Amazing vacation!

18 august 2007 Travel time: with 20 September 2006 on 27 September 2006
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My husband and I went on our honeymoon to Bali. We were on the island for 13 days and lived in 2 different hotels. First in Nikko Bali, and then in the Grand Hyatt - Nusa Dua resort. I liked everything about my vacation!

Nikko Bali 5 * - more European hotel. And the main plus is that there are practically no low tides, you can swim in the ocean all the time. This is the highest hotel on the coast. The territory is small, but very beautiful. The rooms are good and spacious.

The hotel itself is located away from the rest of the hotels and it is best to get from it by taxi to cafes and souvenir shops, because it is a bit far to go.

Grand Hyatt 5 * - a chic hotel area - 7.5 hectares (the largest hotel in Indonesia), a sea of ​ ​ \u200b\u200bflowers and all kinds of vegetation, as well as birds. For photographers, it is simply a paradise there - I have never seen such a beautiful territory anywhere. Those flowers that we grow in pots grow there like bushes

In the Grand Hyatt, the tides are felt significantly.

Upon arrival, the guide gives you a chart of low tide and high tide, which you can navigate. It’s just that at low tide it’s very shallow and it’s difficult to enjoy swimming, in this case the pool saves, and in the Grand Hyatt there are several of them and for every taste - with hot, heated and cold water! The rooms are spacious and comfortable, the service is unobtrusive. Opposite the hotel is a huge shopping center SOGO, which has many cafes and shops.

A trip to Bali cost us relatively inexpensively compared to the cost of many tours in different travel agencies, because we went through our friends (if anything, we can help).

The biggest discomfort is the flight, because it is very long. But to be honest, you immediately forget about it as soon as you get into this paradise! In the structure of the cost of the tour, the flight takes about 60%.

The most interesting thing is that it’s really possible to negotiate and bargain with hotels on the spot, unless of course it’s scary to go so far without pre-booked rooms!

But believe me, a holiday in Bali is worth that kind of money!

Climate and location.

The island has amazing nature - it's the tropics! It is warm all year round - the average temperature is + 27-32, and the humidity is 92%! Just a bath! The island is surrounded by coral reefs and large predators do not swim there, so swimming in the ocean is safe. The length of the island is about 100 km and in shape it is somewhat reminiscent of Ukraine

I advise all tourists not to take excursions from guides, but to plan their own vacation if you know English. My husband and I walked around the resort - there is an opportunity to rent a car for 45 USD. i. e. with a driver for 12 hours - but there is only 12 hours of light, because the sun rises at 6 am and sets at 6 pm!

We traveled all over the island with this driver, making our own routes and stopping where we wanted. We even went to the opposite coast of the island, where the inland sea and black beaches! He told a lot of interesting things! (If someone is interested - I had his contacts somewhere, I can send them).

I advise you to visit the Kintamani volcano! Be sure to go to the Jimbaran resort to sit on the ocean at sunset and enjoy a chic seafood dinner. It is also very beautiful at the Git-git waterfall, but it is a long way to go there and not all excursions offer such a trip. Be sure to come at sunset to the Uluwatu temple, which is located on a cliff 80 m above sea level - the beauty is fabulous! Ride elephants (if there is no influx of tourists, take the minimum route, and you can negotiate with elephant drivers for an additional fee and ride longer) and be sure to go to the monkey forest, as well as the reptile and bird park.

Compared to other resorts, everything is VERY cheap in Bali. You can also eat in a good cafe inexpensively and buy souvenirs. It's just expensive to get there. J

Local population.

The locals are VERY friendly to tourists. It’s not at all scary to go there - everyone smiles, invites you to return to Bali, because they understand that their island earns a lot from tourism!

In general, they live quite poorly!

Before the trip to Bali, we were warned at the agency that we would have 1 problem - after Bali, any other vacation is perceived VERY skeptically.

I can confidently say that this is true! : )))))) Have a good rest, gentlemen, tourists. Enjoy your vacation in a piece of paradise - on about. Bali!

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вид с обзорной площадки Nikko Bali
Номер Nikko Bali
Территория Grand Hyatt
Номер в Grand Hyatt
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