St. Mark's Cathedral

Miracle of stone.
Rating 9110

9 april 2015Travel time: 14 september 2013
On my first visit to Venice, St. Mark's Basilica made an indelible impression on me. Mark, my favorite male name, and now St. Mark's has become one of my favorite places of worship in Europe. Its carved ladders and rounded domes organically crown the ensemble of Piazza San Marco. The visit to the Cathedral is free. You will be asked to leave your backpacks in the luggage room, and the ladies will be asked to cover their shoulders. Taking photos and videos is not allowed. We can freely examine the interior decoration of the cathedral, admire the abundance of gilding. If you want to take a closer look at the unique altar and go up to the balcony to the famous Quadriga, you will have to pay 2-4 euros. But you can take great photos of the square. San Marco. Unfortunately on the second visit most of the Cathedral was in the renovation scaffolding. It was sincerely a pity that this does not allow us to appreciate the full beauty of the square. San Marco. Well, here is one piece of advice. Web cameras!
This miracle of stone will not leave you indifferent.
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