Avangard 1*– Reviews

Rating 7.010
based on
2 reviews
1.0 Rooms
1.0 Service
7.0 Cleanliness
8.0 Food
7.0 Amenities
Sports base "Avangard" is located in the village of Vorokhta. It includes a complex of ski jumps, training and skiing on which take place all year round, the Avangard training base, a 200 m long chairlift, which can be overcome in 2 minutes. Based on 5 operating high-quality springboards. Two of which are with artificial Finnish coating. One is with ceramic tracks. Ski lovers in winter have the opportunity to climb the mountain with the help of a chairlift, which is located near the sports base "Ukraine", 2 km long.More →
аватар Vladimir86
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 9.0
Hello everybody! The rest was planned as follows: The GAZ-66 Kung all-terrain vehicle was used for the trip. Route: KALUSH-Yaremche. Arrival at the parking lot near the Waterfall (the parking lot is full of cars and buses). The tour begins with a visit to the souvenir market and photography in the form of an NKVD officer (so said the owner (wardrobe) - which consisted of uniforms of warring parties and weapons of the time. … More ▾ Hello everybody! The rest was planned as follows: The GAZ-66 Kung all-terrain vehicle was used for the trip. Route: KALUSH-Yaremche. Arrival at the parking lot near the Waterfall (the parking lot is full of cars and buses). The tour begins with a visit to the souvenir market and photography in the form of an NKVD officer (so said the owner (wardrobe) - which consisted of uniforms of warring parties and weapons of the time. Resolution in photo 25gr. On the way from the one-way road to the souvenir market, a young man with a horse offers to ride a horse ...The air temperature is about 30%. and half-asleep go to the waterfall.
The noise of the waterfall and drops of water drown out the conversations of vacationers, among the tourists on the bridge there are wedding couples who attract all the attention. When the wedding couple parted ways to continue the next wedding ceremony, there are daredevils who jump from the bridge into the boiling water. Vacationers applaud them. Among the vacationers are many foreign tourists. After a while, there are fewer people, and I also swim in the waterfall. After bathing, taking the necessary tools from the car, I carve my initials in stone to return there again. At dusk, there are no vacationers left at the waterfall, we are the last to leave the waterfall. Everything around is lit up and the night Carpathians do not sleep. B5:00. We wash at the waterfall. Breakfast. Check and control inspection of the car and leave in the direction of Vorokhta. The route is almost empty. We approach the town of Vorokhta.
On the right side in front of Vorokhta near the river there is a tent camp. About 1 km after the tent camp, which is located on the left side, we collect drinking water, and drive to Vorokhta and stop at the base "Vanguard". There is a stage for artists to perform at the stadium near the base. The market of folk craftsmen of the Carpathians and Prykarpattia is located around the stadium. Beer, fish, vodka, mead-river. The official opening of the holiday was ski jumping. After the performance of the athletes, a real celebration began. Art groups from different parts of Ukraine and Russia performed. Before the evening, 2 fires were collected and set on fire. Which added even more excitement to the holiday. The celebration continued until dawn, which ended with fireworks. Rise in the morning at 9:00. While breakfast is being prepared, I conduct a control inspection of the car. After breakfast we leave in the direction of Hoverla, the highest point of Ukraine.
After registering at the checkpoint, we go on a winding road to the base under the mountain. 66 proved to be the best. Arriving at the parking lot near the base, choose a place to park. We are preparing to climb the mountain. Take a couple of photos before entering the forest, and choose one of the 2 routes with a smaller angle of ascent. The ascent to the mountain lasted about 3.5 hours. At the ascent we meet the tombstone of tourists (from Russia) who died on New Year's Eve 2009. Then we meet the border post before the war. Further along the trail meets the wreath of a tourist who died during a storm. Every km there is a check mark for orientation. The last 500m are given with hard work. There is a desire to sit and relax, but do not rest because tourists who came out later can overtake us. Here we are Hoverly. Tortured but happy as this is the first ascent to Hoverla. We take photos, have a rest.
After resting, we begin the descent on another route, for some reason it seemed that going down will be easier, but it's just at first glance. However, the time to descend from the mountain took 1 hour shorter. On the way we meet the source from which the river Cheremosh originates, drink water and return to the parking lot to 66. We share our impressions, have lunch. Control inspection of the car and Kalush with a stop and approach to the waterfall. We come to Kalush in the evening.
P. s next year we will definitely repeat this route, and on Hoverla we will go up another route, steeper. wedding restaurant feels wild. From the waterfall we go to 66 to get ready for bed. Morning rise 5:00. We wash at the waterfall. Breakfast. Check and control inspection of the car and leave in the direction of Vorokhta. The route is almost empty. We approach the town of Vorokhta. On the right side in front of Vorokhta near the river there is a tent camp.
About 1 km after the tent camp, which is located on the left side, we collect drinking water, and drive to Vorokhta and stop at the base "Vanguard". There is a stage for artists to perform at the stadium near the base. The market of folk craftsmen of the Carpathians and Prykarpattia is located around the stadium. Beer, fish, vodka, mead-river. The official opening of the holiday was ski jumping. After the performance of the athletes, a real celebration began. Art groups from different parts of Ukraine and Russia performed. Before the evening, 2 fires were collected and set on fire. Which added even more excitement to the holiday. The celebration continued until dawn, which ended with fireworks. Rise in the morning at 9:00. While breakfast is being prepared, I conduct a control inspection of the car. After breakfast we leave in the direction of Hoverla, the highest point of Ukraine. After registering at the checkpoint, we go on a winding road to the base under the mountain. 66 proved to be the best.
Arriving at the parking lot near the base, choose a place to park. We are preparing to climb the mountain. Take a couple of photos before entering the forest, and choose one of the 2 routes with a smaller angle of ascent. The ascent to the mountain lasted about 3.5 hours. At the ascent we meet the tombstone of tourists (from Russia) who died on New Year's Eve 2009. Then we meet the border post before the war. Further along the trail meets the wreath of a tourist who died during a storm. Every km there is a check mark for orientation. The last 500m are given with hard work. There is a desire to sit and relax, but do not rest because tourists who came out later can overtake us. Here we are Hoverly. Tortured but happy as this is the first ascent to Hoverla. We take photos, have a rest. After resting, we begin the descent on another route, for some reason it seemed that going down will be easier, but it's just at first glance. However, the time to descend from the mountain took 1 hour shorter.
On the way we meet the source from which the river Cheremosh originates, drink water and return to the parking lot to 66. We share our impressions, have lunch. Control inspection of the car and Kalush with a stop and approach to the waterfall. We come to Kalush in the evening.
P. s next year we will definitely repeat this route, and on Hoverla we will go up another route, steeper.
Св Св Вода-ето жизнь(ето правда) Джерело перед Ворохтою Св Св Св Газ66 на стоянці біля бази
аватар vectra2.2
 •  traveled 19 years ago
Rating 5.0
I don’t know how it is now, I was a long time ago, but the impressions are vivid to this day. In a nutshell: it’s cold in the rooms - it’s like a pipe, there is only one toilet for the entire base - two toilet bowls, audibility in the room is a separate conversation... It’s better not to remember the shower at all, the temperature is minus in the hall, and there is a TV set that you sometimes wanted see what I was doing fully dressed in outerwear. … More ▾ I don’t know how it is now, I was a long time ago, but the impressions are vivid to this day. In a nutshell: it’s cold in the rooms - it’s like a pipe, there is only one toilet for the entire base - two toilet bowls, audibility in the room is a separate conversation... It’s better not to remember the shower at all, the temperature is minus in the hall, and there is a TV set that you sometimes wanted see what I was doing fully dressed in outerwear. About springboards - all tryndez, they did not work, even if they worked at a height of 4 meters, they are generally for the pros, and they were not allowed to go there, they have a ter. the track was uncleaned, the yoke did not work, the only thing that worked was a single seat. the lift leading to the uncleaned track, on which it was impossible to ride, probably the chairlift in the village itself had already been repaired, but at that time we arrived in the village where nothing worked.
As a result, we rode in someone's garden: we ourselves climbed up, went down and again in a new way, since then we were teapots. The only thing that was not very upsetting was the food, as far as I remember, the food was not bad. Everything else is complete rubbish!

avatar sss8387
1. Tell me, how much do the rooms cost (and what do they have), the full layout (that is, all that are)? 2.How much does the lift cost? 3. Does the second one work (I heard that you launched a new track)? 4. Is it possible to take a lift pass for 5 days (there will be discounts)? 5. How much does a taxi cost to Bukovel? 6. How much does equipment rental cost and can I order in advance? With all respect, Andrew!!!
14 years ago  •  2 subscribers 3 answers
Representative hotels
avatar avangardvoroch
‹ Hotel Avangard 1*
Viaduct in Vorokhta
Carpathians, Vorokhta
Streets, squares, viewpoints, architecture

Спортивная база "Авангард" размещена в селении Ворохта. В нее входят комплекс трамплинов, тренировки и катания на которых происходят круглогодично, тренировочная база "Авангард", канатно-кресельная дорога длиной 200 м, которые преодолеваются за 2 минуты. На базе 5 действующих высококачественных трамплинов. Два из которых с искусственным финским покрытием.Один - с керамической лыжней. Любители лыжного спорта зимой имеют возможность подняться на гору с помощью канатно-кресельной дороги, которая находится возле спортивной базы "Украина", длиной 2 км.

In a hotel

столовая, прачечная, пункт проката горнолыжного инвентаря, спортзал, сауна, тренажеры, видеозалы. На територрии - беседки, шашлычницы.

Description of rooms

Посетители размещаются в двух, трёх местные номера с удобствами на этаже. Номера меблированы, есть ковровое покрытие.

The address Ивано-Франковская область, Яремча
поселок Ворохта
ул. Данила Галицкого, 3
Phones: +38 (03434) 4-12-58 — администратор, +38 (03434) 4-11-40, +38 (03434) 4-11-44,
+38 (096) 128-27-45