Savage to Sri Lanka. Dummies' Manual (episode 5)

27 November 2017 Travel time: with 06 November 2017 on 17 November 2017
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And the Slovenes, too, it turns out, do not live as a single prosciutto. Bought, already in the evening, not far from the fishing port by the road a piece of tuna. But they did not cook themselves - they probably do not know how. Contracted under this business of the house manager. I asked the head of the family, what was the price of the question for them? A glass of arrack! I'm a Buddhist too! He drinks and smokes. By the way, this week, having come from the beach, we found an oil painting - lounging in a sun lounger, our local handsome man smoked with such pleasure! Remember the scene from "Hello, I'm your aunt" where Gaft smoked his master's cigar? Here, about the same. After that, he complained to me that his leg hurts, showing swollen under. knee, veins. I said it was from smoking. No, he says, from arrak! Well, one does not interfere with the other! He told me that he himself was not a local - from Kandy. He works here on a rotational basis - 26 days here, then he has a day off for 4 days, and he goes home.

And at home he doesn’t drink or smoke, because at home his wife is pure Tyson, she knocks out at one moment. Oh poor thing! How can you last four whole days?

Meanwhile, the previously empty pit under our fence was filled with workers. An excavator arrived and began to actively dig. How strange to start work on Friday! Our unfortunate Buddhist said that a bank was being built here. And we just came out of the gate to swim in the ocean. Seeing the excavator blocking our way, I put my hands on my hips and stood up, as if rooted to the spot, not wanting to bypass the mud that he was hauling around here. He got out of the way, and we proceeded unhindered to the ocean. Today the waves were average and we went to the left where the reef ends and the waves break on the sandy bottom. But, since this pleasure is not available to Verka, along the way we soaked her first near the turtles, and then in a puddle near the Lanka Supercorals Hotel, not forgetting to soak ourselves.

I don't like waves, but here I frolic a little, surrendering to the elements. And Vadik was strictly ordered not to swim far, not to climb into very large waves - insurance does not cover such cases.

After frolicking here, we went to "our" beach, where there are a lot of fish. There were a lot of fish, as usual. I also found a live shell. Taking a picture, let go.

The sunset today was somewhat better than the previous ones.

Since I couldn't find Crazy's store last time, I didn't calm down and wrote to nadin65. In response, she kindly sent me a map where this boutique was marked. But when we arrived in Galle, it was still quite early, and we, while it was not hot, went back to the fort.

Last time we walked down one street and came back down another. And there are not two of them. A bit more.

How to get to the library? : ))))

It started to get hot, and we went in search of the mysterious Crazy. Thanks to the map, it was easy to find. And, indeed, I managed to snatch blue Levi's dollars there for 12 (1850 rupees). I took out two thousand from my wallet and gave it to the saleswoman. But then I was distracted by T-shirts, and I still measured and chose colors. Then, having chosen a couple, I realized, what for did I give the money? The cash desk is on the first floor, and we were on the second. I asked the saleswoman, where is my money? She reached into the pocket of the jeans I had chosen and pulled out what she was looking for.

Having tucked in, we went to the supermarket for shrimp.

Poraskinuv my cerebellum, I decided to relax the regime and bought as much as 800 grams of shrimp and four beers instead of three. Oh, let's get fat and die young! By the way, we bought the beer here, in the Galle supermarket, because in our nearby stall they drank the whole “layon”, but didn’t bring a fresh one. And for the "tiger" they took, for some reason, more money, although they are identical in taste. The check indicated that the deposit price for the container was 40 rupees. And the rogues from the Hikkadu alcohol shop counted them at 30! Here are the parasites!

Despite Saturday, the excavator was actively digging. I think he was digging in what he had dug up the day before. What matters is not the result, but the process itself! He, of course, pretty rattled, but we treated it philosophically. There are three things that you can look at endlessly - a burning fire, water, and how someone works. In our case, we had as many as two of the above - the ocean visible across the road and a working excavator!

So we made ourselves quite comfortable with beer and shrimp, watching the process of dragging the mud from one pile to another.

The Slovenians moved out, and our service worker became depressed - we didn't pour him a drink. We had enough whiskey for 4 days, after which we bought the expensive Calypso rum (2400 rupees). It was not economically feasible to drink their uncle (in the sense, too fat). A sassy guy came up to me and transparently hinted that he was starting to run out of cigarettes. I said I will deliver tomorrow. Only we will FRY FISH again! To not blather. Said ok, ok!

Early in the morning we drove back to the fish market in Dodanduwa. But the choice was, for some reason, small. The big barracuda could not be found. Instead, I had to buy two small ones for 700 rupees.

But there was a hefty marlin.

Maybe that little fish we thought was a barracuda was a marlin? The muzzle is similar.

Only canned beer is left in our alcohol shop. I had to push.

We gathered on the beach, but it began to rain and quite heavily. We sat for five minutes on the veranda - the rain stopped. Let's go to the turtles. Apparently, the rain scared away all the turtle-lovers, and there was no one in the cove! Well, that's a completely different matter! And there were four turtles today! Have fun - I don't want to! Even Verka talked to one of the Tortiloks.

After playing with the animals, we went to frolic on the waves. Then to your beach to fish.

I found a shell again, only this time not with a mollusk, but with a hermit crab.

Seeing me with a shell in my hands, a local, either a lifeguard or a diving instructor, began to resent. But I said that I'll let go now, just take a picture. Behind.

We decided to have lunch in a cafe. So be it, let's break it down. First we went to Tigris. Someone actively praised this cafe in his review. Kind of cheap. Well, it's cheap! After looking at the menu, we went back to the cafe where we dined (or had breakfast) on the day of arrival.

We didn't blaspheme much, no seafood - juicy, soup. Some rice. And then it pulled as much as 2800. No, eating in a cafe is pure madness! But! I got so addicted to spicy that I ate the contents of the bowl of seasonings with a spoon. I think it was chili fried on tomato and sesame seeds. Yummy!

Avocado soup. Passion fruit juice

Today was our last (sorry, extreme) evening in Hikkaduwa.

Tomorrow we had to dive headlong into the unknown.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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Супик из авокадо. Фрешик из маракуйи
Проходя мимо, всегда шугалась этого мужика. Прям, как живой! :))))
Лагуна Хиккадувы
В форте Галле
Витрина магазина в форте
В форте Галле
Ретро-машинка со времен колонизации (наверное)
Как пройти в библиотеку? :))))
Свадебная фотосессия в форте
На стене форта
Галле. Вид из форта
Из этого бутона получаются пушкИ, которые сразу валяются на земле. На дереве я их и не видела
Это счастье я обнаружила за своей кроватью в день отъезда
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