Would love to return!

Written: 3 december 2011
Travel time: 11 — 18 november 2011
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
I'll start from the beginning - for ten $ in the passport they got a wonderful room with a view of the sea (they bought it initially with a view of the garden, they decided it gets dark early, lie on a sun lounger in the evening, when no one will be cool, the sea is not visible, why overpay $ 150) Wrong , very strong. In the evening, when it gets dark, through the not very wide Gulf of Aqaba you can see how Saudi Arabia glows, of course you can’t see the sea as such, but the view is impressive. There are a lot of small 4-6 reefs near the pontoon (there were no reefs in Sharm at all, some algae and a couple of transparent herrings, and of course, fish are cooler in Dahab). Fins can be taken for 5 dollars. on the beach. The food is good, well, the meat selection is not enough (chicken, there was mutton once, but there are a lot of vegetable dishes and very tasty, and sweets are generally off the head, mini cakes almost didn’t repeat in a week. The territory is beautiful, well-groomed. I’m old enough, a serious young lady, but every day 5 times as a child admired - oh, how beautiful, great, what a view, etc. There is a small "town" built for 5 hotels nearby, but there is nothing special there. We came to this hotel specifically to visit Israel and Petra. -250dollars anyway spent on nonsense, but nevertheless. The TEZ tour is very expensive, although the guide is surprisingly very good. We went with Marvan, the tour (www. redsea. kiev. ua), not advertising, next time we will Egypt, we will definitely go with them. Because of the excursions, almost only 4 days were on the square even so, are there discos, spas, gyms, etc. I don't know, they weren't. The hotel is generally very calm, pacifying, if you stay for 2 weeks, then there’s no charm and it’s probably very boring. Mostly the French and Poles rested, but there are Russians and from Ukraine, but those who came with us from Kyiv were seen 2 times (when they arrived and when they left). The Poles in large companies, reminiscent of our Russians, are just as noisy and drink all day, no offense to anyone. But in general, this rest in Europe is sedate and calm. We went to our beach from other hotels, probably we had better ones, we didn’t go ourselves, there wasn’t enough time. So if we get a chance, we'd be happy to come back. Petra is just a fairy tale. Well, I liked Israel less the second time, although we would go again, not everyone saw it.
So, if you are going to Sofitel, I envy you a lot!! !
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