Riu Palace Punta Cana Hotel 5*– Reviews

Rating 9.610
based on
9 reviews
№1 in the hotel rating Punta Cana
9.3 Rooms
9.6 Service
9.3 Cleanliness
9.9 Food
9.4 Amenities
Riu Palace Punta Cana is located on the coast, on Arena Gorda Beach in Bavaro (Punta Cana), 20 km from Punta Cana city centre. It is part of the RIU resort complex. The hotel was opened in May 2006, the last renovation was carried out in 2018. This option is suitable for both families and couples.More →
аватар Ambroziya
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 9.0
The decision to visit the Dominican Republic was quite spontaneous. At the end of winter and the pandemic, I wanted the sea, the sun and fresh impressions. When choosing a hotel, we were guided by the opinion of the travel agent, the level of comfort and budget. Were not mistaken. The hotel was charming. Externally - a four-story building in a colonial style with domes. … More ▾ The decision to visit the Dominican Republic was quite spontaneous. At the end of winter and the pandemic, I wanted the sea, the sun and fresh impressions. When choosing a hotel, we were guided by the opinion of the travel agent, the level of comfort and budget. Were not mistaken.
The hotel was charming. Externally - a four-story building in a colonial style with domes.
Spacious, white, laconic. White lace lattice. Pelas is one of five RIU hotels. The territory of the hotels is common. We walked, watched, drank coffee everywhere. Pelas for my biased taste - the most.
Room: standard for two in the same clean colonial style. Equipped with a mini corner with a drip coffee maker and a free bar stocked with drinks. Beer President - no ice. Take your own shampoo. There are no robes or slippers. Never critical.
The area is very well maintained. Fountains, palm trees, everything is green. Quiet. Four swimming pools: for children with a waterfall, sports with a volleyball net, with a water bar and music, and with sun loungers right in the water (happiness). Adjustable awnings. Beds are stationary. All pools with jacuzzis.
Beach chairs under palm trees. Romance is added by cocktails with and without the ubiquitous rum. The Atlantic is a powerful primeval ocean, it makes noise and rumbles like a high-speed train. You will hear this noise in your room at night when you are trying to overcome the 6 hour time difference and fall asleep. Turquoise distance of exceptional beauty. You can swim, but the ocean wave will give swimming its own dynamics. Diving with a mask makes no sense. Not Egypt. For snorkeling and diving you need to go to the islands. Saint Catalina is the very thing. Piñ a colada in pineapple after a half hour diving is heavenly heaven beat mi.
Let's go back to the hotel. Restaurants: main (buffet), four a la carte (without pre-order) and one on the beach. Varied, tasty, beautiful. Vegetables and fruits are in abundance. Avocados are great! There were oysters, lobsters and black caviar. Although pork and chicken are more common : ) Grill. Bars with cocktails and rum in all variations.
Staff: heard a lot about the sluggishness and optionality of the Dominicans. Did not notice. They clean, wash, trim from morning to night. Always on site at the reception. Friendly. Unobtrusive. Invisible.
They speak Spanish, but basic English will do you good.
The mountains of the Cordillera require a separate song, try to visit them. I highly recommend an excursion to Santo Domingo, but the whales are beyond competition. Now is just the period when these colossus swim in families. Unforgettably. In general, the Dominican Republic is not Turkey, not Egypt, and not Zanzibar. This is the same New World that Columbus discovered for you and me, and now everyone is discovering it for themselves.
аватар sanek20
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 10.0
Arrived at the hotel on 01/23/21 on Azura, direct charter. Very uncomfortable cabin and clearly not designed for such a long flight. This is where the cons of traveling end! The travel agent offered the Riu Palace Punta Cana Hotel 5 *, and they did not lose! Beautiful bright rooms, delicious food and high-quality alcohol made our stay unforgettable. … More ▾ Arrived at the hotel on 01/23/21 on Azura, direct charter. Very uncomfortable cabin and clearly not designed for such a long flight. This is where the cons of traveling end!
The travel agent offered the Riu Palace Punta Cana Hotel 5 *, and they did not lose!
Beautiful bright rooms, delicious food and high-quality alcohol made our stay unforgettable.
Beach with white sand, algae are constantly removed.
I also want to note the fun animation, they did not let me get bored and kept me entertained all the time!
The period for rest was specially chosen in order to see the whales, this is an unforgettable sight, I highly recommend it! I also liked the excursion to Saona, they took it through the local guys dominicana. pro. We'll be back for sure.
аватар zhurayeva
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 10.0
"+": + Excellent white sandy beach dotted with palm trees. + Delicious and varied food. There are always seafood, fresh tropical fruits, a large selection of meat dishes, etc. + Cheerful atmosphere, incendiary animation. + Water park on the territory of the complex. + You can use the territory and infrastructure of RIU Naiboa 4* and Club Hotel RIU Bambu 5* hotels. … More ▾ "+":

+ Excellent white sandy beach dotted with palm trees.
+ Delicious and varied food. There are always seafood, fresh tropical fruits, a large selection of meat dishes, etc.
+ Cheerful atmosphere, incendiary animation.
+ Water park on the territory of the complex.
+ You can use the territory and infrastructure of RIU Naiboa 4* and Club Hotel RIU Bambu 5* hotels.
аватар _277310
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 9.0
Excellent hotel, large green area, food beyond praise, quality drinks. The room is large, the condition is good, the disadvantage is a weak hair dryer. During the day, the hotel has active animation, foamy discos. Beach with white sand, but sometimes there were algae, although they were quickly removed. … More ▾ Excellent hotel, large green area, food beyond praise, quality drinks.
The room is large, the condition is good, the disadvantage is a weak hair dryer.
During the day, the hotel has active animation, foamy discos.
Beach with white sand, but sometimes there were algae, although they were quickly removed.
In general, the hotel corresponds to its value, I recommend
аватар dmark
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 10.0
Answering another typical question from friends, colleagues and others who met after the arrival, seeing my tanned physiognomy - “Where did you go? Which hotel? Liked? ” I involuntarily to the duty officer “I liked it! ” added - Yes, I liked it so much that I can’t write a normal review, it turns out not a description of services and useful observations, but a salute of laudatory epithets - OH COOL! AH GREAT! WOW HEALTHY! So, I’ll tell you, Dear citizens, who are looking for the harmony of package adventures between the price of a voucher and the objectivity of reviews and getting used to the crept in the thought of the need to fork out a little - you are not mistaken, you are here - in the Dominican Republic, in Rio Palace Punta Cana !! ! 5*+/HV-1. … More ▾ Answering another typical question from friends, colleagues and others who met after the arrival, seeing my tanned physiognomy - “Where did you go? Which hotel? Liked? ” I involuntarily to the duty officer “I liked it! ” added - Yes, I liked it so much that I can’t write a normal review, it turns out not a description of services and useful observations, but a salute of laudatory epithets - OH COOL! AH GREAT! WOW HEALTHY!
So, I’ll tell you, Dear citizens, who are looking for the harmony of package adventures between the price of a voucher and the objectivity of reviews and getting used to the crept in the thought of the need to fork out a little - you are not mistaken, you are here - in the Dominican Republic, in Rio Palace Punta Cana !! ! 5*+/HV-1.

You can stop reading my review. Buy a ticket, go and taste all the delights in reality. Most, as a rule, quickly get bored with reviews longer than a page, and the paradox with the description of the flight is especially touching.
In someone else’s review, you quickly skip it under the pretext of “again 25”, and once on board, as if bewitched, you again film the take-off, landing, yourself beloved against the background of the porthole and the bird of happiness brought for a snack in the boat food kit.

The previous trip to the sea was back in November 2017 at the nearby RIU BAMBU 5 * hotel, which gave us the full enjoyment of the charm of a Dominican beach holiday and allowed us to create differentiated impressions about other RIU hotels during our walks.
Plans for the next vacation were built from the acceptance of "Rio Wambu" as a conditional standard and the desire to be fascinated by the Dominican Republic from other angles through the prism of the services of other hotels. And so, when the dates were finally and irrevocably fixed, the circle of the search for a place was narrowed and outlined, and the hand was raised to put an end to it, I saw a strangeness.
The price in the standard Rio Punta Cana is only a few thousand rubles higher than the price in Bamba, which is not normal. The Palace Punta Cana hotel is objectively of a higher level, the maximum rating and the price tag is usually 30 percent more expensive. From my thoughts, a toad woke up in me and I heard a whisper: “Take it, take it, freebie! » But during the preparations and searches, the Punta Cana Palace did not fall into the field of our plans, we were not drawn to the pompous interiors with colonnades, with tanned granite in the wall cladding and carved cast-iron chandeliers we saw last year. Still, I had to lower my hand, call my wife, consider another option for a trip, especially since I had information about the renovations carried over by the hotel in the eighteenth year. We went to the hotel website and began to look at the photos, and we realized that the renovations were a success and pulled us, like bees on honey, quickly, without delay, to pay for the tour.
So let's go.
The miracle of the Azur airline, a miracle has not ceased to be calling, with its business class, from the memory of the words of the song B. G. “Well, ordinary things. We are with you ...(deceived) ”, therefore, by a joint decision, it was decided not to regret the extra payment spent, because in Vnukovo we had dinner in the business hall, and since alcohol, except for beer, turned out to be paid, we took a shower, and the clean ones in the minibus drove to the handsome 777-300ER painted with sunglasses and sunbathing bears on the beach. The stewardesses are smiling from ear to ear, so helpful - maybe another glass of cognac? do you want juice? take an apple one too, serve breakfast or still sleep? There are no multimedia entertainments, except for flight tracking, in principle, the “furniture” is very tired, my massage in the chair worked properly for my wife only partially, when I tried to turn off the screen brightness, the monitor glowed according to unpredictable logic, and my wife’s even cooler, started blinking .
But the benefit of the seat regularly laid out in a horizontal position and in flight we had a great sleep. We took off on schedule at 00-05, it was dark outside, we arrived at about 6 in the morning, it was still dark outside. The La-Romana airport terminal is small, on the right is the arrival hall, on the left is the departure hall, in the middle there is a push and a stall. One of our giants parked on the airfield and several business jets somewhere in the distance. We get off the plane, we go along the “fly away” hall, people are looking at us from behind the glass, Slavic faces, but black-black and sad-sad eyes. I thought then, here it is the future, in two weeks, and we will sit here like sad donkeys. After the formalities, we went to the buses, there are packages of water by the buses, the guides offer to drink, take bottles as much as you want, respect to Aneks-tour. While the people were going to the bus, dawn broke and we arrived at the hotel at 9 o'clock local time for breakfast, outwardly worn, but cheerful in spirit.
We enter the hotel and are a little numb, the renovations were really successful, photographs cannot convey all the sensations in volume. Vintage furniture, vintage lamps, chandeliers, paintings on the walls are combined with modern sofas and table lamps, fresh-fashioned colors inspire lightness, and a few interior details painted in gold leaf give solidity. We put the suitcases of the bag in the sump, the porter rings our hands with bracelets and admonishes us to come after 15-00 for the keys to the room and sends us to have breakfast.
Entering the restaurant, the first thing you see is 7-8 jugs filled by the chef with juices squeezed from fruits, vegetables and even greens lying behind the counter. We try a glass, oh yes it is delicious, we take another glass and go to the table.
We barely had time to put glasses of juice, the waiter comes up and first in Spanish, and guessing our zero level of knowledge of his native language with a hand gesture depicting a landing plane clarifies our status as fresh arrivals. After our nods, two more glasses appear on the table and champagne is poured into them from the cotton of an open bottle. Let's start breakfast, since there is a choice, which can be eloquently described only by listing dishes prepared from eggs: poached eggs, poached eggs in tomato-vegetable sauce, portioned fried eggs with non-spread liquid yolk, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs with onions, scrambled eggs with onions and fried sausage, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs with onions, boiled eggs, bread fried in an egg, pancakes fried in an egg, a separate table where you are fried eggs with your chosen ingredients, here you can ask the chef, he will give you a raw egg.
What can we say about the other two types of porridge, sausages, sausages, red fish and jamon, delicious cheeses, including those with mold, too, black red caviar and, of course, overseas eggplant. The caviar is unusual, the eggs are not large and saltier than ours, but on a bun with butter, the taste of a sandwich with caviar turns out to be natural, the waiter continually replenishes empty glasses and soon we heard the second pop of the champagne cork, and after the third, we had to ask the waiter to slow down a bit.
In a state of euphoria, not from a warm welcome, but rather from two bottles of champagne, we return to the reception. The suitcases of the fellow travelers who arrived with us disappeared, leaving ours proudly standing alone. Having settled further on the sofa, we began to lay out things, intending to dig out beach toilets, and then a man comes up to us.
From his not strict, but different from the surrounding costume, we conclude that this is probably the administrator. In the purest Spanish, sounding like salsa or bachata mixed with champagne bubbles in our head, the señ or is persistently interested, juggling a walkie-talkie: “What are you doing here? ". In the purest gibberish, I explained that the purpose of our actions was to take off the demonic clothes covered with road dust, pull on swimming shorts and head, or rather, RUN HEADLESSLY to happiness, which manifested itself in this part of the globe in the form of an azure ocean, white sand, coconut palms and all inclusive bars serving Hi-End coffee and Mamajuana. Slightly rounding his eyes and scratching his head with an antenna, the native chief again asked us in the purest Spanish not to dematerialize for another moment and headed towards the reception. Before a moment had passed, the receptionist beckoned us and handed over the keys to the room.
The successful architectural and planning solution of the hotel allowed us to accurately navigate the area by evening, and in order to find a room on our own, the porter just had to indicate which way to go. Having swept the floor in the elevator and walked a little on foot along the open corridors with forged carved railings, we ended up in the room. They looked around and went out to the balcony. Nothing spectacular to see. When buying a tour, two room options were available for booking, standard, overlooking the outer perimeter of the hotel and for +16 t. rooms overlooking the inner avenue with fountains. Our reservation is standard, and as it should be, our eyes were taken by the reception of Rio Bambu and its backyard with trucks unloading, but the smell from all the dishes cooked for breakfast in Rio Bambu was a surprise at once.
And my wife definitely did not like this smell, she was not going to sit in the room from the balcony to look, of course, but all things will smell and how will I walk after the dress? Try a passport with such ironclad arguments, nothing can be done, we are no strangers, let's go change the number. Anticipating such surprises in other standard rooms, we agree to pay extra and ask for a room for the fountains, but there are no available rooms, they offer a room by the pools, with a direct view of the ocean. Oh, and how much does it cost? Like Biblioglobus offered such numbers for +70t. R. and in the end, having bargained for $325, we go to room 1057, which became our home in the Dominican Republic for two weeks.

Dollars in the cash register, keys in an envelope
The luggage is thrown on the floor, in a glass of rum.
But first of all, trust me!
We fix, from the balcony the view on the film,
As if in the distance we see the spaceport.
The room is cozy and spacious, structurally divided into three zones, the floor is on two levels, in the entrance area there is a wardrobe, a bathroom, a refrigerator stuffed to capacity with soft drinks and beer, a coffee maker and a dispenser (booze accumulator) above the refrigerator. The next zone is a double bed 2x2, a trestle bed to put suitcases or, after gaining impressions in the evening, throw off clothes before going to bed, there is an LCD TV on the floor of the wall, moving deeper into the room towards the balcony, we go down a couple of steps lower to the second level, there is a sofa with a coffee table, a chest of drawers and a large abstract picture hangs above it, again there is no mirror. So dear ladies, do permanent makeup in advance. The designer is either a knockout beauty in nude style by birth, who is unaware of the need for a woman to look in the mirror when applying makeup, or a non-standard person who does not need makeup.
Of course, there is a mirror in the room, it just hangs in the corner of the bedroom next to the trestle bed, who needs it there? We faced a similar disregard for functionality in Bamba, so we didn’t bother anymore. On the floor, the tiles are sensitively cold, thanks to Russian Railways and the Azur business for giving out slippers to passengers, they turned out to be a pleasant help, since it is not pleasant to walk on the cold floor when returning from the beach in wet shales in the evening. In the evening, after flipping through a cloud of channels, I also found the Russian ones, but when I saw everyone except myself, V. R. Solovyov, who was not satisfied, and then A. Malakhov, who, with all his inherent intelligence, proved to the participants in the program that acne on their bottom they have from the fact that they themselves live like pimples on someone's bottom, and with all my deep respect for the aforementioned presenters, against the backdrop of Punta Cana, they seemed to be guests of a crazy hospital from Vysotsky's song, so the TV was turned off decisively and no longer turned on at all.
The remote control as it was put there and lay there until departure.
And rushed days of rest continuous Saturdays and Sundays. After a couple of days, the meaning of the word, hunger, completely flies out of the head, I don’t remember it even upon arrival home, after all, +7 kg on the scales. And how could it be otherwise? Gastronomic ecstasy is easily obtained already in the main restaurant. It would take a long time to list all these claws, colorful shells, soups, sauces, gravy, roasted ducks, lamb and beef legs on the a la carte table, and besides, the menus in a la carte restaurants are not skillfully served repetitions of dishes from the buffet. At the grill we dined on Caribbean lobster with creamy citrus butter, next time 350 thunderous New York steak, at Fusion we ate roasted lobster with rice and shrimp.
We also went to a Spanish restaurant where we really liked the roast and cheeks of an Iberian pig with sweet potato puree and glazed onions, served in an extravagant plate in the form of an inverted sombrero. On weekdays, free tables in a la carte were immediately available. On weekends, when a significant number of the population of neighboring countries arrives, there may not be a table right away, then the hostess writes you down in a notebook and asks you to come in 30 minutes. another quality drink presented in the “wine list” of all inclusive bars. Moreover, if you are not stingy sometimes leave a dollar as a thank you, high-quality alcohol will automatically be poured into prepared cocktails.
The bar is perhaps the only place where a tip was appropriate.
The “Dolphinarium” was not far away, and by noon we were already back. Entering the door from afar, in unison, an exclamation of amazement saw our room, decorated with colorful balloons, a folded ikebana of swan towels, seated on the bed like a heart, surrounded by donated bottles of wine and a porcelain doll. There was also a greeting card from the hotel. Understanding from the approving voices from the corridor, heard in response to our reaction, that the maid who was standing nearby had created this splendor, I went out to thank her and backed up my gratitude with a few dollars. In the future, figurines from towels, petals, and flowers were constantly replaced in the room, which prompted us to put a couple more dollars on the chest of drawers, but the money remained untouched.
The helpfulness of the staff deserves special mention.
A glass at lunch or dinner does not have time to empty, you can’t get bored on a sunbed by the pool or on the beach, the waiters come up with a frequency bordering on importunity and ask what drink to bring? On the second day after arrival, when I did not yet realize that all inclusive in the hotel was such an ALL INCLUSIVE, I lay down in the farthest corner from the pool to wait for my wife to return from an introductory run through the nearest souvenir shops. The waiter has already approached several times and I decided to ward him off. Asked for Champagne!! ! And he continued to doze, naively counting on getting rid of the pester. It was a pity there was no one to photograph my bulging eyes when he brought me a bucket of ice and a bottle of champagne on ice. While I was sending photos and a description of what happened to relatives to friends on Wats App, the waiter came and asked if everything was all right? But that's not all, where are the glasses? what should I drink from? Ai moment and brought me a glass.
And when the wife came, he brought the second one. And to our surprise, we did not have to pay extra for the service.
Appeared in the network of RIU and innovations. At the road connecting the hotel receptions, not far from the water park, an arena was built, in which day and evening thematic discos "Riu Pool Party" are held. And between the hotels, the water park and the arena, Tuk-tuks now go. The Pool party itself impresses with a costumed carnival show with group dances of animators and waiters pouring liqueurs from bottles or from vessels stylized as machine guns into the mouths of the rest. In the arena itself, there are three all-inclusive bars and two swimming pools.
One pool in the center of the structure with a depth above the knee is designed for dance pool dances, into which foam from two under-roof foam generators enters, the second pool is located higher, waist-deep combined with a bar, there are tables, you can watch the dance pool and the opposite stage with podiums on danced by artists during a costume show. Discos of various themes are held several times a week from three to seven and from eight to eleven, we went to the Jungle party, danced and had fun until we dropped.
In addition to the newfangled disco, they also took part in animation, studied Latin dances, floundered in Aqua aerobics, and participated in the games of the animation sports day. The result was five first places, for which they did not give gold medals, but gave out four 150 thunder bottles of Mamajuana and a dark blue bandana with the inscription RIU. In fairness, I confess that my merit is not great, I only won darts once.
The rest is all my wife is an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty! It was very intriguing to watch the sports competitions periodically held in the pool, once they put a polyethylene foam path on the water the length of the pool floor, you had to run along it, falling through, then swim on the board from the surf to the opposite side, then run back, drink a glass of beer along the way and reaching the shower column to dance an erotic dance. Another time they arranged kayak races around the pool, back and forth, the girls competed among themselves and among themselves men. Having determined the winner by the usual race, the organizers tied the kayaks with the stern and forced the men to compete who would drag whom. There were screams and laughter from the fans!
During such entertainment, we learned that many Chileans, Argentines rest in the hotel, there are Dominicans, French, Germans, Dutch and Canadians, there are Spaniards and Poles, there are many of ours and there are Ukrainians. There are many Americans, but they did not participate in the animation, they sit and drink in the pool bar for days on end. If you pass by, you wave your hand to them, they will bawl greetings in response, you go back, they will bawl greetings to you already without reminders.
The flight to the motherland was postponed twice. The first time the good news came in the midst of a holiday, we fly away not at 13-30 after breakfast, but at 20-30, and we will also have time to have lunch. Then, through the online scoreboard, it completely turned out that our plane would take off from Moscow only in the evening and arrive in La-Romana in the morning of the next day indicated in the ticket.
Therefore, the bus took us after lunch from the hotel and took us to the Occidental Caribe 4 * hotel, located next to the Riu Republica 5 * in the province of La Altagracia, which we originally wanted to get into, wanting not to see algae at all. The ocean here is completely transparent, there is not even a hint of algae along the coast, the waves are rolling - a classic surf. True, there were no algae in Riu either. So a little straw, rather crumbled from palm trees. The tractor for cleaning the beach rode empty in the morning. At Occidental, we were given a room with an ocean view, put on another bracelet and managed to visit another hotel. At night we were taken to the airport, there were forty-three sad donkeys on the bus.

And it all ends, ends, ends
The platform and lanterns barely sway ...
Eyes say goodbye, study for a long time,
And so everything is clear - do not say words.
We will bend, but we probably will not bend,
Hidden blades will not rust in their scabbards;
And someday we'll go back somewhere
And we will be with you guys again.
And finally, the weather.

There are a number of jokes on duty about the weather. Commanders of planes returning from resorts in winter on their return flight before landing like to insert “The weather is good minus so many degrees, snow. ”
In a telephone conversation with the house vacationers in the winter in the south to the question “We have a minus, how is the weather for you? ”, they answer “what is the weather? »
Two days in the middle of the holiday, nature showed itself a little. A squally wind blew and subsided, there was a short downpour blessing the vacationers with multiple rainbows and the sun appeared again, the remaining 12 days were cloudless.
аватар anpro
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 9.0
The hotel is cool, we flew with Kharkiv Airlines from December 7 to 19.2013, a direct flight from Kyiv to Punta Cana, a very good plane, even though it is 18 years old (adult), the crew and flight attendants are very attentive and responsive. Over the Atlantic a little trotted, but not much. Brothers Slavs in the hotel up to 10 percent, no more. … More ▾ The hotel is cool, we flew with Kharkiv Airlines from December 7 to 19.2013, a direct flight from Kyiv to Punta Cana, a very good plane, even though it is 18 years old (adult), the crew and flight attendants are very attentive and responsive. Over the Atlantic a little trotted, but not much. Brothers Slavs in the hotel up to 10 percent, no more. The ocean is fabulous, the sand is white and not heated. You can sunbathe from 7-7.30, from lunch it is better to go to the pool. The territory is large, be sure to walk around the territory of all 4 hotels. Meals - I do not advise going to restaurants, everything is the same in a general restaurant (light dress code for dinner). We sincerely rejoiced at the lobster in the grill restaurant until we came to the general one - there are these lobsters in basins, I don’t want to take them. For a tip, take our native Alyonushka chocolate !!! , they are in the country of coffee and cocoa for some reason. They took an individual tour (3 people and a Russian guide) to the capital of Santo Domingo (there is nothing special to see, they bought up there, definitely in two times cheaper than rum, cigars and magnets, a little cheaper than coffee and cocoa, they didn’t scam at customs at all, both on ours upon arrival and on their departure), nothing special on Saonu Island, a city of artists, starfish and lunch with lobsters (2pcs/face), only the sun is much angrier in the Caribbean than in the Atlantic - take a powerful cream. The service at this hotel is absolute nonsense about slowness and sluggishness, specifically, everything was fast and good with us, no Turkish and Egyptian arrogance and greyhounds. Try to take the second floor (preferably the interior, with a view of the fountains) and once again do not open the balcony - the mosquitoes are just crazy. The rooms have a coffee maker, mini bar, iron and all that, everything is free, from alcohol except beer - gin, vodka, rum and brandy. Cleaning is normal, 3 channels of Russians, internet is free throughout the hotel - the code at the reception in the lobby, which is simply gorgeous, eviction - 2 minutes, no one checks anything. Everything else - I support the previous review.
аватар Olga2203
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 10.0
I liked the rest very much! 1. Air France flew through Paris, the planes were good, despite the long flight, which takes 9 hours (from Paris), the flight time did not shrink, they thought it would be harder, the food on the plane was good, they poured wine, beer, soft drinks could be take during the entire flight in unlimited quantities, there are monitors in the backs of the seats, thanks to which it was possible to listen to music, watch movies, and receive information about the flight. … More ▾ I liked the rest very much!
1. Air France flew through Paris, the planes were good, despite the long flight, which takes 9 hours (from Paris), the flight time did not shrink, they thought it would be harder, the food on the plane was good, they poured wine, beer, soft drinks could be take during the entire flight in unlimited quantities, there are monitors in the backs of the seats, thanks to which it was possible to listen to music, watch movies, and receive information about the flight.
2. The hotel is just wonderful. Settled quickly, the rooms are spacious, the room has an ironing board, iron, mini bar full of soft drinks and beer, rum, whiskey, gin, vodka. Also in the room there is a coffee maker, everything is replenished daily and for free. Room cleaning is excellent daily.
The hotel staff is very friendly, the atmosphere is homely.
3. The food is very impressive, at breakfast there are 10 types of fresh juices, various fruits (delicious pineapples and mangoes), a lot of seafood: different types of fish, squid, shrimps, mussels, lobsters, lobsters; many meat dishes: steaks, kebabs, chicken, etc. ; many salads; side dishes for every taste; also a lot of desserts, ice cream. There were sushi several times, though this is not their forte))
Alcoholic drinks in all bars of the hotel for every taste, including imported: 3 types of rum, whiskey, brandy, vodka, various liqueurs, wines, different cocktails, we really liked champagne. there is also a huge selection of soft drinks and cocktails, delicious coffee in the bars.
4. The beach is excellent, wide with beautiful white sand, there were always enough sunbeds when you didn’t come, waiters walk along the beach and offer drinks and of course the insanely beautiful ocean...
You don’t have to get bored on the beach, as well as throughout the day and evening, the animation works perfectly, all the time there are competitions, dances, and an entertainment program.
5. Excursions are not cheap, we took Catalinita VIP - $ 175 per person, were in the city of millionaires, artists, swam in the natural pool of the Caribbean Sea with starfish, visited the sunken island, Saona Island, but to be honest, we didn’t see anything special on the excursion.
In general, the trip was successful, we didn’t want to leave home at all, and we didn’t regret for a minute that we chose this particular hotel.
We recommend to everyone!!! !
Аэропорт в Пунта Кане))
аватар lika.kuzhel_mail.ru
 •  traveled 12 years ago
… More ▾
аватар lika.kuzhel_mail.ru
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 9.0
We chose the hotel almost by accident and did not regret it, I liked the hotel, I can’t write that it’s better and I won’t imagine it, of course the climate makes its own adjustments - there were damp corners and other nuances. We were in the rainy season - for almost 3 weeks - 3 times at night it rained - that's all. … More ▾ We chose the hotel almost by accident and did not regret it, I liked the hotel, I can’t write that it’s better and I won’t imagine it, of course the climate makes its own adjustments - there were damp corners and other nuances. We were in the rainy season - for almost 3 weeks - 3 times at night it rained - that's all. That things do not dry is a lie. In restaurants, the dress code is for dinner only. Housekeeping is 5-, but the service is otherwise 5+. food for 5+, the atmosphere in the hotel is also for 5. no one bothers anyone to relax, when the hotel was fully loaded, there were always enough sun loungers and lobsters in restaurants and places in the open-air jacuzzi with a glass of exotic cocktail, etc. Lobby- The Hermitage with paintings and sculptures, only a cup of aromatic coffee with rum fully contributes to peace and relaxation. You feel at home. The infrastructure of the hotel itself allows you to relax with all the amenities, but you can really use all the benefits of another 5 riu hotels, you yourself went to barcelo a couple of times - 5min and $ 5 by taxi, it is a little more expensive, a little newer, but is a smaller copy of the palace, but that's all new is not all the best, the smell of dampness and paint is still felt, which brings a little discomfort. Of course, the ocean (Atlantic, Caribbean Sea - south) is super simple, the beach is clean, the sand is really warm, it doesn’t burn your feet. No special shoes are needed. Waves often endure small crabs, pelicans now and then flying over the coastline are pleasing to the eye. Coconut palms not only fit into the "BOUNTY" picture, but also give a pleasant shade. We were also on the island of Saona (the reserve where the "Blue Lagoon" and the Bounty advertisement were really filmed) - this is in the Caribbean Sea, it is even warmer, even more blue and. . . -beauty - there really are no words. True, excursions are not cheap at all. everything is in the region of $ 600 for two, though their organization wants to leave the best, if not more, they can just spoil the whole impression of the rest, well, what can I say, ours will organize and that says it all, they learned to take money, but to work, let the blacks work . NO WORDS. here they work. Once again, the Dominican service is 5+, this is not Turkey or Egypt. is no comparison. Even a difficult flight will not force you to give up your next vacation in the Dominican Republic again.
аватар zabuha
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 10.0
My husband and I enjoyed our stay at this hotel. Of course, it is not new, so there were some minor drawbacks. We really liked the staff and the service. In the evenings, there is live music in the restaurant, it took my breath away from it. The tables at dinner were decorated with flowers, the tourists were all dressed up, the staff in suits. … More ▾ My husband and I enjoyed our stay at this hotel. Of course, it is not new, so there were some minor drawbacks. We really liked the staff and the service. In the evenings, there is live music in the restaurant, it took my breath away from it. The tables at dinner were decorated with flowers, the tourists were all dressed up, the staff in suits. I don’t know about whom the waiters forgot about, they even managed to move the chair for me. Another thing I noticed is that the waiters can hardly restrain themselves so as not to sing songs, and dance all the time. Their positive attitude made us happy.

avatar eleedora
Hello, I would like to know the New Year's program, what will be held at the hotel, will there be any additional payments? the travel agency does not answer anything about this
11 years ago  •  2 subscribers 2 answers
Mount Redonda
Rating 10.0
Dominican republic, Punta Cana
Nature, Streets, squares, viewpoints

Отель Riu Palace Punta Cana расположен на побережье, на пляже Арена Горда в Баваро (Пунта-Кана), в 20 км от центра города Пунта-Кана. Входит в состав курортного комплекса RIU. Отель был открыт в мае 2006 года последняя реновация проводилась в 2018 году. Этот вариант подойдёт как для семейного отдыха, так и для пар.

Location Отель расположен в 25 км от международного аэропорта Пунта-Кана, в 40 км от центра Игуэй.
  • 1st line
  • private beach
  • sand beach
  • sun loungers  FREE 
  • umbrellas  FREE 
  • beach towels
In a hotel

3 открытых бассейна (площадью 570, 202 и 123 кв. м.), терраса для загара, ресторан Don Manuel, ресторан La Bodega, ресторан Krystal, ресторан японской кухни Yokohama, ресторан итальянской кухни Luigi, ресторан у бассейна La Altagracia, бар у бассейна Saona, бар La Plaza, лобби-бар, 2 конференц-зала.

  • restaurant
  • A la carte restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • conference hall/banquet hall
  • car rental
  • free wi-fi
  • laundry
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • currency exchange
  • payment by payment cards
For kids Открытый бассейн с горками (площадью 7 кв. м), Мини-клуб Riu Land 4-12 лет.
  • children's swimming pool
  • playground
  • kids club
  • children's chairs in the restaurant
  • cot
Entertainment and sports Аквапарк с 6 горками аэробика, бочча, уроки танца меренге, аквааэробика, гимнастика, вечерние шоу, живая музыка, танцевальные вечера.
  • Spa or wellness center
  • sauna/bath/hammam  FREE 
  • jacuzzi  FREE 
  • table tennis
  • tennis court
  • volleyball
  • gym
  • aerobics
  • water activities
  • diving
  • casino
  • animation
Description of rooms

Номерной фонд отеля насчитывает 676 номеров. Категории номеров: Suite, Junior Suite Standard, Junior Suite Courtyard View.

In the rooms

Собственная ванная комната, ванна или душ, фен, телефон, спутниковое ТВ, центральный кондиционер, сейф (бесплатно), вентилятор, мини-бар, кофе-машина, утюг, гладильная доска, Wi-Fi (бесплатно), балкон/терраса.

  • bath / shower
  • hair dryer
  • safe
  • air conditioner
  • fan
  • cable/satellite TV
  • plasma tv
  • phone
  • internet wi-fi  FREE 
  • tea/coffee maker
  • balcony/terrace
  • jacuzzi (not in all rooms)
The address Playa de Arena Gorda, Punta Cana
Phones: 00 34 871 966296
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 1-й пляжной линии. У отеля собственный песчаный пляж. Пляжные полотенца в отеле (бесплатно).
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Для ценителей тишины и релакса есть Спа или велнес-центр. Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в настольный теннис, теннис, волейбол. Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал, аэробикой. В отеле есть водные развлечения. Любители подводного мира могут воспользоваться услугой дайвинга. Обязательно сходите в казино, это особое удовольствие. О том чтобы Вы ни минуты не скучали позаботится анимация.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детским бассейном с небольшой глубиной, детской площадкой с горкой и качелями. Чтобы взрослые могли отдохнуть, детей каждый день развлекает детский клуб. Детские стульчики для кормления Ваших малышей всегда под рукой. По Вашей просьбе отель предоставляет детскую кроватку (бесплатно).