Channel Devil

Devil's Channel
Rating 8110

31 december 2020Travel time: 9 may 2019
The devil in Prague separated a small part of the historical center and created a special atmosphere in this area. Who is the Devil who allows himself to rule in the heart of the Czech capital? This is the name of a small river that branches off from the Vltava and flows into it. Making an independent path about 900 meters long, the Devil washes the small green island of Kampa. It's better to call the devil a channel. There are many versions of the name of this water arm, but all agree that the riverbed is man-made, not natural. It is possible that the canal was dug in the XII century by monks of the Order of Malta solely for their own needs, in particular to regulate water consumption.

The devil is almost as old as Prague itself. Houses built on its shores are the foundation of the water to the bottom, which is why many call the area a miniature Venice.
Excellent views open from the bridge over the canal and decorated with wrought iron handrails. However, the natural and architectural harmony is disturbed by a large number of castles of various calibers, which are hung everywhere by lovers.

In general, there are many water mills on the Vltava and Chortovka in the very center of Prague. Some of them still work to this day, harmonizing well with the surrounding cityscapes. But the huge blade of the water mill on Chortivka, which is literally a few steps from Charles Bridge, is probably the most famous of all. It was built on the island of Campa somewhere in the middle of the fifteenth century. In those days, without a mill, it was impossible to imagine the cityscape, and the huge blades of the mill, which rotate peacefully in the waters of the river, remind us of them. According to legend, the mill once belonged to an ancient monastery, and near it lived a water Kaburek.
Now citizens have erected a monument to him near the main blade of the operating mill.

Sculptor Josef Nalepa decided to recreate the funny inhabitant of the island and created a statue of Kaburek. He sits on the wheel of an old mill in the position of a thinker, smokes a pipe, looks intently and thoughtfully at the water, and maybe forever. Such a water-philosopher, humanly understandable, with his passions and weaknesses, in short, with the soul.
Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original

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