Greek Venice

13 July 2015 Travel time: with 04 July 2015 on 11 July 2015
Reputation: +110.5
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This was my first trip to the Schengen area. Before that, it somehow didn't work out. The service, then and there... New rules for issuing visas were supposed to come into force on July 23, but I applied ahead of time, because they did not touch me. Yes, and "Mouzenidis Travel" worked quickly, thanks to him. So, I decided to go to the blissful island of Corfu, also called "Greek Venice". It is named so not because the cities (such as Kerkyra) stand on the canals, but because the ubiquitous Venetian merchants previously owned this territory. My exceptional interest in this object was explained by the fact that it was in Corfu, in the cathedral of the city of Corfu, that the relics of the great saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky rest, who has assisted in a number of my affairs over the past two years. I vowed to worship him, and behold. finally, he was able to keep his word. There was an alternative to go to Corfu through Kyiv, so you could directly get to the island. But I didn’t want to get to the capital by way of bed, I didn’t want to depend on the vagaries of the weather, so we decided to go from our hometown, through Thessaloniki. And, I must say, they did not regret it at all. Arriving at the airport "Macedonia", we noticed that there was no "duteshnik" on arrival, only on departure. A little puzzled, but not much. As we exited the airport building, a surprise awaited us. It turns out that we were the only ones flying to Corfu, that's why a personal minibus was served for us, which took us with my wife to the Grand Hotel Palace. What to say? Five stars - they are 5 stars in Greece. Lovely Victorian hotel with silk wallpaper, prints, vintage style desk, personalized slippers and fluffy bathrobes. Excellent cuisine, amazing uncrowded pool, etc. Hotel guide from Mouzenidis Travel Marina advised us to visit the nearby Lidl supermarket, where we stocked up on cheap food and wine for lunch, which was very useful to us the next day. It was a Sunday when no self-respecting Greek store owner would think of working.

Sunday was the day for sightseeing in Thessaloniki. We visited the embankment, took pictures at the famous white tower, then walked up along Aristotle's Square. The ruins of the Roman agora and the basilica of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica were especially impressive. True, aggressive beggars who belligerently tried to beg for alms were very, very prevented from cleaning the latter. Moreover, the eurocent trifle obviously did not suit them. They demanded more substantial assistance, for which they were given a firm absheed (they themselves, they say, are not local). The basilica is very large. She was especially interested in her crypt dungeons, where, in fact, there is a whole wonderful world. They lit candles and venerated the relics of St. Demetrius. We tried to take a photo, but this was unsuccessful. In the evening, having got on a free tour arranged by the efficient Marina, we also examined the fortress walls of the city.

On Monday morning we went to Igoumenitsa on a comfortable seven-seater mini-bass. We drove 3.5 hours. In the port, we quickly boarded the ferry (an interesting means of transportation) and after 1.5 hours ended up in the port of the capital of Corfu, the city of Kerkyra. Here, too, a mini-bass was waiting for us, which took us to the hotel "Loutrouvia", in the fishing village of Benitses, half an hour's drive from the capital.

Expectations have fully justified themselves. We were ready for "two star" service. However, they were pleasantly surprised. The administration immediately went to meet us when we "bewildered" and asked for a room with a view of the mountains, not the sea (read the previous reviews). We checked whether such rooms were available and provided it to us without any additional payments and conversations (on the second / first floor). Having gone there, my wife and I were at first puzzled by the small area of ​ ​ the room, which was predetermined by the presence of a 3rd, folding, bed. We asked the maid to remove the "interference" and after the instant execution of the whim, the room became much more spacious. Pleased with the presence of a personal air conditioner, refrigerator and TV. The air conditioner is new, it cooled the room regularly (even very much, so I had to pacify its ardor). The bathrooms also worked well. The maid is very efficient and helpful. I immediately responded to a request for a second pillow (I can’t sleep on a low one), bringing two whole ones (for me and my wife). How can you not appreciate such kindness. Of course, he slipped her a euro coin for tea a couple of times.

The kitchen is also a delight. Breakfasts are monotonous, but quite high in calories, since no one limited the amount of food taken. We noticed that one young couple scored either 7 or 10 eggs for breakfast (where is it for them? ). We dined in a tavern at the hotel, having previously familiarized ourselves with the price list of neighboring similar establishments. A full dinner with wine came out about 32-34 euros, without wine and salads (as they were attached to the main dishes) - 21-22 euros. There was a supermarket nearby. I recommend it especially, because we checked 3 more (one a little ahead of the one mentioned and 2 in the center), and found that the prices in "ours" are much nicer. It took a bottle of wine (dry) and something for a snack. Then we had dinner on the balcony, equipped with a table and chairs, enjoying the healing air and wonderful views of the mountains.

The sea, of course, is not the same as the usual Mediterranean. A bit of algae, and sea urchins were fooling around (so you should stock up on rubber slippers), but already from 8 in the morning it is quite warm and you can swim freely until 19. Sunbeds for 1.5 euros, umbrellas - free of charge. We were told that you can buy a drink at the bar for a couple of euros and you can not pay for beach service, but this is not so.

I would especially like to note the work of the girls-guides from "Mouzenidis". Anastasia Malykh, Daria Notorina (hotel managers) and guide Anna Nesterova showed their best side, responding positively to the slightest whims (up to the exchange of the "red" passport cover that I did not like for "classic" brown). They immediately helped to sign up for a free sightseeing tour (the last 2 places were taken), they were constantly interested in their needs, saw them off when they left, etc.

In general, very satisfied. I advise you not to listen and not read the reviews, although, of course, you need to prepare for different things, and have an initial positive attitude. Then everything will turn out right for you and your rest will be successful.

Anastasia arranged a free tour of Corfu for us and the next day we went to this famous city. To begin with, we visited Pontikonisi - Mouse Island, where there is a half-abandoned church, famous for the peacock living there. Then we went to the monastery, where the miraculous icon of the Blachernae Mother of God is located (candles were placed both there and there). After we examined the walls of the city fortresses, we went to the temple of Empress Theodora, who restored the veneration of icons (there we were first given filahto - paper bags with particles of holy relics). Well, the crown of our visit is a visit to the church of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, where his incorruptible relics rest, preserving the temperature of a living human body and famous for the fact that hair grows on the honest head of the saint. Fortunately for us, the relics were open, so that we had the opportunity to venerate them. A day later, we again went to the temple and again the relics were opened. This is a great success, because they do not open every day. Putting candles (including "meter"), we went to the surrounding shops, buying souvenirs. The local shopkeepers are very kind. Many speak or understand Russian. Everyone tries to please the capricious tourist. Of all the shops, the shop "At Foma", which is run by a retired officer, and the shop "At Spiridon", the owners of which are the brothers Artem and Simon, deserve the most attention. We bought several icons there, oil from the relics of Spiridon, tammas (plates with images of parts of the body that you would like to heal), etc. We were also curious about food, being satisfied with what we saw and bought.

At the end of 4.5 days, we were again in the port, boarded the ferry again and reached Igoumenitsa. 3.5 hours - and in Thessaloniki. The next morning we were taken to the airport. "Dyuteshnik" plunged me into a slight shock and stupor. Prices for everything are absolutely not "duteshny". A 5 liter canister of olive oil is 44-48 euros (this is despite the fact that in "Lidls" it cost 14-22 euros. The prices for alcohol and perfumery are also exorbitant. For the first time in my practice, I did not buy anything there.

In general, the trip was a success. The spiritual was successfully combined with the material, there were a lot of impressions. Looking forward to my next opportunity to travel the world. . .

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