Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia

For fans of the Gothic style in architecture
Rating 8110

8 may 2015Travel time: 19 march 2014
The place where you can now see the most beautiful Gothic Cathedral of the Holy Cross from the 4th century BC. e. was sacred. The current version of the temple was built from the 13th to the 15th century according to the drawings of the Rouen Cathedral.

Interestingly, Eulalia is revered not only by Catholics, but also by Orthodox Christians. At the end of 2006, an almost one-of-a-kind Orthodox prayer service was held in the Cathedral in a Catholic church.

In the Cathedral of Saint Eulalia, you can see 26 chapels, each of which is unique and many stained-glass windows through which a large amount of light enters here. The temple also has a wonderful courtyard. Fountain with a statue of St. George. Goldfish. Palm garden. And thirteen white geese. These geese are called by their color to symbolize the purity of Saint Eulalia, and their number is equal to the number of years that the great martyr lived on earth.

Address: Plaza Nova. Note! Free admission to the cathedral from 8:00 to 12:45 and from 17:15 to 19:30.
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