billiards (in addition to the beach and pools).
We went to shows in the amphitheater from time to time. Very funny and curious. The Chinese circus was interesting to watch, the Arab show was also good, the competition "Women against the men of the hotel" amused me. It was, however, a couple of times boring. This is the "Cabaret Show" (dances of a visiting group in the style of a cabaret, where everything is vulgar and not to our taste).
And the contest "Miss Citadel" - just modest girls, beaten contests. But the rest is fun and interesting. Among the animators, their boss works great (French, as it seemed to us). He hosts all evening shows. Great joke! We haven't seen the work of the others.
The hookah bar was moved (compared to 2009). Now it is in the open air, next to the terrace, where there is live music in the evenings. Very comfortable and beautiful view of the pier! And in its former place - a souvenir shop.
Given that we went for almost 3 weeks, it was important for us to choose a hotel where we would not die of boredom. And the Citadel in this sense was a proven option.
Of course, it is much more fun if you go with friends. Or, as we did, you meet someone at a hotel. We have very bright positive emotions and memories! We were 100% satisfied!
In general, entertainment is enough.

We did not go, but at the lagoon, which is closer to the main building, the animators organize games all day long (boccia, darts, volleyball, gymnastics, aqua aerobics, capoeiro, competitions, etc. ). Music, fun.
And I can't help but mention one more "entertainment" - a wonderful pianist around 18-19. amazingly beautiful music playing in the main hall! Before or after dinner, we just sat on the sofas and enjoyed. Since there is Wi-Fi, some people combined business with pleasure, bringing laptops with them. Immediately (in the lobby bar) they ordered tea, coffee, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, juices from packs (guava, mango, tomato, apple, orange).
The hotel has become more different kinds of water sports. As before, rental of catamarans, masks, snorkels and fins is free of charge. But now some transparent balls have appeared (you can see them in my photos), windsurfing, water skiing, a banana, a “pill” - for money. They teach beginners, ride with such a share of extreme sports, which you yourself ask.
And 5 days a week, a large catamaran flaunts on the pier of the hotel. Every day, 3 types of excursions are carried out on it (as Yulia from Tula suggested to me on this site, at $ 55 per person). Morning and afternoon: 3-hour "walk" (1 hour of which - snorkeling). In the evening: watch the sunset on the high seas under sail, drinks are provided (water, champagne glasses, beer, wine and canapes). This is a 2 hour romantic tour. Unfortunately, I did not remember the prices for other excursions and rentals. It is very convenient that now the hotel has an ATM.
The diving center on the territory of the Citadel is very good. They say that tourists even come from other hotels. We didn't dive, but we talked on the last trip (summer 2009) with the instructor. He is married to a Russian girl and speaks good Russian. However, I don't know if it still works there. In any case, the booklets say that there are Russian-speaking instructors.

This time we were offered excursions right at the hotel - quad biking. Many options with different number of hours and different cost. I always wanted to look at the stars through a telescope (this is if you are going to ride in the evening). It is very convenient - directly from the hotel to the desert on ATVs, and you do not collect tourists from other hotels on the bus. But we are not amateurs, so we did not use it.
But we are fans of the ancient ruins of Egypt. They dreamed of getting to Osirion and the temple of Hathor. But our tour operator (Odeon) does not suit general excursions. But a “personal” tour was offered. It was a pity for the money, but they wanted to fulfill the dream. So let's go. The impressions were the most positive of all our trips (Pyramids, Luxor, and now Dendera + Abydos). It was worth the financial outlay! For those interested - I will tell separately.
RESTAURANTS: Reservations for dinner in a restaurant (Italian, Fish or Brazilian) can be made in the main hall from 11 am to 12:00 pm or from 6 pm to 7 pm. And then someone wrote that they never got to the restaurant, because “no matter how they come to the“ guest relation ”, and the man who needs to reserve a table is not there.
We went to all restaurants (except fish - paid). In Italian - even 2 times. I highly recommend visiting each! In the Italian menu in Russian, with explanations - what consists of what. And also a buffet with salads, appetizers and desserts. In the fish - completely buffet. In Brazilian you just sit, and every 5 minutes they bring you a new cutlet, sausage, shish kebab, chop ...They give you to try all kinds of meat from different animals, cooked in different ways. There is nothing for vegetarians to do there. But meat lovers - a heavenly delight! We ate so much there that we barely got up from the table!
At first we decided that if we remain hungry in these restaurants, then after them we will also go to a common dinner. What is there! Everything is delicious and high quality. There were no poisonings. We also received aesthetic pleasure from the atmosphere, music and interior. But to be fair, the fish restaurant was smoky and smelled of fried fish. I don't care, but my husband was a little stressed.

I read in the reviews that people were hungry at lunch. I love to eat, and I love to eat delicious food. For dinner, of course, the hotel menu is more varied than lunch. But at lunch we ate our fill. I recommend to those who go to the hotel to try the soups. As you know, there is no friend for taste and color, but be sure to try it! Both the hot soups were delicious and the cold ones (gazpacho and yoghurt). I just fell in love with yogurt. It was a saucepan with a chilled "broth" (if I may say so), judging by the name, made from yogurt.
And nearby were finely chopped fresh: tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, onions ...You put what you love on a plate, fill it with “broth” and add fried crackers, which are every dinner next to soups and even next to salads. In the end, it looks like okroshka. Delicious!
Yes, the Harbor Inn restaurant (where lunches are held) is not air-conditioned, so it's hot to eat inside. We liked to dine outside, under a canopy, as close to the water as possible. And bread, and a spectacle!
And further. People, do not be upset that freshly squeezed juices in the Citadel have become paid! Eat fruit! According to the latest data, the juice is less useful than the fruit "in the original. " Juices have a high concentration of sugar, and fiber is absent. In countries where freshly squeezed juices are a traditional item on the daily menu, there are a much larger number of people suffering from diabetes.
Of course, juice is healthier than any soda, but if you have a choice between juice or a fresh orange (for example), eat an orange! Oranges, apples, grapefruits, watermelons, grapes, etc. are plentiful at the hotel. Watermelons and grapes - according to the season, but oranges, grapefruits, apples - I ate every day. I note that they are tasty and juicy. As for my preferences, I also took dried apricots with raisins with pleasure. I don’t know who was hungry there, but we have no complaints about the hotel regarding food. Importantly, there were no poisonings during both trips.

1. In the mini-bar for the first 3 days, beer and juices in small packs. And after the 3rd day (if you want to receive it further), say to the "guest relation" that you want them to be brought to you.
2. Once every 4 days, a plate of fruit or pastries is brought to the room. Not much, but given that you won’t stay hungry there anyway, it’s enough.

You have the right to pre-book the room in which you want to stay. To do this, send an e-mail to the same “guest relation”: gr. citadel@azur. travel
You can write in Russian. They answer - when in English, when in Russian. But they respond quickly and try to fulfill the wishes of customers. In the letter, tell us your names and surnames, specify exactly when you were already in the Citadel (they will check on the computer database). If you do not have an Azur Preferred Passport, then say that, unfortunately, you were not given an Azur Preferred Passport, but you intend to get one this time. (We were given such a document during our first visit, and we indicated its number during correspondence). And when they visited for the second time, they put a seal on it about a second visit. But our friends were not given this passport. After they left, we clarified why. We were told that they themselves had to apply to the reception or guest relation, they would have been given questionnaires and issued a passport.
So when you arrive at the Citadel, ask for it! The passport is valid not only in the Citadel, but also in all Azur hotels.
Let's continue about booking a room. Indicate in the email that you want to reserve room no. …. Or like us, provide multiple options for them to choose from.
We, for example, asked to reserve "one of the following numbers: 4201-4210". We were told that "if possible, the hotel will leave us one of these rooms. " When we arrived, at the reception we were given the keys to room 4205, which completely suited and delighted us! Although, at first, during correspondence, we simply asked for any room in the 4th building, on the 3rd floor with one large bed. We wanted the 4th building, because it is conveniently located. We also love the view from the upper floors. In addition, access to the palm pool is convenient. We were offered No. 4211. It's good that among the photos in the reviews I accidentally found a photo of this particular room!

It turned out to be a corner one, a wall protruded from the balcony on one side, blocking the view of the “pier” and other beauty of the hotel! I had to carefully study the layout of rooms and ask more specifically: 4201-4210. However, we were told that in the 4th building there is not one bed among these rooms. In the end, we sacrificed the bed for the view from the balcony.
4. Your room will be extended free of charge on the day of departure until 18h. (if needed).
Here are the benefits that await you on your return visit.

WASHING: I want to supplement the review with important, in my opinion, information.
When we were in the Citadel for the first time (June 2009), we gave clothes to be washed (free of charge) and in the depths of our souls worried if things would be ruined. But everything was great. Returned as new.
So this time (July 2010) I boldly put together a whole package (we were on vacation for almost 3 weeks, so there was something to wash). And ..."the greed of the fraer ruined"! To my chagrin, several things were hopelessly damaged.
Namely, what was with a black and white pattern faded (it became black and gray). And the brand new lilac-white-blue sarafan turned into something dirty and scary. I had to throw it away. I think they were washed in too hot water. But the rest of the clothes were not damaged. The colors are bright, rhinestones, beads are in place.
Conclusion: if among your things there is something with which you are not ready to part, it is better not to risk with washing. Although, I don’t want to say: “Do not use the hotel’s laundry service” - I don’t want to.
It was an isolated case. You just have to be more careful.

TERRITORY: I won’t write about the delights of architecture - everything is described in detail in other reviews, and it is shown in the photo of tourists. The photos provided on various websites by the hotel itself are outdated. They do not convey the current state of the territory. Namely: there is more and more greenery, and the “voids” in the walls have turned into beautiful shop windows, cafes, spas, etc.
This time I noticed that almost all the paths that were previously paved with stones were concreted. Hooray! Long live the pins! Of course, to each his own, but this little change really made life a lot easier for my legs.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original