Sunny Budapest in the middle of autumn

30 July 2015 Travel time: with 26 October 2014 on 31 October 2014
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I want to say thank you to nata. pavlyk, her story is as sunny as this city. We ourselves were there about a year ago, but the memories have not faded so far, and I think never. We not only fell in love, but also fell in love with Budapest, for some reason from the first minutes it became somehow familiar and for some reason familiar. Maybe because before the trip I read so much about him, looked at the photo, that when they saw it with their own eyes, everything seemed already familiar. Moreover, they were going back in 2013, but the silver wedding did not happen. but a year later, it happened. We spent a full 5 days there, but spent them practically only in Pest, in Buda we were on a survey and passing through.

Despite the fact that this is the capital of the country, you don't get the impression that you are in some kind of cycle and around you there is fuss and people hurrying somewhere. No, the Hungarians always found time for us as tourists. Sometimes we looked at the map, not understanding where to pull the leg further, so they themselves came up and helped. And there was a funny story with Vaci Street. I knew that you could get to it from the old metro line and you didn’t need to change, and when I asked where to get off, an elderly Hungarian, who looked like a sea captain (well, you know, a handsome man), volunteered to help, and this is where the dog was buried . I didn’t know that the street and the square in Hungarian sound almost the same (for us), and he led us to change to another metro line. so, my husband decided that this man just liked me, so he took me in the other direction. But the situation cleared up, and I was pleased that after 27 years of family life, my husband still does not want to lose me. Thank you Budapest!

To be honest, my husband often asks why he never wrote a review about our trip, because I have so many positive emotions from this city. That's why! So many emotions that thoughts get confused, but you don’t want to miss anything. And yet, I won’t tell you everything, I’ll just say that Budapest is closer to me than Vienna, because there I didn’t feel like a grain of sand in this world. Better go and fall in love yourself!!!

A piano in the bushes - we celebrated our wedding day in Budapest

A piano in the bushes - we celebrated our wedding day in Budapest

Heroes Square

Just enjoy life

Wooden rollercoaster at the Zoo - we walked there for 3 hours, and then in Szechenyi

Maybe they also walked in the Zoo? It's not that it's bad there, the Zoo is beautiful, but after a long walk, it's so nice to take a dip more than once

Inside the Paprika restaurant, tourists traditionally come here

The hourglass was supposed to count the happy time in the European Union, but it doesn't count, it doesn't work

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If you come closer, it seems that the Parliament is crocheted. Airy, beautiful, not crushing monumentality.

Stop, a moment, you're beautiful. We allowed ourselves not to rush, but simply to contemplate, observe, enjoy.

One to one - we later met this artist in Uzhgorod. I mean, a sculpture.

Michael Jackson lived in this hotel when he gave a concert

The tree in front of the hotel is a place of pilgrimage for fans. They say that Michael Jackson was smoking near him. And this woman takes care of this place

One of the bridges. It's a pity we couldn't walk around all of them.

Margaret Island - how can you not walk on it, not ride?

And I also lay down on the lawn. Let me remind you, we did not arrange races. we enjoyed.

Our favorite cafe, a stone's throw from our hotel Medozh, by the way, we are the hotel satisfied.

A measure for alcohol - not a single extra drop in our glass

Bavarian-style cafe, here I tried foie gros

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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Рояль в кустах-мы отмечали День свадьбы в Будапеште
все для велосипедистов
Площадь Героев
Осенние цвета Будапешта
Просто наслаждайся жизнью
Деревянная американская горка в Зоопарке-мы гуляли там 3 часа, а потом в Сечени
Может, они тоже гуляли в Зоопарке? Это не к тому, что там плохо, Зоопарк-прекрасный, но после долгой прогулки-так приятно окунуться и не один раз
Внутри ресторана Паприка-сюда традиционно приходят туристы
Вот так подают гуляш
Муж сказал, что вкуснее мясо он не ел
цены, но удовольтствие по полной программе
Песочный часы были должны отсчитывать счастливое время в Евросоюзе, но не отсчитывают-не работают
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Кружева Будапешта
Если подойдете ближе, кажется, что Парламент связан крючком. Воздушный, красивый, не давящий монументальностью.
Остановись, мгновенье, ты прекрасно. Мы позволяли себе не спешить, а просто созерцать, наблюдать, наслаждаться.
Один в один - этого художника мы потом встретили в Ужгороде. В смысле, скульптуру.
В этой гостинице жил Майкл Джексон, когда давал концерт
Дерево напротив отеля-место поломничества поклонников. Говорят, возле него Майкл Джексон курил. А эта женщина заботится об этом месте
Самый длинный трамвай
Один из мостов. Жаль, не смогли прогуляться по всем.
остров Маргит-как же по нему не прогуляться, не прокатиться?
А я еще и полежала на лужайке. Напомню, мы не устраивали гонок. мы наслаждались.
Наше любимое кафе, в двух шагах от нашего отеля Медож, кстати, отелем мы остались довольны.
Мерка для спиртного-ни одной лишней капли нам в рюмку
Кафе в баварском стиле, здесь я попробовала фуа-гру
внутри кафе
чесночный суп
не думала, что фуа-гра действительно так вкусна.
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