Taba - if you want to visit 2 seas and 3 countries in 7 days !!!

Written: 14 january 2008
Travel time: 14 — 21 january 2008
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 10.0
Were in Taba, Movenpick from 04.01. 2008-11.01. 2008. There was wind for two days, it was impossible to sunbathe these days, you can always swim, the sea is +23 and for 4 times in Egypt in winter in different places - THE SEA IS NEVER COLD HERE !!!!

A visa in Taba looks different than in Egypt, it also costs $ 15, and is also glued at the airport.

Sender company: one company - Smile, which we flew, and the other - Sloboda-Tour (both normal). Everything through the operator - Proland (the girl-worker in the Donetsk office of Proland is a rare hamlet, she communicates as if you are in the ZhEK at the reception in the queue and are trying to brazenly push through everyone! And her time is very expensive and you are clearly not worthy of it! ) .

Departure Donetsk-Taba direct charter. The flight was delayed by only one hour - the water in the toilet from the previous flight froze. Frost on the street - 19C, the airport is not heated, there are 4 flights at the same time and crowds of people. In principle, it's okay - tea for children, adults - whiskey from Donetsk Pts. expensive, but excellent assortment, Duty-Free.
Exchange rate: USD1=5.48 Egyptian pounds.

Hookah - 8 pcs. pounds, entrance to the sauna - 100 pounds one-time at least for the whole day. In the sauna we drank fresh juices from strawberries, guava, melon, pineapple, orange - 20 pounds / glass.

The airport in Taba is small, Duty-Free is sour, it does not work at all in the evening, do not count on it. If your hotel is a Hilton or Movenpick (passage for tourists is free to both hotels and to paid restaurants and saunas too), then you can run abroad for alcohol - to Israel, the first 3 days. (this is for those who go to sour).

About the Movenpick Hotel.
The hotel belongs to the Swiss hotel chain, I have not seen better yet. Management from Europe - the Arabs do not bother and do not even raise their eyes on our girls.

Hotel location: Aqaba Gulf of the Red Sea in the Sinai Autonomy of Egypt.

The territory is huge, there is enough for everyone. And sunbeds and jogging and a crazy coral reef right in front of the fence between Movenpick and the Hilton.
The reef is easily seen from the bottoms of tourists swarming over it. The fish eat bread from their hands, they need rubber gloves, they can bite their fingers in a fit - there was a case, but everyone is alive and well. Reef depth - up to 12 meters, min. -3m. Diving with a depth gauge - checked. The underwater zoo is real!

The food is the best in Taba! Although in general, in Taba och. the food is bad and we ate at least once every 2 days in paid restaurants: they are worth it. They cook excellent seafood, and the prices are the same as in Zaporozhye normal cafe. Salads are amazing, first courses - do not order, we returned everything back and the Arabs, having learned that we simply did not like it, did not charge us for them. Just like in the best places in France and Athens! In other hotels, people could not eat anything at all - in our country, compared to others, it’s just Paradise, although I grumbled all the time.

Outside the hotel there is a desert, magnificent mountains, which cover from the wind and create an awesome view!
Wandering camels - eat plastic bags and garbage, do not stick to tourists - bypassing without interest. Get a tangerine - fit. Traditional shops and tour. there are no agencies at all - do not even look! Tours - only with your representative of the host country. I am a Khokhol and in Egypt for the 4th time, believe me, I even searched in the desert. There is no competition, prices even for a yacht in the sea are USD55/person!! ! I bargained for $50, but the guide laughed, knowing that I had no one to turn to, it was pointless to talk with the captain of the yacht on the coast, they would simply kick him out for dumping and take another yacht. So, for the balls - go to Hurghada, and here is the border area for the FOLLOWING:

Trip to Israel.
Who travels to Taba, which is on the border with Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, we inform you that a ticket to Israel for one day is USD220 / person. But, no matter how I look, there are no flaws and overpayments - it is really worth it.
We saw Old Jerusalem (Golgotha, the Wailing Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Navel of the Earth, another temple with a garden of olive trees 2000 years old / each and a luxurious very expensive cemetery, in general - death and blood are everywhere. A trip to the Palestinian autonomy, in Bethlehem, to the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord - it’s somehow more fun there, closer to life. Everywhere they collected candles, crosses, etc. , they managed to consecrate everything without running around and put candles “For health” in all places for everyone. For dessert - the Dead Sea! Feel like shit - you can never drown! The density of the water is so high that you can sit in the lotus position in the water at any depth! This is where you need to learn to swim. Bought a suitcase of luxury cosmetics and salt. Prices are great if you know them for real things It's worth going once in a lifetime and it will be the cheapest from Taba.

Trip to Jordan.
Awesome country, I'll be back there again!

A trip to Petra (look at Indiana Jones, where he makes his way to the lost city through luxurious canyons - this is Petra !!! ) I especially liked it. The Jordanians are not as rich and frightened as the Jews, but not as poor and clingy as the Egyptians. They have min. household income USD700-1400. In Egypt - USD100-300 per family at best!! ! Pts. quiet, the food is delicious, the Bedouins for $5 will ride you on a horse or a donkey, you can also ride a camel right along the canyon of Petra, but I don’t know how much money. They will give you tea, like in school days, but for $1-2. The views are insane!! ! When I reviewed the photo, I realized that the photos were taken by a SONY soap box with 5-megapixels. - full G. , compared to what I saw live. Now I'm saving money for a normal SLR camera.
Mount Aaron - Boat Moses - super! The ensemble of rocks and canyons is incomparable! Worth the trip. Price $200 per person and it's worth it, though the bus was crappy, it was impossible to sleep - the back of the chair did not recline.

Cost for two:
- ticket USD 1600 ALL Inclusive STD DBL;
- Food in restaurants, sauna, fresh juices, hookahs in the evenings USD250.
- tours to Israel $440 + Jordan $400;
- yacht $100;
- souvenirs (silver crosses, candles, do-it-yourself cups consecrated on the Star of Bethlehem in Palestine) + Dead Sea salts + a bunch of cosmetics with Dead Sea minerals + cosmetics from Jordan - approx. $700.
- transfer from Zaporozhye to Donetsk airport - 800 UAH = USD160.
Total: USD3650 for two = USD1825/person in order not to think about anything at all, to visit 3 countries, to spoil two passport spreads with visas, to see the Wonders of the World (Temples of Jerusalem and Petra), to swim in two seas (Red and Dead), to get a little tan, to make all relatives, friends and put a bunch of candles for the health of the family and for the death of enemies (just kidding). I do not regret anything, for no reason the TOAD does not press, because it was my Honeymoon!! ! Now to work - to mow cabbage, to close financial holes. I want to return to Jordan separately for another 2-3 days.
For party girls in discos, there is nothing to do here, you will die of longing. For lovers of booze - expensive, free bars until 23.00. For divers - the sea is weak, for several. diving for 3 days in different places to a depth of 10-12 meters - I did not see any octopuses, or moray eels, or rays, or sharks. I saw everything else and even Scorpion Fish and Lion Fish. Recreation for active Tramps who do not sit still. Even with small it is convenient for children to wander around - I saw it myself.

I hug everyone, Philip from Zaporozhye.
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