Train station Saint-Charles

Three in one - beautiful, modern and comfortable
Rating 7110

20 may 2015Travel time: 17 july 2013
In addition to its purely practical nature, the building of Saint-Charles station is also worth looking at from the point of view of a local attraction. The building itself was built in the middle of the 19th century by the engineer Gustave Deplace. The staircase that leads to the building is a good observation deck, from here you can see the entire Boulevard Athenes.

Inside the station is modern and very comfortable. The idea of ​ ​ ecological charging of phones and other equipment is actively used here - you sit on an exercise bike and pedal, the degree of charging of equipment directly depends on the degree of effort you put in. The avenue of living (!!! ) trees in the center of the building also works on the topic of ecology.

Practical moment. In the courtyard of the railway station there is a small bus station, from where buses leave for Marseille airport and Aix-en-Provence.
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