We liked

Written: 12 december 2007
Travel time: 12 — 19 december 2007
I’ll make a reservation right away, I’m not from a travel agency and not an enthusiastic tourist, I already have 12 trips abroad to good hotels, including Europe. I liked the hotel. I'm just surprised how people see only the bad and ruin their vacation. Is it fatal that there are no toothpicks on the table? Have you tried not to be rude, just smile at the same waiters? We (and there were 7 of us: 4 adults and 3 children) liked the service. Here we have not yet been spoiled and tempered by a huge flow of Russian and Ukrainian tourists, Taboo was opened for us only a couple of years ago. Before that, only Europeans rested here. Cleaners at the Marriott twisted all sorts of art on the beds from blankets and towels, sprinkled with flower petals, they frankly did not beg for baksheesh. The waiters served, of course, not lightning fast, but fast in Arabic terms, joking with the children, bringing even more wine or beer than we ordered.
There are not so many five-star hotels in Egypt, where instead of "Yupi" they give packaged juices and fresh juices.

The food is not very varied, but everything is delicious. Last year we were in Sharm in "LTI Grand Azur", and so, in general, food and territory in Marriott is better. But there were more fish and more interesting corals. When you are in Taba, be sure to go to the pontoon of the Hyatt Hotel, otherwise you will hardly see the fish. The Marriott hotel has a good entrance to the sea, you can safely go with children. A large warm pool with grottoes, islands is also a huge plus. It is possible to order a cocktail from a warm pool, sitting on a chair in the water, or plunge into a hot jacuzzi. The only thing is: it's too small.

The hotel has a good gym with modern treadmills, bicycles, etc. , the SPA center is small. The territory for Egypt is green. Everything is flowering.
We were afraid that it would be cold, on the eve of departure I studied a lot of weather sites, they promised no more than 22 in the afternoon, but in early December (2-9.12) in Taba the water temperature in the sea was 20-22, the air during the day was 22-27, the air at night -18, the temperature of the warm pool is 26-28, cold 18. We always found sun loungers on the beach, not in the very center of the beach, but on the side. Before 9-40 we did not appear at sea. What is bad is the complete absence of any kind of animation, for $ 30 per person you could go to a themed evening, usually with songs and dances of the peoples of the East. Or sit in a bar to listen (for free) to the singing of two Filipinas, they perform world hits. That's all. Moreover, we did not like the system in the cafe "one person - one drink".

We spent time in the evenings walking around the territory of our own and neighboring hotels. They let you in everywhere, even if you go to dinner with them. There are no bracelets, for drinks you need to sign checks.
When we checked out, no one additionally ripped off any money from us, which is also nice.

And now about the most important thing, about why, in fact, we went to Taba. There is no such easy and cheap way to travel to Israel. The tour is long - a day, but it is easily tolerated. Jerusalem itself is probably energizing. Excursion to Cairo, about it later, we endured harder, even despite the fact that it was the first. So, Israel, 230 dollars from the operator - from an adult, 150 - from a child under 12 years old. It would be possible to look cheaper, but we decided to play it safe, as it turned out later, we did the right thing. There were complaints about the organization of the tour from those who went for $ 170 per nose. I expected more from the Dead Sea, I still gnaw my elbows that I didn’t buy a couple of creams there for $ 84. I thought they would get caught, but they didn't. But these are digressions. Jerusalem is a stunning city, holy to all religions of the world.
We had an amazing artistic and erudite guide Boris. Go, the tour is worth even a three-hour queue at night, but take jackets. At the Dead Sea it was 22 degrees, in Jerusalem -15.

In Cairo, we, as they say, marked ourselves. Being in Egypt and not seeing the pyramids is not good. Cairo is dirty, dusty, the Nile is also not impressed, I read and re-read about the pyramids, but for the sake of which it is worth throwing out $ 75 per adult and $ 45 per child (for everything) - this is a national museum. In the 8 days that we spent in Egypt, we disconnected from everything. The rest was planned in such a way that they were not tired of the excursions, they managed to swim and sunbathe and did not pay attention to the little things. They just teased each other: "Yeah, you see, ..... , you need to write in critical reviews"

P. S.
We flew to Donetsk from Sharm El Sheikh, friends who did not want to go to Taba spoke very badly about their holidays in Sharm in two different five-star hotels, they called their vacation ruined because of their attitude towards Russians. Honestly, in Taba we didn't feel it.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original