Sanatorii Teplitsia 4*– Reviews

Rating 8.210
based on
34 reviews
№1 in the hotel rating Vynohradiv
9.1 Rooms
9.3 Service
9.2 Cleanliness
7.8 Food
9.1 Amenities
The multidisciplinary sanatorium "Teplitsa" is located in one of the picturesque corners of Transcarpathia - at the foot of the Black Mountain, on the outskirts of the cozy town of Vynohradiv. The medical base of the sanatorium in 2004–2005 has been completely renovated. Suitable for medical treatment.More →
аватар ludmilayakusheva50
 •  traveled 11 months ago
Rating 8.0
Nice sanatorium, everything is newly renovated, good service, excellent treatment. The highlights of the sanatorium are swimming pools, excellent aqua gymnastics - thanks to coach Yuri! Massage therapists (according to reviews) are good, thanks to Mykola! WI-FI works everywhere, unlike Vodafone (does not catch at all) and Kyivstar with interruptions. … More ▾ Nice sanatorium, everything is newly renovated, good service, excellent treatment. The highlights of the sanatorium are swimming pools, excellent aqua gymnastics - thanks to coach Yuri! Massage therapists (according to reviews) are good, thanks to Mykola! WI-FI works everywhere, unlike Vodafone (does not catch at all) and Kyivstar with interruptions. Do not count on excursions and entertainment (there is a war in the country). On Saturdays, a concert by a local ensemble and once a week an excursion to a winery. The food is not very tasty, but at breakfast there are two coffee machines and the coffee is of very high quality. There is a cafe where you can buy ice cream, alcohol, sweets. A minibus (30-40 min. ) runs from the Vynohradiv sanatorium to the pharmacy, hairdresser, or bazaar if needed. I am satisfied with the treatment!
аватар hhelg
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 2.0
The room is full sovdep, not worth 360 UAH. from a person. The nurses are not attentive, they talk among themselves, but they forget about the patient. Especially in the hydro-massage department, I somehow waited 15 minutes for a procedure scheduled for a certain time, so moreover, the shower was supposed to last 5 minutes, but they forgot about me, he got up and left. … More ▾ The room is full sovdep, not worth 360 UAH. from a person.
The nurses are not attentive, they talk among themselves, but they forget about the patient. Especially in the hydro-massage department, I somehow waited 15 minutes for a procedure scheduled for a certain time, so moreover, the shower was supposed to last 5 minutes, but they forgot about me, he got up and left. The procedures take place without special attention of the medical staff, attention only to regular customers or to those who pay extra for nurses.
аватар okulish
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 9.0
I searched for a long time on the Internet for a sanatorium with a thermal pool, a good medical base and adequate prices. I read a lot about the fact that thermal waters miraculously help those who have problems with arms, legs, spine and high blood sugar. My choice was "Teplitz". And the fact that I waited for my turn for a ticket from July to October once again convinced me that I should go here. … More ▾ I searched for a long time on the Internet for a sanatorium with a thermal pool, a good medical base and adequate prices. I read a lot about the fact that thermal waters miraculously help those who have problems with arms, legs, spine and high blood sugar. My choice was "Teplitz". And the fact that I waited for my turn for a ticket from July to October once again convinced me that I should go here.
I made no mistake in my choice. I arrived limping, and after 5 days I forgot that my leg hurts. The room was standard, so-so, but it did not cost that much. For lovers of special comfort, there are deluxe, and deluxe, and entire cottages. But the main thing there is water! Thermal and mineral! And the staff is very attentive. In advertising, I think, the sanatorium does not need, so I'll stop there.
But I’ll mention a pleasant bonus: an amazing beautician Anna Ivanovna works there in the evenings, who does a surprisingly good massage of the face, neck and dé colleté . To undergo such a procedure after a day's treatment is simply bliss. And by the way, it's cheap. So I returned home a completely different person and looked 5 years younger. I will book a ticket for the next year as well. And I advise you!
аватар svetlanapogr1712
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 8.0
rested with my sister in January 19. The room was economy and quite small. But everything is clean. The food is excellent, varied. Special thanks to aquatrainer Victoria and massage therapist Pavel. Of the shortcomings, there were no evening entertainment programs, a frankly weak crowd member. And so everyone was satisfied. … More ▾ rested with my sister in January 19. The room was economy and quite small. But everything is clean. The food is excellent, varied.
Special thanks to aquatrainer Victoria and massage therapist Pavel.
Of the shortcomings, there were no evening entertainment programs,
a frankly weak crowd member. And so everyone was satisfied. We will try to come again.
аватар zavaco867
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 10.0
In the sanatorium for the first time, the wonderful beauty of nature, a decent team. Thank you all for a wonderful holiday! I want to come again, I liked everything. … More ▾ In the sanatorium for the first time, the wonderful beauty of nature, a decent team. Thank you all for a wonderful holiday!
I want to come again, I liked everything.
аватар miroslavayakunina
 •  traveled 6 years ago
Rating 10.0
There are problems with intervertebral hernia, I chose "Greenhouse". I was pleasantly surprised by the efficiency of the administration in resettlement, they respond adequately to questions. My food was mostly boiled-steamed, dairy, there were a lot of vegetables. Treatment: baths, massage, swimming pool, aromatherapy, walks, therapeutic physical procedures, extract, something was in the ticket, bought something, I decided not to save money, the prices are adequate. … More ▾ There are problems with intervertebral hernia, I chose "Greenhouse". I was pleasantly surprised by the efficiency of the administration in resettlement, they respond adequately to questions. My food was mostly boiled-steamed, dairy, there were a lot of vegetables.
Treatment: baths, massage, swimming pool, aromatherapy, walks, therapeutic physical procedures, extract, something was in the ticket, bought something, I decided not to save money, the prices are adequate. Relief on the spine was felt from the first days.
Once my pressure increased so they immediately put it under control, they monitored my health all the time, and it’s all not under pressure, I didn’t have to drip every time, but as they say, “the main thing for us is that you feel good with us and be healthy. " It's nice. . .
I also remember very interesting excursions around Transcarpathia, the main thing is not to be lazy and not lie on the bed all day, like some of the people living next to me.
I wish health to all people, and good luck to the sanatorium.
аватар vlada6333
 •  traveled 6 years ago
Rating 9.0
She recently underwent a difficult operation and became the choice of a sanatorium for recovery. Before that, I had not been to sanatoriums, after reading the reviews I decided to go to the Greenhouse. Most of all I liked the peace and quiet. The treatment went well, my sore now does not remind of itself yet. … More ▾ She recently underwent a difficult operation and became the choice of a sanatorium for recovery. Before that, I had not been to sanatoriums, after reading the reviews I decided to go to the Greenhouse. Most of all I liked the peace and quiet. The treatment went well, my sore now does not remind of itself yet. The doctors are attentive, during the course I had to adjust the procedures. In the dining room they fed deliciously, their efforts are evident, they cook from the heart. Room - standard, cleaned and changed bedding. I think that this is how a sanatorium should be - clean, comfortable, the staff is friendly, I do not regret that I chose "Greenhouse".
аватар ewelina777
 •  traveled 6 years ago
Rating 9.0
I want to share my impressions about this sanatorium "Teplitsa". When I was there, there were a lot of people, but I didn’t have to remind myself. When I arrived, an hour later they called me to the doctor for an appointment, having looked at my card, he first asked what I wanted and what result I expected, and then explained what I could and needed, and in what quantity. … More ▾ I want to share my impressions about this sanatorium "Teplitsa". When I was there, there were a lot of people, but I didn’t have to remind myself. When I arrived, an hour later they called me to the doctor for an appointment, having looked at my card, he first asked what I wanted and what result I expected, and then explained what I could and needed, and in what quantity. I asked for diagnostics myself, although I have it in my map. Many procedures were prescribed, so I didn’t have to rest much, although treatment in a sanatorium is already relaxation and pleasure. The food was pleasant, and not boring, delicious. Doctors, it seemed to me, are not coming, but local, because they are constantly there and you can contact at any time; they don’t skimp on time - they explain everything in detail and intelligibly, as I had with an orthopedist. I advise you to take more money for excursions - they are not cheap, although, of course, everyone's income is different. I confirm the reviews about the beauty and cleanliness in the sanatorium, I was convinced myself.
аватар lidia1987
 •  traveled 6 years ago
Rating 9.0
In general, it was great in the "Teplitz", except for the heat on some days, but the sanatorium has nothing to do with it. I won’t write much about the treatment, the only thing I will say is that it is at a high level and is purely individually selected, my program helped my joints. The food in the dining room was quite satisfactory, but sometimes I also went to a cafe, for a change, I tried Transcarpathian dishes there - tasty and original. … More ▾ In general, it was great in the "Teplitz", except for the heat on some days, but the sanatorium has nothing to do with it. I won’t write much about the treatment, the only thing I will say is that it is at a high level and is purely individually selected, my program helped my joints. The food in the dining room was quite satisfactory, but sometimes I also went to a cafe, for a change, I tried Transcarpathian dishes there - tasty and original. The room had a TV, a refrigerator, a bathroom and always water, both hot and cold, clean. For leisure - volleyball, tennis, etc. - everything is available and always please. My vacation, although it was only 10 days (and it always seems a little), I consider it quite successful.
аватар Mariya227
 •  traveled 6 years ago
Rating 9.0
The sanatorium has been modernized compared to 2011, when I went there for the first time, and earlier it was possible to buy vouchers without any problems. And this year I even had to book 3 months in advance to go in the summer, but these are the little things in life. The staff has remained the same - friendly and helpful. … More ▾ The sanatorium has been modernized compared to 2011, when I went there for the first time, and earlier it was possible to buy vouchers without any problems. And this year I even had to book 3 months in advance to go in the summer, but these are the little things in life. The staff has remained the same - friendly and helpful. The old staff remained - professionals and, above all, they are the main pride and a big plus of the sanatorium (I have someone to compare with). There is also a fresh renovation in the rooms and outside, amenities without mold and dirt (in this regard, I am demanding). And most importantly, the treatment, it has always been excellent there, and now the procedures that I was prescribed did not take long, I can sometimes walk even without a stick and outside help. I wish the sanatorium further development, and good treatment and rest for vacationers.
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avatar tetyana_dyatche
6 years ago  •  3 subscribers 2 answers
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Description of rooms

Санаторий представляет собой 2 трехэтажных корпуса и 9 летних домиков.

In the rooms

В номерах по две односпальные кровати, телевизор, холодильник, по две тумбочки, шкаф для одежды, стол и стулья, душ, санузел, горячая/холодная вода круглосуточно.

The address Закарпатская обл., г.Виноградов, ул. Копанская, 265-а
Phones: +38(095) 593-50-30
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в бильярд, настольный теннис, волейбол, баскетбол. Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал, аэробикой. Танцы-шманцы до утра или как позволит администрация отеля, вот что Вас ждет в Диско-клубе. О том чтобы Вы ни минуты не скучали позаботится анимация. В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму. Служба организации торжеств поможет изысканно отпраздновать годовщину свадьбы, день рождение или любой другой праздник.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
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