The hotel is terrible!

Written: 9 november 2012
Travel time: 1 — 7 november 2012
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Was in "Sunny Valley" in November 2012. I was amazed that for 1000 rubles !!!!!!!!! ! per day per room - the situation in it is simply homeless !!!!! ! I have already posted the photos: it is a dirty carpet of gray-brown-goat color, stained, in some places even bald, it was disgusting to walk on it. These are torn mattresses, bedspreads with holes. These are windows from which it blows, and for the winter they are sealed with strips of paper, and its remnants remain on the window - it's disgusting to look at! An old TV set with buttons that have fallen off, catches 3 channels of the first with terrible interference !!!!!!!!!!! ! Forget about the remote! At the same time, there is also a TV in the hall - and it shows great! The hotel does not have centralized heating and is heated everywhere by electric radiators - imagine - a completely wooden hotel and is heated by electric radiators!!!!!!! ! The fire hazard is just off the charts! And at the same time, I did not see fire extinguishers anywhere! The bathroom is cold, not heated - cold horror! And now imagine how to wash? It was good that at least hot water was available. . But just steam up and then on the icy floor with your feet and into a barely warm room in a dressing gown! In the bathroom above the toilet there was a falling off panel with a torn socket, a mirror from old age already gone black with stains, a sink with a rusty stain, there was no toilet paper or soap, which is a real shock for me! I came to the hotel, and not to the private sector where everything is with me and everything is mine. No soundproofing! If you do not turn on the TV set, you will listen to what the neighbors above you and next to you are talking about, who is doing what and what they are doing. People are walking upstairs, and you hear it, their conversations and a terrible creak. The only positive is the friendly receptionist. Nice young lady, polite and helpful. Strongly do not recommend for those who respect themselves!!!!!!!!!! !
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