Savage through Thailand and Cambodia

30 March 2009 Travel time: with 01 March 2009 on 14 March 2009
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I must say right away to those who want to find in my review ahas and oohs about the "bounty" and "unearthly beauty" in a luxury hotel in Thailand - do not read, my story is not about that. We are independent travelers who flew to Thailand only with tickets and information from the forums. The route was chosen in advance - BKK (immediately from the airport) - Pattaya - Cambodia - Koh Chang - BKK (2 days).

Sea to the center. beach - none (I don’t know about the beaches of expensive hotels), although if you go to the so-called. Coral island, it's nice there - quiet, few people, more or less good sea. But cheap scooters - we bargained for half an hour for $ 15 : ) Cool layouts with fruits in ice - there are delicious pineapples! I really liked the excursion to the crocodile farm, especially to its 1st part - the park of ancient stones, an insanely beautiful place!

In the evening, the lights of the central moving street Walking Street are lit, and it becomes clear why Thailand is considered a "sex vacation".

Strip-go-go bars abound with inviting girls, everywhere they offer to go to the BB Show ("miracles of the genitals"))).

Souvenirs are good to buy in Pattaya - they are inexpensive there, and there is a large selection of them.

We went there on our own, on a bus from Pattaya, having previously learned about a visa to Cambodia, as well as a re-enry permit to Thailand, since a single-entry visa is issued at the airport. We arrived in Siem Reap in the evening, stayed in a luxury hotel for $ 15: ). In the morning at dawn, we went by tuk-tuk (after agreeing with him the night before) to the temple city of Angkor Wat. This is an absolutely stunning place and a must visit!

Then we decided to go south, to the coast, to Sihanoukville. It turned out that there are very clean and quiet beaches, and prices are even cheaper than in Thailand. Lots of European tourists.

After staying there for 2 days, we went back to Thailand, to Koh Chang. The island is beautiful, but as for me - a lot of neglected areas, garbage.

There is also a problem with sandy beaches: a lot of places where the entry into the water is rocky. If in the morning at high tide it is still possible to enter the water, then in the afternoon it is difficult because of the shallowness (the ebb is very strong, I have not seen such yet). As we understood, the beaches with sandy sunsets snatched off expensive hotels. Where the bungalows are simpler and cheaper (we did not find air-conditioned cheaper than 1000 baht), the beaches are not super. A very cool day trip to the islands: you are taken around 4 islands, on 2 of them there is a beautiful sea, there is something to do with a snorkel, on the 3rd - incomparable azure water and dazzling white sand, well, 4- th - Ko Mak, you can just look at the island. At the same time, they feed you for slaughter all day long, carry fruits and water : ) And all this for 500 baht.

We rented a motorbike - 6-8 dollars per day. There, of course, dumb mountain roads, but in principle you can ride.

Due to the heat, we only had enough strength for the 1st day: a tour of the temples of the city and, of course, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha + the Royal Palace. The temple is absolutely amazing! Day 2 we just hid under the air conditioners in the mall. It’s a pity that we found out about the oceanarium in Paragon late, we were literally 10 minutes late: (And our friends also went to the 4D cinema in the same center - they said it was very realistic and scary: )

The city itself, of course, is grandiose, impressive in its scale. I especially remember the 3-level interchanges.

As for me, Southeast Asia is not a region for the faint of heart : ) Although it is insanely interesting and unusual.

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Паттая, Коралловый о-в
Храм Изумрудного Будды, Бангкок
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