Tallinn Botanical Garden

Just a botanical garden.
Rating 5110

7 april 2015Travel time: 29 august 2014
Despite my ardent love for Tallinn, I have to admit that the Tallinn Botanical Garden is nothing special. This is just a botanical garden with a well-kept landscaped park, a palm house and a greenhouse - a standard set of any standard botanical garden. If you live in a large city, then it probably has the same one. The distinctive features of the Tallinn Botanical Garden are, perhaps, a beautiful view of the Tallinn TV Tower and ...permission to walk on grassy lawns, which makes this place quite attractive for picnics, but whether it is worth paying 3.5 euros (entry fee) for it is up to you. Tip: it is better to come here in sunny weather. And don't forget to grab a sandwich, even if you're not going to a picnic - a small cafe in the garden is not always open. You can get here from the Viru Keskus bus terminal (shopping center opposite the Viru gate) by buses 34A and 38.
Go to the stop Kloostrimetsa (Kloostrimetsa). Tickets are sold at the entrance.
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