26 November 2007 Travel time: with 28 June 2007 on 05 July 2007
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I want to note right away what prompted me to write a review about Montenegro - this is unreliable information about this country from other sources. If you like comfort and service, this country is not for you. Everything here will annoy and irritate you, because it is a complete disorder and confusion. Personally, I went only because of nature. What I saw with the photos of Montenegrins did not cause delight! In a travel agency, I bought only travel and transit visas (Hungarian, Serbian) for 90 euros. Tour at the end of July with departure from Lviv. I arrived there, and the travel agency told me that they didn’t make a Croatian visa (although they promised) - like the required number of people didn’t get. Sucks! In addition, the tour will be one day longer, and I have already bought tickets for the return trip. Complete rubbish! I go to the ticket office and hand over the ticket. The travel agency promised me to buy a new ticket (I'm naive). In general, as the trip begins - so it will pass !!!

The only joy is the evening spent in Lviv. Evening on the market square is just a fairy tale. Easy atmosphere, unobtrusive music, you feel like abroad!! ! Well, all good.

In the morning I arrived at 07-00 at the railway station. station and began a long wait for the bus. It was submitted by 09-00, and we set off only at 10-00 (either we were waiting for a late train from Kyiv, or something else, or those who had not managed to issue a power of attorney). Sucks full! ! Remember the name of the tour operator - this is Mist-Tour!! ! Then they picked up people in Striya and other backwaters and somewhere near Slavsky stopped for lunch! For the last time, normal food - our Ukrainian borscht, potatoes, pork!! ! On the road again! Stop before the border, where the attendant makes tea and coffee. What do you think, as soon as my turn came - the water ran out! Sucks! But I did not hope for anything good on this trip. At the Ukrainian customs, my sun glasses burst and the glasses fell out. Bad sign!

Well, okay, because my beloved Hungary is ahead. I burst into bitter tears that I can’t go out and stay in Hungary, I remember last year’s trip to Budapest! How cool it was!! ! Yes, the Mist Tour is not the Accord Tour. Far from a chord!! ! The question is why the chord tour does not deal with Montenegro? Give me an answer. I demand!! ! We should also dwell a little on the description of the drivers - outwardly they seem to be people, but very often they forgot about sanitary stops !!!! ! Even when a mother with a little boy came up and asked to stop, since the child could no longer endure and cried from pain, this request was granted after 20 minutes. And they didn’t let everyone else out !! ! I'm in shock, it sucks! There is also a complete mess with visas, someone has a Serbian visa in their passport, someone has a group visa, and someone does not have it at all !!!! ! Well, of course, a mess began at the customs, besides, the escort announced that it was necessary to hand over 2 euros for a bribe to Serbian customs officers !!!

Maybe a divorce, or maybe it would be better to include this in the total cost of the ticket and not to irritate people on an already difficult road !! ! In general, Ukrainian travel agencies are trying to make our vacation the best!! ! For which they low bow! And I will continue to try as little as possible to resort to your services!!!

The next morning we enter Montenegro, the border with Serbia is purely symbolic, no stamps in the passport, no customs control. The second city in Montenegro is Mojkovac and I go out under the puzzled looks of other tourists. Is my torment on the bus really over? I get out and head to the bus station, where I find out that there are no buses to Zabljak !! ! Hehe, here's the first surprise for you. And the heat on the street is unbearable, I start to worry like what to do? I ask the taxi driver - how much to Zabljak - I get an answer - 35 euros. Yes go you!! ! For 35 euros I'll go on foot!!!!

I cross the road and try to slow down the car, one driver explained to me that I had to stand behind the bridge, there is a fork to Podgorica and Zabljak. With things in the frying pan I go to the bridge and to the fork in Zabljak. On the way I was offered to bring for 30 euros. Then for 25, after standing for 30 minutes and not catching anything, I agreed to 23 euros. And he did the right thing - the road is a continuous serpentine and up and down. I even started to feel nauseous, my ears are completely blocked. But the views are just the bomb! Cliffs, then Tara begins, the bridge of Dzhurdzhievich, the ascent along the serpentine and here is Zabljak !! ! I get out at the bus station - there is no one, there is no civilization in the face of grandmothers offering themselves and apartments!! ! There was a shitty travel agency next to the bus station offering lodging. I go in and find out that it costs 8 euros / day. And you can pay on the last day. There is no longer any desire to look for cheaper housing.

A grandmother came for me in some kind of local Yugoslav wreck, loaded my things and after 3 minutes I was in the house: a 3-storey mansion, on the first - appartmani, on the second and third - myself. I settled on the second one.

As it turned out later, that day my grandmother drove off to Pljevlja (a city in the north of Montenegro) and I lived there alone for 3 days!! ! This is happiness - you can arrange orgies and debauchery !! ! Then I washed, laid out my things, had a snack and headed to the Black Lake (Crno jezero). Alpine meadows give way to pine and spruce forests, which part and in front of you is a clear lake, surrounded on all sides by the same pine and spruce forest. The lake narrows, a small channel, and another lake, more beautiful. Everything ends with a spruce and pine forest and mountains going up sharply (Savin Kuk, Bobotov Kuk, etc. ). When viewed from above, the lake resembles a figure eight!!! ! In general, no epithets and adjectives are enough to describe all this beauty!!!

I don't even think the pictures will give a clear picture. You have to see it all for yourself. And this applies to all nature in Montenegro!! ! She is insane, pure and transparent, naive and reckless like a child's act, wild and cruel at times!! ! And most importantly, there are no Russians, Ukrainians and other fellow citizens of the former Motherland in Zabljak. But there are Serbs in large numbers and on the 3rd day it is already starting to get very tired !!! ! There is also all of Europe! The first impressions of the Black Lake are very strong!! ! I'm enchanted, I'm just in ecstasy!!! ! Crazy calm!! ! Just what I wanted!!!! ! Silence and peace!! ! Respect!! ! Perhaps enough emotions for the first day, I return to my accommodation. At the intersection of the central streets of Zabljak I go to the Durmitor supermarket. Although it is difficult to call it a supermarket. Small space and limited range of products. There are no cucumbers in this country at all. Here are some prices imprinted in my head:

- bread - 40-60 cents;

- water (1.

5 l) - 60 euro cents;

- sausage from 3.5 euros (wet) to 10 euros / kg (raw smoked);

- ice cream - from 40 cents to 1.5 euros;

- peaches - 1.5 - 2 euro/kg;

- grapes - 1.7 - 3 euro / kg;

- tomatoes - 0.8 - 1.1 euro/kg;

- juices - 1.1-2.5 euros / l;

- plum - 0.7-1 euro/kg;

- beer Niksicko (niksicko) - 60 eurocents / 0.5l, in bars 1-1.5 euros;

- Vranac wine - from 2.25 euros for 0.7l and more.

I can’t sleep for a long time, after all, the first night in a foreign country. I dress and go for a walk in the night Zabljak. There are no nightclubs here, noisy discos either. There are several bars and they are just the same and the nightlife is in full swing. I am 100% satisfied that I came here. With this thought, I fall asleep.

three happy days

I had it in Montenegro.

Don't worry, I haven't lost my mind yet. Now you will understand everything. But it was one of the three most successful days in this country. Waking up quite late (09-30), I thought to spend this day in an easy walking mode in Zabljak with swimming in the Black Lake.

After brewing tea and drinking it with some biscuit biscuits bought the previous evening at a local supermarket, “the awl in one place” decided to go to the Dzhurdzhievich bridge. I go to the bus station, where the girl in the window tells me that in 20 minutes the Zabljak-Belgrade bus will depart, just going across the bridge on Tara. Why she is still sitting there remains a mystery to me, because you need to buy tickets from the driver. I ask her how much the ticket costs, she says they say 1-1.5 euros. Freebie I think. I go up to the driver and hear from him - 2 euros to the bridge. I didn't understand why there was such a difference. And it’s not even incomprehensible, but rather very unpleasant that this is how local natives are trying to earn money. Well, God bless them, 2 euros and we leave at 11-00.25 minutes later we were already on the bridge!!!!!!! ! Respect!!!! ! Next, epithets and going crazy over unearthly beauty should again go into action, but I will not do this !!!

It's really cool there, but for all the statements about Montenegrin nature, see day 2. The arched bridge stretches between the two sides of the Tara River. Both banks are buried in greenery on one side, and in cliffs on the other. Beauty!!!!!

I talked with the French women, found out that they had already rested on the coast and now they were drawn to the north. Further, for 2 euros, yesterday's taxi driver from Moykovets threw me to the so-called beach on Tara. This is the place where rafting starts. The water is blue transparent, the color is unreal blue saturated. I did not believe that this could be. It looks like it's been processed in Photoshop. I undress for swimming, I go up, I try some water - horrific, icy, dear mother !! ! For about 40 minutes I persuaded myself to climb up there, gradually getting used to the water. And so I dive. God, an electric discharge throughout my body, a shock, the current carries away from the shore, I somehow swim and jump out to the shore with squeals. What an adrenaline rush, everything, the mind is turned off !!!

Again I jump into the water and jump out in a second and so several times. It is impossible to stay in such water for a long time, despite the fact that the air temperature is +35. I am in nirvana, I have not experienced such bliss for a long time. Respect!! ! I take pictures of all this wild nature - and I think - how great it is that I am here !!! ! And not in St. Petersburg as he wanted !! ! “The awl is still in the same place” pulls me further. I walk along the road towards Moykovets, there are rocks and cliffs everywhere. But here's a miracle, in front of the tunnel there is a descent to Tara and there, something like a small pebble beach. Hooray!! ! This place is even wilder and wilder, because there is a small threshold on the river and the current is even stronger. I explore every stone, every meter, crazy nature. I undress and into the water! With huge eyes, I jump out and scream - AAAAAAAAA. Head back into the water! My heart is beating like a crazy steam locomotive, but I still can't stop. Relax concrete!!!!! ! Respect zashib!!!!

I go further, thinking that I will find new beautiful views.

My hopes for the views came true, but there were no more descents to Tara!! ! In addition, the idea that I need to go back and how long it will take me has always haunted me - after all, I’m still in a foreign country and, frankly, underdeveloped !! ! Not even 10 minutes have passed since I have already cut through the mountain ranges of Tara on the Yugoslav high-speed voyage! I was lucky, and here in front of me again is the bridge on the Tara, the serpentine up and Zabljak. I go out near the supermarket, I wanted to buy something, but there are no tomatoes, nothing else. I go to my housing, and there they sell like tents, and so I bought everything there, and the prices are normal !! ! And all this is near the bus station, which means near me!! ! Respect!! ! After taking a shower, resting, having a snack, I go for a walk to the Black Lake. In the stalls at the central intersection I buy a sim card from the local mobile operator Monet. The display shows Mobile CG - I understand that this is a mobile CG. 8 euros and all 8 euros on the account!! ! Call to Ukraine 1 euro/min.

After drying, I go home to Zabljak. I buy something in a supermarket and in tents near the bus station. During my meal, I decide to stay for another 2 days. It's too nice and quiet here. As a young person, I should, on the contrary, rush to discos and other noise, but here everything is like a toy. I do not want to swallow the noise and dust of megacities!! ! I'm staying here, period!! ! In the evening, as usual, I go to the lake. Respect!! ! Every evening I discover something new! This lake is like a magnet! In general, all the days that I lived in Zabljak, every evening I came to the lake!! ! It has become a kind of worship and ritual!! ! But it's too late, I need to return and go to bed, because tomorrow I have a difficult day ahead, namely, for what I actually came to Montenegro - Lake Piva!!!

In the morning I got up at 06-00, washed my face, drank tea, packed my backpack and went to the bus station. At 07-15 bus to Niksic. I know that the ticket costs 5 euros.

I ask the native driver how much a ticket to Yasenevo Pole costs (it's closer than Niksic, there is a fork at Pluzhina). In response, I hear 6 euros. I understand everything, but it's so arrogant to behave. Sucks full!! ! I tried to object, but in response, as far as I understood, I received only - like if you don’t like it, go pawns. Since the people were arriving, and the seats in the minibus were decreasing, I had to quickly agree. As it turned out later, the carrier filled the entire minibus and many people rode standing up (3 hours of endless serpentine up and down, given the terrible quality of the road, sometimes single-lane and cliffs !!! ). Well, okay, rather on the road, because I know why - PIVA LAKE !!!

Somewhere at 09-30 I landed at the fork in Pluzhina. I went forward a little, and a couple of wheelbarrows swept past me indifferently. 20 minutes later I saw the bus and my hope knew no bounds! Stop!!! ! Stops!!!!! ! I run up and ask Pluzhine - I get a positive answer and it's a thrill. Yes!!!

I'm already on the bus and for only 2.5 euros!! ! Respect!! ! My happiness knew no bounds, I was happy as a child!! ! It was the bus Podgorica - Sarajevo. Now I only thought that very soon I would see what I dreamed of!! ! That's what this whole trip was all about. It was the second happiest and most successful day in Montenegro, which was remembered somehow in a special way. Respect!! ! And now the narrow mouth of Piva is already visible, there is not much left and at 11-00 I land in Pluzine. A small town on the shores of Lake Piva. I can't describe the beauty of this place. But in my opinion - this is the most beautiful place in Montenegro!! ! It should be on all the postcards of this country, but alas!! ! Here everything is still more undeveloped than in Zabljak. But the eyes rejoice at all this play of rich colors. The rich blue expanse of the lake, the yellow sand surrounding it and the greenery of the mountains that grow like mushrooms at every turn - all this is Lake Piva!! ! Respect!!!

The bus station is closed, which is not surprising, there are no signs of life there. I go to a nearby cafe to find out when the bus to Niksic will be back. I can hardly find out that there will be passing buses from Sarajevo at 13-00 and at 15-00. With difficulty - because little by little the Serbian language begins to tire and communication becomes unbearable!!!

I go down to the city (nothing so-so) and to the lake (one bar on the shore of everything). Here, in general, everything is undeveloped, there are no beaches, just a dump of some stones and sand. It doesn't fit in my head - how can this be. Already even probably with our Ukrainian underdevelopment it would be possible to turn this corner into candy!! ! Sucks!! ! Only rabid nature and pleases. I take off my sandals and try some water - respect, warm and transparent !!! ! Only the bottom is incomprehensible - neither sand nor silt !! ! It was very hot, so I didn’t decide to undress and swim (I didn’t want to get burned).

I walk and take pictures of the lake, I wanted to take a boat ride on the lake, but there is no rental here. Then I go up to the city and go further along the road. Nature is more and more unbridled, the mountains are steeper, the trees are on the steep slopes. And bridge. Through Piva Lake. The most beautiful place. Most remain on the left side. Tunnel. Again saturated blue, yellow and green!! ! Respect!! ! Another tunnel, longer. But the time comes to 15-00, which means we have to return to Pluzine.

I stood on the road until 15-40, without waiting for the bus (I was not even surprised that it was not there), I decided to slow down the car. A young guy stopped at a local ruin, during the movement we tried to communicate, in general, I realized that he wanted to cut money from me (30 euros). I immediately explained that it would be better to go pawns. I already knew this word well. It turned out that with him we drove 7 km. I walked further 500 meters on foot, stopping everything in a row. And so I was lucky - a jeep with elderly Serbs stopped.

They kindly agreed to give me a lift, but this time was a torment for me. They turned on local music - it was like funeral suffering. Sucks full!!! ! With such torment, I reached the fork in Zabljak. It didn't take long to sit there. The first car that came along picked me up. It was a man of about 45, very intelligent. I got lucky with him. All the way we communicated very well, he stopped at beautiful turns and views of the mountains. And in conclusion, he gave me a twig of a letter tree. As he said - it brings happiness and good luck!! ! Respect!! ! It's a pity that with him I only drove as far as Shavnik (he lives there) - a cool village, very peculiar, located at the foot of the mountains.

I stand further, waiting either for a bus or for another victim. And then the jeep stops. There is a father with a little boy. They go to the village, not reaching Zabljak, but having learned that I need to go to Zabljak, they decided to drop me there.

Fortunately, this Serb spoke Russian relatively well (compared to others). For communication, beautiful landscapes and a terrible road, I quietly ended up in Zabljak. Thanks to all you Montenegrins!!! ! Respect!! ! In the tents I immediately bought myself grapes and peaches (I saved money on the way back). I go to a shitty agency to sort out my accommodation (I only paid for 3 days originally). They are right on my doorstep - these two days are 10 euros each. I wasn't even surprised! After the Piva Lake, nothing could spoil my mood for rest. I immediately paid 20-ku and went home tired and pleased with myself!! ! Somewhere at 8 pm I'm already heading to the Black Lake. I just get high from the daytime Pivsky and evening-night Black Lakes. Will there be anything left in my head from today's trip in a month?

Yes, the photos will remain, but they will not be able to convey this atmosphere of a piece of heaven on earth, this irresponsibility and eternal hope for the best and ease of decision-making!!!

Waking up around 8 am, I decided to spend my last day in Zabljak in a completely different way. In the center of the city (or village, I still don’t understand what it is? ), it was decided to rent a bicycle and go to the Churovac ledge. Bicycle rental for 1 euro/hour did not work yet, although it was already 09-15 (nothing surprising). I had to take for 1.5 euros / hour. A passport is taken as a deposit. I liked the bike, but it's a bit heavy, so I often had to carry it on the slopes!! ! Near the Planinka hotel, you need to turn left and drive along the paved road all the time, without turning anywhere. In such a simple way, in 40-50 minutes I was already there. I leave the bike under the Christmas trees, then the ascent to the mountains. And the views are just amazing, just walk and gasp.

5, but 1 euro/hour. Saved immediately to the supermarket!! ! Then lunch and the last walk to the Black Lake. That evening it was especially pleasant to enjoy this natural society. The most important thing is that nothing bothers you here (well, except perhaps the endless chatter of the Serbs), everything is subordinated to your appeasement!! ! Respect!! ! It took me a long time to say goodbye to this place! I looked around all the time, tried to capture this picture in my memory, so that later it would pop up with ease !!!

I didn’t regret for a second that I came here, on the contrary, as it turns out later, I regretted that I left here so early!! ! Well, okay, you need to collect things, start an alarm clock and sleep. Tomorrow will be a hard day!!!

Wake up at 6 am. The last fees and at 7 I am already at the bus station. There are a bit too many people, but there are no buses (as the Serbs say).

Many people with backpacks left Durmitor with me, on the basis of which I made the right conclusion about choosing my place of rest. So at 07-20 we went to Niksic. Ticket 5 euros. Goodbye Zabljak!! ! Will I come back here someday? Who knows? We pass the cool village of Shavnik, where I was a few days ago. Recent photos from the bus. At 09-50 we land at the bus station in Niksic. The bus Niksic - Herceg Novi is already waiting there (via Podgorica, Cetinje, Budva). I bought a ticket on the bus - 5 euros (to Budva). You should dwell on the description of such bus villages in Montenegro as Niksic, Podgorica, Budva.

I really liked this pass system. The fact is that without a purchased ticket, a person cannot go directly to the platform for boarding or the platform, call it whatever you want. It is very conveniently made and protects from all beggars, beggars, homeless people, thieves, etc. Although I have not seen such categories of citizens in Montenegro.

For Ukraine it would be the most!! ! Respect!! ! We move on to Podgorica. Bus with air conditioning, it's hot outside, but inside it's more or less normal. Although the air conditioning does not work! In addition, the endless Serbian tunes sounding from the speakers did their dirty work. If before Niksic I still endured, then later I tried to restrain my formidable impulse, so as not to pour out all my powerful Russian reserve on the Serbs.

The fact is that local music is unbearable for the perception of other nationalities. She's just monstrous. She's annoying and pissed off. And they listen to the same thing 100 times a day. And they sing as if they were pop stars. Complete waste!! ! Fortunately, after Cetinje, the descent to the sea began and the views opened just like postcards to Budva, Becici, and even Sveti Stefan !! ! Respect! Landed at the bus station in Budva at 12 with a penny. I go out and ...nobody!! ! So much has been written about grandparents offering soba. Nobody!!!

To be honest, I was even ready for it. Left the suitcases in the storage room and looking for accommodation. I don’t know the city at all, there is no map and I have never seen it in my eyes !!! ! Shut up!! ! I go towards the sea, I ask where there are signs Sobe, is there a sobe (sobe ima? )? And everywhere I get one answer - no! So in speed I went to the Yadransky path and I was lucky again. I saw a sign "Russian Information Center". Without a doubt, I went inside. A young guy Masha was sitting there. He is a Serb himself, but speaks good Russian. I told him about my problem and he tried to help me. I called one place, but there the price of 30 euros / day turned out to be unbearable for me. The next call was already in the top 10. I was offered an apartment in a villa for 9 euros / day. However, they said that you have to pay 18 euros / day, since it is a double room. I didn't hesitate for a second and immediately agreed!!!

Plus, three different disco clubs, located one after another, compete in the volume of music. All this can not withstand the normal human psyche. Run!! ! Get out of here!! ! I’m going to the old city - there are also a lot of people, I can’t breathe !!! ! Everything is rented out for tourism - shops, cafes, restaurants. There is even a small theater stage. I saw several amateur performances there. It should be noted that I did not experience much joy from my arrival in Budva. There is nothing noteworthy or surprising here. Even the atmosphere in the old city is not the same as, say, in coastal French towns. In general, sucks!! ! One day in Budva is enough.

I spent the whole day on the Slovenian beach, swimming and sunbathing in the shade of other people's umbrellas. There are a lot of people, but this day I lay in bed with a conscience.

Early in the morning, run to the bus station and to Kotor. Already at 07-15 I left (the ticket cost 2.

5 euros) and about 45 minutes later landed at the bus station in Kotor. After walking a little in the direction of travel, I approached the old city. The streets are narrow, there are many churches, but to be honest, Kotor does not catch on, it leaves absolutely indifferent. Everything is done in one gray background. And even with the sunrise, Kotor remains black and white. Climbing the fortress costs 2 euros. They give out some rubbish. The views from the top are amazing! Respect!!!

The climb itself is hard, but the pictures from there are awesome !! ! You feel like a sort of Gulliver in the land of Lilliputians. The fortress itself is falling apart, nothing is being restored. What are they taking money for? There is also a faucet at the entrance and you can wash yourself after a tiring ascent and descent. I leave the old city, I walk through the city towards the sea. The heat is on and you want to swim. I see a pointer to some church, I follow it and go down to the sea. The beaches here are completely different.

There are no crowds of tourists and you can safely feel like a part of this warm and cozy paradise. I got back for a euro to Kotor, and then from the bus station for 2 euros to Budva, passing the Jazz beach, which I was going to go to tomorrow. In the evening in Budva, as usual, a walk through the old town, along the main promenade. I met acquaintances from Ukraine, sat in a cafe and exchanged impressions.

For one euro, I drove to the turn to Jaz Beach, then on foot. I expected more from this beach. It can be conditionally divided into 2 parts: the one closer to Budva is rocky (very few people), the rest is sand (more). There is no semblance of nudism and there is not close, as it was written in some reviews.

The main advantage of this beach is much less people than in Budva. Conscientiously lying on this beach, in the evening, as always, back to Budva. The traffic jam at the entrance to the city stretched for 25 minutes. Sucks!!!

. The beaches are stone slabs, where everyone lies, sunbathes and jumps into the sea. Sucks!! ! He returned back - he traveled along the coast along Risan, Perast (2 islands), Kotor. There is again a traffic jam at the entrance to Budva. Sucks! In the evening I went by train to Becici. Everything is much more boring than in Budva. Some hotels are 10-star on the coast. Very few bars. Boredom.

In the morning on a minibus (it seems 1 euro) I drove to Sveti Stefan. From postcards, the spectacle is grander. I took a picture (I didn’t go inside the island) and ran to the beach. The people were already good. To be honest, it was nice to swim in close proximity to this island. It turns out you have to go back a little around, and like a fool I stood and waited for the bus, until I realized. Sucks!!! ! From above, the views of the island are more impressive. And as you might guess, in Becici we got stuck in another traffic jam. Somewhere for an hour. Evening walk through the night Budva. Waugh said.

And the last one is leaving tomorrow evening. It's time to pack your things, because you have to check out before 10-00.

Leaving my things at the villa until the evening, I went to Slovenska Beach, where I spent the whole day. I want to dwell on one point in detail. For lunch, I went to eat in a cafe nearby. So I left my things on the beach - a bedding, a backpack, a phone, a camera, etc. I took only a passport and money. When I returned, I was very surprised that everything was in place. Nobody stole anything! I dive into the sea for the last time. I'm standing in line for the shower. Buying the latest souvenirs. I pick up things, the last time I visit local shops and to the bus at 22-00. We left at 23:00. Judging by the exclamations in the bus, people were happy, I think they just weren't anywhere else!!!

Difficult passage through Serbia and Hungary. In Hungary, Tesco managed to buy a cheap martini in a supermarket!! ! Montenegro did not make a big impression on me.

So, there were separate plowings, but in general, apart from the beautiful and crazy nature, there is nothing to do there, except for passing for a few days. It is much inferior in service even to the same Bulgaria, in which there is no nature either !!!

In the morning at 06-00 we were already in Lviv, I handed over my things to the storage room, and myself to the shower (on the 2nd floor of the railway station, 10 UAH). Then to the travel agency (they were supposed to buy me a ticket home). Another gap. No ticket as it turned out, no train! Sucks!! ! I had to buy a ticket to the Dnieper myself. That's how the fun started, and that's how it ended!! ! If someone has questions, write to me plaz1@rambler. ru - I will definitely answer.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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